Announcement - Update to Epic Guild Hunts and Weekly Challenges | The Legend of Mir

Announcement Update to Epic Guild Hunts and Weekly Challenges


Staff member
We are pleased to have finally been able to update and improve some group and Guild features on Arcadia!

It has been two years since the implementation of Epic Guild Hunts and since we last updated the Weekly Challenges.

Weekly Challenges​

Baal, Diablo, Sunken Ship and Yimoogi Challenges now have updated monsters stats, drops and entry requirements.

Epic Guild Hunts​

Each Epic Guild Hunt has been updated with new monster stats and drops plus some changes to their dynamics:
Reduction in sub-boss spawns
An increase in monster spawns by.. double!
An increase in monster drops, including possible runes and upgrade mats
Players will no longer be able to teleport on these maps
Increase in hunt time to 90 minutes
Level 20 guilds can only enter 1 hunt per week – unlock 2 at level 30

Furthermore, there has been a lot of discussion recently on the forum regarding wizard pets. Changes here were made before that discussion so we may have not have yet fully considered those opinions.

There has been a slight change to tameable pets including enabling Ogre Fighter / Ogre Warriors to be tamed.

This is not intended to be a solution to the overall situation!

Finally we have fixed a potential Tao Assist mode issue.

Happy Hunting

The post Update to Epic Guild Hunts and Weekly Challenges appeared first on The Legend of Mir.

Awesome for making good use of the extra day in February this year and dropping some great update news!

Appreciate the month advance announcement of Easter event. I’m sure plenty of holiday forms are going to be submitted today/tomorrow!
In my opinion the new guild hunts update is really unfair. One player/guild exploited it and got easy 100 Elysian ores every week. Then, months later, the GM makes the epic caves much harder. There are fewer ore drops, double the monsters, and no RT option. What the heck? I'm really not happy with this, especially since it's been released so late.

It feels like you're living a year or two before of us, not on the same timeline.
Which would explain the hidden DC damage cap in pk.

@UnKnownAngel messaging you here because GM keeps deleting my response to you although it has nothing negative.

Regards to your comment "Can’t believe Mustafa said hand the server keys to somebody else, when there is literally nobody else can keeping servers running for as long as Scorpian and Warda have done. Especially whilst retaining significant player interest."

Hear me out, I respect Scorpian and Warda, and I believe they've done a significantly good job keeping Arcadia and p69 running for this many years, also I believe that Scorpian is unrivalled when compared to other GMs of mir when it comes to holding a servers survivability.

However, many years have passed, roughly over 22 years or so. As evident, the GM has become a busy individual, aging considerably and now has a family to attend to, among other responsibilities. My suggestion to the GM wasn't to sell the server to someone else; instead, it was to hire another GM to join his very small team, which currently consists of only two people, one of whom is a moderator. By the way, there's a huge difference between these two suggestions, and I hope you recognize this.
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Love everything about this update except the changes to epic caves, the one person who has exploited elys ores is pretty much done with completing almost 2 separate kits, changing it now only hinders casual players from obtaining elys ores, at this point you may aswell keep epic caves as they were.
Some of the update towards guild challenge is really good however i don't agree with the one char on account to enter, but I do agree that level cap it at 175+ to enter as noone under this level can use ely kit or add ely orbs to their kit. (This will stop further exploiting) But now everyone has to grind even harder to collect ely ore while one person has exploited it for months and has nearly a couple of chars full of elysian orb kit. Totally unfair 😒
Lets wait and see if elys ore drop from normal mobs in GC...

If they do, and if they are correctly 'drop weighted', then this is an awesome update as the individual who was taking the piss will no longer be able to. A small group will always rip thru lots of mobs quicker than even the most op individual.

Of course, if GM has reduced Elys Ore drops then yeah, this is a real kick in the nabs...
There has been a slight change to tameable pets including enabling Ogre Fighter / Ogre Warriors to be tamed.

THANKYOU . Just, thankyou.
Ok we did the Epic cave last night cleared whole of 2nd floor of mines only 1 yes 1 sub .............. intotal 2 ores dropped and thats with 1 normal mob and 1 sub .
This will kill small guilds stone dead we have a list of people waiting in turn to do armour weapons etc , normally they would get 12-16 ores a week so could complete an item in a relatively ok time ...
Now its a absolute feck fest for these people , we dont have the numbers to farm rdd bdp every night or boss camp etc etc we a small pve guild with friendly people who play when they can EPICS where thier weekly fun with a end goal insight that they could hope after time to achieve why are the avergae players being punished for the exploitation done by others ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Ok we did the Epic cave last night cleared whole of 2nd floor of mines only 1 yes 1 sub .............. intotal 2 ores dropped and thats with 1 normal mob and 1 sub .
This will kill small guilds stone dead we have a list of people waiting in turn to do armour weapons etc , normally they would get 12-16 ores a week so could complete an item in a relatively ok time ...
Now its a absolute feck fest for these people , we dont have the numbers to farm rdd bdp every night or boss camp etc etc we a small pve guild with friendly people who play when they can EPICS where thier weekly fun with a end goal insight that they could hope after time to achieve why are the avergae players being punished for the exploitation done by others ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
just when i was considering coming back to the server to make a start on elys ores, hell will freeze over before i commit to this.
Ok we did the Epic cave last night cleared whole of 2nd floor of mines only 1 yes 1 sub .............. intotal 2 ores dropped and thats with 1 normal mob and 1 sub .
This will kill small guilds stone dead we have a list of people waiting in turn to do armour weapons etc , normally they would get 12-16 ores a week so could complete an item in a relatively ok time ...
Now its a absolute feck fest for these people , we dont have the numbers to farm rdd bdp every night or boss camp etc etc we a small pve guild with friendly people who play when they can EPICS where thier weekly fun with a end goal insight that they could hope after time to achieve why are the avergae players being punished for the exploitation done by others ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Your team left 2 on the floor.
I am not a high player level in the game but from a mid level players perspective Gritt is correct 100% what's the point in levelling up to hit a wall like this crap, I can empathise with the higher levels on this, one individual has exploited this for ages so nobody can catch up, its been implemented far to late and people will stop playing as its just not worth the grind for it, its not just this though for example:

1. Skill books been after two books for a month (Slice & Nurture), been hunting and not a page from anything, full meter, drop pot and nothing at times it seems I get better drops not using a drop pot... and its not just me end game players have had the same experience on a pot, hero bonus thing, full meter and yay a bene or some item that's so crap they don't even bother picking up.

2. Gold, on my war levelling as drops are so crap I never seem to make any money I loose a load each time I go levelling, before anyone on their high horse starts about bossing, yeah done that and drops are crap too or you get a level 198 killing my n00b war, if you finally get an item to sell its lasts a couple days then your back to low cash as it costs loads to repair items.

3. Pking from high level players... yeah yeah pking is part of the game blah blah blah but seriously 195+ killing 150 / 160s... its putting people off playing, some I did caves with have quit, the player base is dying at the moment (most afk in towns) it obvious to see.

Game needs some updates, more DS maps where people can go without the grief, maybe even I don't know a GM event now and then should not be hard, world bosses, there is loads of suggestions on the forums and how about penalizing known exploiters and vile individuals that seem to get away with anything as they buy the most GG.....

How about you create a char play it yourself to see all the issues...

Rant over. sorry bad day lol.
Your team left 2 on the floor.
Wow, so if a level 30 guild gets 4 ores in total and divides them among 10 people, each person gets 0.4 Elysian ores! That means if they did 2 epic hunts, they'd almost have 1 complete Elysian ore each.

It's really unbelievable! Honestly, if I needed to upgrade my armor or weapon to the third stage, I'd be so upset.

I believe it's time to respectfully pass the server management to someone who can maintain balance and keep the game active. The server's pk/PvP activity is declining, and your response is this update. Instead of attracting players back, this update will cause even more to quit.

I think Arcadia is slowly turning into another end of life p69, but you have the power to change that. I know you're busy, but with the huge amount of money you make, you could easily hire more developers. Even just one extra would make a big difference. Please consider it before it's too late.

#uncap DC in PVP

"My god did you two go to the same drama school?

This thread is full of bitterness and contempt. I have no time for it. Cry into your keyboard all you want but please kerb your toxicity before it's too late.

Theres too much nonsense about "exploits". You all had two years to enjoy the previous versions, now the content is updated and actually fairer. Obviously the previous system wasn't working if only one player had the time and skill to enjoy it. That wasn't going to change..

Challenge maps will always get updated as they get outdated through server progression. Two years is reasonable.

Ironically most of you complaining were the ones who asked for updates to the Guild hunts!

I suspect there will be a lot of embarrassment here when you actually leave sz and go hunting"

In response to your comment below, the reason I'm putting my response here and not after is because I have tried like 6 times and you keep deleting the messages I send as if they upset you in someway, which they shouldn't as that is NOT the intention:
I think you're being a bit too harsh,
So, it seems like you're really busy, not just with this thread but with everything related to the server. That's understandable, as we all get busier as we get older. You probably have family responsibilities and other things to take care of. That's why I suggested hiring a new developer to help you keep the game active, before it dies like how you murdered project 69.

Now, about this thread – it's filled with feedback on the update you released. It's clear that a lot of people aren't happy with it, and most of them are actually upset. Before, dedicated players could get around 100 Elysian ores a week, but now they can only get 8 ores a week. Plus, the epic hunt caves got 10 times harder because you can't RT, and there are double monster spawns.

Suspiciously, you release this patch after the player was done with the ores, and then punish us all.

Imagine this: one player finds a way to exploit lots of ores, and they keep doing it until eventually they have no need for ores anymore. Then, you release an update that stops that player from exploiting ores but way too overdue as he already has no need for it anymore, you then also makes it harder for everyone else to get ores normally therefore punishing everyone.

I also want to address your thoughts about me being toxic or trying to start a hate campaign. That's not true at all. If I wanted to start a war with you, I wouldn't be buying thousands of game gold from you every now and then or helping new players. Did you know that I also record my gameplay and edit videos to advertise this server? So, please don't think of me that way.

As for your comment, "I suspect there will be a lot of embarrassment here when you actually leave sz and go hunting," I'm not sure what you mean by that. Is it a warning? Is it a threat? I won't be logging on until a change is made mainly because there's nothing to do. All the PK players have left because of updates like this one, which were supposed to bring players back but instead made them want to quit.

Right when the server's PK/PvP activity is declining, you go ahead and release an update like this that just makes players want to quit. Great job!

Regarding @ammar comment on page 2, I spent a good half hour crafting a response, only for the GM to delete it. I'm not sure why, as it didn't contain any form of abuse or negativity. So, here's a brief summary: Firstly, no, you're not telling the truth. Secondly, I do agree with you that the server lacks PK/PvP activity, and I've suggested several times some new challenges that could revive it.

FYI: a few months ago you mentioned to me noticing a damage cap in PK. Now, you've altered your kit-building strategy, keeping your DC between 2400 and 2500 , and focusing more on defence. Obviously, this change is because you're aware of the damage cap and see no point in having 2700 DC anymore. If you believe you can reach 2800 DC, go for it. However, even if you manage to reach that number (which you probably won't due to you already knowing about the damage cap), you'll still deal the same damage as someone with 2400 DC.
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Wow, so if a level 30 guild gets 4 ores in total and divides them among 10 people, each person gets 0.4 Elysian ores! That means if they did 2 epic hunts, they'd almost have 1 complete Elysian ore each.

It's really unbelievable! Honestly, if I needed to upgrade my armor or weapon to the third stage, I'd be so upset.

I believe it's time to respectfully pass the server management to someone who can maintain balance and keep the game active. The server's pk/PvP activity is declining, and your response is this update. Instead of attracting players back, this update will cause even more to quit.

I think Arcadia is slowly turning into another end of life p69, but you have the power to change that. I know you're busy, but with the huge amount of money you make, you could easily hire more developers. Even just one extra would make a big difference. Please consider it before it's too late.

#uncap DC in PVP
My god did you two go to the same drama school?

This thread is full of bitterness and contempt. I have no time for it. Cry into your keyboard all you want but please kerb your toxicity before it's too late.

Theres too much nonsense about "exploits". You all had two years to enjoy the previous versions, now the content is updated and actually fairer. Obviously the previous system wasn't working if only one player had the time and skill to enjoy it. That wasn't going to change..

Challenge maps will always get updated as they get outdated through server progression. Two years is reasonable.

Ironically most of you complaining were the ones who asked for updates to the Guild hunts!

I suspect there will be a lot of embarrassment here when you actually leave sz and go hunting
My god did you two go to the same drama school?

This thread is full of bitterness and contempt. I have no time for it. Cry into your keyboard all you want but please kerb your toxicity before it's too late.

Theres too much nonsense about "exploits". You all had two years to enjoy the previous versions, now the content is updated and actually fairer. Obviously the previous system wasn't working if only one player had the time and skill to enjoy it. That wasn't going to change..

Challenge maps will always get updated as they get outdated through server progression. Two years is reasonable.

Ironically most of you complaining were the ones who asked for updates to the Guild hunts!

I suspect there will be a lot of embarrassment here when you actually leave sz and go hunting
I think your reply is a bit harsh , some players don’t voice here on the forum due to language barriers etc
I fully understand the need for change , I have already got a few ideas on how our guild must adapt to the change but I can’t help myself if I don’t stick up for my guild
Last night they felt disappointed and down hearted with the changes No drama here just voicing some reflection on what we found and discussed during the and after the hunt.
A wheel is meant to turn ……