Undocumented Patch Notes. | The Legend of Mir

Undocumented Patch Notes.


Active Member
Since we get so little information, i thought we could all pool togeather and post what we find in here. I know most mir players are super secreative for some reason but this is for the good of the server as a whole imo. I will update the thread with our findings.

Magic Find has been nerfed across the board. How much by i dont know, but many players are reporting alot of white items dropping.

Identification of Items has also been changed. Many players are now reporting most items are Unquie or Magic Quality when ID'd regardless of the type of scroll used. 90k or 1mill doesnt seem to make a difference. (E.G i had 15 items drop in Mine 3f, i got 1 item above magic quality when IDing them.it was epic >.<)

Dark Damage seem's to have been nerfed or altered in some way. Possibly fixed for Tao's and wizards.

There is NO brown snake. -Zade

[Class Changes]
Bloodlust is currently Broken and not returning the correct amount of HP. No word on this been fixed or if its intended.

Bloodstorm, some reporting not hitting max damage. Possibly fixed.

Toxic Gas, First hit not hitting as high as it was prepatch. possibly fixed.

Crafting has changed alot, without been told whats changed exactly its hard to tell what is intended and what isnt. All i know for sure is that it seems to be VERY rng atm, leaning towards lower quality chances more than high regardless of the quality of materials used. I personally crafted an artifact item with an Epic design and a legendary Essence....

I know of people that have used artifact design and legendary essence and come back with a 2 star item. This seems so very wrong.

Salvage has also turned RNG, its now possible to get much high quality materials back regardless of the items quality itself. E.G i got a legendary essence from a Supreme item, ive also had supreme quality from salvage of EPIC items. This in its self isnt too bad imo. its the just other side of crafting thats spoiling what could be a good thing.

Anything else you guys find please post, Id rather Andy see this thread and think OH SHIT that wasnt supposed to happen then we all sit grumbling in guild chat or just not logging in :S
Re Bloodstorm, Warda gave me a fair explanation as to why my damage counter when using it never got near maximum. The maximum quoted on the spell/skill is before any reflect or avoid or other defense by the mob. eg 1900 max bloodstorm can be cut down to 1500 by mob defense. It made sense to me at the time altho I have never got near exceeding that figure with a crit strike even tho other skills regularly exceed their max with one.
Since we get so little information, i thought we could all pool togeather and post what we find in here. I know most mir players are super secreative for some reason but this is for the good of the server as a whole imo. I will update the thread with our findings.

Magic Find has been nerfed across the board. How much by i dont know, but many players are reporting alot of white items dropping.

Identification of Items has also been changed. Many players are now reporting most items are Unquie or Magic Quality when ID'd regardless of the type of scroll used. 90k or 1mill doesnt seem to make a difference. (E.G i had 15 items drop in Mine 3f, i got 1 item above magic quality when IDing them.it was epic >.<)

Dark Damage seem's to have been nerfed or altered in some way. Possibly fixed for Tao's and wizards.

There is NO brown snake. -Zade

[Class Changes]
Bloodlust is currently Broken and not returning the correct amount of HP. No word on this been fixed or if its intended.

Bloodstorm, some reporting not hitting max damage. Possibly fixed.

Toxic Gas, First hit not hitting as high as it was prepatch. possibly fixed.

Crafting has changed alot, without been told whats changed exactly its hard to tell what is intended and what isnt. All i know for sure is that it seems to be VERY rng atm, leaning towards lower quality chances more than high regardless of the quality of materials used. I personally crafted an artifact item with an Epic design and a legendary Essence....

I know of people that have used artifact design and legendary essence and come back with a 2 star item. This seems so very wrong.

Salvage has also turned RNG, its now possible to get much high quality materials back regardless of the items quality itself. E.G i got a legendary essence from a Supreme item, ive also had supreme quality from salvage of EPIC items. This in its self isnt too bad imo. its the just other side of crafting thats spoiling what could be a good thing.

Anything else you guys find please post, Id rather Andy see this thread and think OH SHIT that wasnt supposed to happen then we all sit grumbling in guild chat or just not logging in :S

Good constructive feedback. I do wish the gm wouldn’t make patch notes so cryptic. Games broken atm. Least the suns out :)
Crafting is definitely broken.. I've re-crafted an item twice spending a good few mill on materials, both times the item came out with nothing... not even 1 star.. just standard white item with a 1 added SC to it.
Magic Find has been nerfed across the board. How much by i dont know, but many players are reporting alot of white items dropping.

Not that I'm aware of? Could be to do with the changes made to the crafting system, will check it out though. Thanks.

Identification of Items has also been changed. Many players are now reporting most items are Unquie or Magic Quality when ID'd regardless of the type of scroll used. 90k or 1mill doesnt seem to make a difference. (E.G i had 15 items drop in Mine 3f, i got 1 item above magic quality when IDing them.it was epic >.<)

As above. Changes were made, however, the recent patch should have now fixed this issue? Are we talking since the recent patch?

Dark Damage seem's to have been nerfed or altered in some way. Possibly fixed for Tao's and wizards.

Unintentional mishap :redface-new:. Should now be fixed.

[Class Changes]
Bloodlust is currently Broken and not returning the correct amount of HP. No word on this been fixed or if its intended.

Fixed, just need reboot - to come very soon. We've been hesitant with it, not to be a pain, but there are other things being addressed at the moment so we're trying to get it all out in one fell swoop rather than multiple updates. Apologies to everyone for any inconvenience, but we do appreciate your patience on this. If you guys can just persevere just a little longer, that would be most appreciated. :eagerness:

Bloodstorm, some reporting not hitting max damage. Possibly fixed.

Already fixed, spoken with Nugget and gave a little advice on monster resistances and how they impact on damage output.
Found here: https://thelegendofmir.com/forum/threads/45795-Dark-Damage-and-Bloodstorm

Toxic Gas, First hit not hitting as high as it was prepatch. possibly fixed.

Fixed(?) Haven't heard anything otherwise.

Crafting has changed alot, without been told whats changed exactly its hard to tell what is intended and what isnt. All i know for sure is that it seems to be VERY rng atm, leaning towards lower quality chances more than high regardless of the quality of materials used. I personally crafted an artifact item with an Epic design and a legendary Essence....

I know of people that have used artifact design and legendary essence and come back with a 2 star item. This seems so very wrong.

Salvage has also turned RNG, its now possible to get much high quality materials back regardless of the items quality itself. E.G i got a legendary essence from a Supreme item, ive also had supreme quality from salvage of EPIC items. This in its self isnt too bad imo. its the just other side of crafting thats spoiling what could be a good thing.

I think Scorpian touched on this in this thread mate.

Without going into specifics and spoiling it all, changes were made to make it significantly easier to get higher quality upgrades.

I've done some extensive testing today and I find the results to be quite the opposite - find them a lot more generous now? Of course there were a very small few cases where the quality dropped lower than that of the essence/design but that to me is just bad RNG, which is part of the process.

So we're saying this is still happening since the latest patch? Happy to look into it further if this is still the case.

Crafting is definitely broken.. I've re-crafted an item twice spending a good few mill on materials, both times the item came out with nothing... not even 1 star.. just standard white item with a 1 added SC to it.

Without knowing what exactly you used, I can't be sure (and don't take offence to this) if it's user error, bad RNG or a genuine bug. Don't suppose by any chance you can remember what you used and what item you used them on?
Cost of materials doesn't represent success.
Not that I'm aware of? Could be to do with the changes made to the crafting system, will check it out though. Thanks.

As above. Changes were made, however, the recent patch should have now fixed this issue? Are we talking since the recent patch?

Unintentional mishap :redface-new:. Should now be fixed.

Fixed, just need reboot - to come very soon. We've been hesitant with it, not to be a pain, but there are other things being addressed at the moment so we're trying to get it all out in one fell swoop rather than multiple updates. Apologies to everyone for any inconvenience, but we do appreciate your patience on this. If you guys can just persevere just a little longer, that would be most appreciated. :eagerness:

Already fixed, spoken with Nugget and gave a little advice on monster resistances and how they impact on damage output.
Found here: https://thelegendofmir.com/forum/threads/45795-Dark-Damage-and-Bloodstorm

Fixed(?) Haven't heard anything otherwise.

I think Scorpian touched on this in this thread mate.

Without going into specifics and spoiling it all, changes were made to make it significantly easier to get higher quality upgrades.

I've done some extensive testing today and I find the results to be quite the opposite - find them a lot more generous now? Of course there were a very small few cases where the quality dropped lower than that of the essence/design but that to me is just bad RNG, which is part of the process.

So we're saying this is still happening since the latest patch? Happy to look into it further if this is still the case.

Without knowing what exactly you used, I can't be sure (and don't take offence to this) if it's user error, bad RNG or a genuine bug. Don't suppose by any chance you can remember what you used and what item you used them on?
Cost of materials doesn't represent success.

Please see my post about evil Mir weapon. That upgrade was done last night. Total of 145% purity. The item went red aswell which I’d always assumed meant a successful upgrade. But then it opened white.
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Regarding the ID scrolls 90K v 900K - I thinks its broken tried 3 - 4 items yesterday all just came out two stars - will try more today and will update you
holding off on the reboot when BL is such a vital part of a warriors game isnt exactly great, if it was a wizzys shield not working this would have been done already.
Regarding the ID scrolls 90K v 900K - I thinks its broken tried 3 - 4 items yesterday all just came out two stars - will try more today and will update you

Is it possible that the crafting/salvaging is working as intended but the final scrolling of a crafted/re-crafted item is the issue?
Please see my post about evil Mir weapon. That upgrade was done last night. Total of 145% purity. The item went red aswell which I’d always assumed meant a successful upgrade. But then it opened white.

Just reading your post, I'm confused - did it receive 2 stars or go white? If it's the latter, it looks like you got insanely unlucky on that...

Thought I would share my findings with you all, at this moment in time I'm not convinced it is broken but will continue to monitor it throughout the game. The link below takes you to a spreadsheet with the data.


Couple things to note first though:

> The first columns in the first sheet (Salvage) represent unidentified items and their outcome after using a Scroll of Wisdom. I've used the Wisdom Scrolls throughout all tests to keep it fair and consistent. The unidentified items in the first set of tests, i.e. the big long lists before the upgrades, those were fresh red drops btw.

> The second columns represent the salvage output (i.e. the essence/design result from salvaging that item).

> The second sheet (Crafting) represents what essence & designs were used on certain items, and what the outcome of those upgrades were.

> Know that, the items I chose to upgrade were somewhat random - starting with lower level items 100-120~ and ending with higher level items 160-170~. I mean somewhat random as the items I chose were ones that get commonly upgraded by you guys, things like Crystal Items, Gravenspine/Nightsmoke etc. to create a more realistic scenario.


I don't have any special powers that alter my character's luck or anything, I have the exact same success/fail rates as everyone else. The results are in no way a guide to how you should be refining/salvaging, the upgrade system encourages players to experiment and explore. In fact, if you salvage HolyCrystalArmours, CelestialSlayers and DrakeNecklaces, for example, then you have way too much money and you should totally be buying us all drinks tonight. Facts.


Edit: Confirmed MagicFind working as normal. No changes have been made directly or any evidence of any unintended side effects from other changes.
Just reading your post, I'm confused - did it receive 2 stars or go white? If it's the latter, it looks like you got insanely unlucky on that...

Thought I would share my findings with you all, at this moment in time I'm not convinced it is broken but will continue to monitor it throughout the game. The link below takes you to a spreadsheet with the data.


Couple things to note first though:

> The first columns in the first sheet (Salvage) represent unidentified items and their outcome after using a Scroll of Wisdom. I've used the Wisdom Scrolls throughout all tests to keep it fair and consistent.

> The second columns represent the salvage output (i.e. the essence/design result from salvaging that item).

> The second sheet (Crafting) represents what essence & designs were used on certain items, and what the outcome of those upgrades were.

> Know that, the items I chose to upgrade were somewhat random - starting with lower level items 100-120~ and ending with higher level items 160-170~. I mean somewhat random as the items I chose were ones that get commonly upgraded by you guys, things like Crystal Items, Gravenspine/Nightsmoke etc. to create a more realistic scenario.


I don't have any special powers that alter my character's luck or anything, I have the exact same success/fail rates as everyone else. The results are in no way a guide to how you should be refining/salvaging, the upgrade system encourages players to experiment and explore. In fact, if you salvage HolyCrystalArmours, CelestialSlayers and DrakeNecklaces, for example, then you have way too much money and you should totally be buying us all drinks tonight. Facts.

Hey I really appreciate all the work you do but could we possibly just go for the mini patch for bloodlust its been a really horrific week.
if they wanted to update and not bugg peoples game play they should get the reboot done about 2am lol low amount of players on then :D it would not bug people lol
Just reading your post, I'm confused - did it receive 2 stars or go white? If it's the latter, it looks like you got insanely unlucky on that...

Thought I would share my findings with you all, at this moment in time I'm not convinced it is broken but will continue to monitor it throughout the game. The link below takes you to a spreadsheet with the data.


Couple things to note first though:

> The first columns in the first sheet (Salvage) represent unidentified items and their outcome after using a Scroll of Wisdom. I've used the Wisdom Scrolls throughout all tests to keep it fair and consistent. The unidentified items in the first set of tests, i.e. the big long lists before the upgrades, those were fresh red drops btw.

> The second columns represent the salvage output (i.e. the essence/design result from salvaging that item).

> The second sheet (Crafting) represents what essence & designs were used on certain items, and what the outcome of those upgrades were.

> Know that, the items I chose to upgrade were somewhat random - starting with lower level items 100-120~ and ending with higher level items 160-170~. I mean somewhat random as the items I chose were ones that get commonly upgraded by you guys, things like Crystal Items, Gravenspine/Nightsmoke etc. to create a more realistic scenario.


I don't have any special powers that alter my character's luck or anything, I have the exact same success/fail rates as everyone else. The results are in no way a guide to how you should be refining/salvaging, the upgrade system encourages players to experiment and explore. In fact, if you salvage HolyCrystalArmours, CelestialSlayers and DrakeNecklaces, for example, then you have way too much money and you should totally be buying us all drinks tonight. Facts.


Edit: Confirmed MagicFind working as normal. No changes have been made directly or any evidence of any unintended side effects from other changes.

Main thing im seeing here is, you are most likely spawning these items in, How is it possilbe that you have such great results. Yet us that are hunting day in day out are getting so many results that are 2 star are below?

yesterday for example, i killed the Champion in front of leoric, usally drops alot of items and it did. out of the 20 items it dropped, i would say 15/20 where 2 star unique or below. This is a massive change from before the patch, i can collect 15 items or so from Desert mine in 6+ hours of hunting, and not 1 was above Exceptional ?

If there wasnt an issue people wouldnt be reporting a problem, but since patch its been very dire.

im not asking you to go and hunt for 6 hours like we do but it could be the main problem, are you also @ making and using 90k scrolls over 100 items? and then doing the same for 1mill scrolls and the lowest ones? Before patch we had no problem with IDing and no Problem with crafting now we do, so its not just in our head.
Sorry to go against the grain guys but this morning I used ScrollOfKnowledge (the 90k one) on a lot of unidentified items I had sitting on store chars, level 158 items I had 84 and exactly half of them (41) were 4+ stars, similar results with level 152 items, 28 came out with 4+ stars, unfortunately I didn't note how many 152 items I started with as a bunch of them I sold to shop before I remembered about this thread, but it was around about half also. To me I think these results are okay and not noticeably different to how things were before
tbh i would like a more of a details for updates when sever has been rebooted i would like to know why and what is comeing from it tbh it is not hard just to say we have a event comeing or there is a new map been added but you cant go into .... it would really be nice i know andy will update the webpage with all the stuff but i think it is 100% should be within the fourm its self .... all changes within the game aka lowering a skill or class type shoud be told but if it is to make something better it should not be told within the fourm ..... i can see what i have said with the whole if something has drop there be loads of comment fighting why have you done this put it back but the gm will have to stick to what hes done and dose not care of what people have to say or moan about
Since we get so little information, i thought we could all pool togeather and post what we find in here. I know most mir players are super secreative for some reason but this is for the good of the server as a whole imo. I will update the thread with our findings.

Magic Find has been nerfed across the board. How much by i dont know, but many players are reporting alot of white items dropping.

Identification of Items has also been changed. Many players are now reporting most items are Unquie or Magic Quality when ID'd regardless of the type of scroll used. 90k or 1mill doesnt seem to make a difference. (E.G i had 15 items drop in Mine 3f, i got 1 item above magic quality when IDing them.it was epic >.<)

Dark Damage seem's to have been nerfed or altered in some way. Possibly fixed for Tao's and wizards.

There is NO brown snake. -Zade

[Class Changes]
Bloodlust is currently Broken and not returning the correct amount of HP. No word on this been fixed or if its intended.

Bloodstorm, some reporting not hitting max damage. Possibly fixed.

Toxic Gas, First hit not hitting as high as it was prepatch. possibly fixed.

Crafting has changed alot, without been told whats changed exactly its hard to tell what is intended and what isnt. All i know for sure is that it seems to be VERY rng atm, leaning towards lower quality chances more than high regardless of the quality of materials used. I personally crafted an artifact item with an Epic design and a legendary Essence....

I know of people that have used artifact design and legendary essence and come back with a 2 star item. This seems so very wrong.

Salvage has also turned RNG, its now possible to get much high quality materials back regardless of the items quality itself. E.G i got a legendary essence from a Supreme item, ive also had supreme quality from salvage of EPIC items. This in its self isnt too bad imo. its the just other side of crafting thats spoiling what could be a good thing.

Anything else you guys find please post, Id rather Andy see this thread and think OH SHIT that wasnt supposed to happen then we all sit grumbling in guild chat or just not logging in :S

Update notes are posted on the main website
Se here: https://www.thelegendofmir.com/sweeter-crafting-and-orc-city-fixes/
and here: https://www.thelegendofmir.com/orc-city-fangs-of-the-screaming-eye/
for the latest two update notes.

There's a lot of conjecture here. I don't really know the origin of some of these misunderstandings but from what we can see the only qualify-able issue here is that Bloodlust stopped taking HP as it should. An update will be released however we are weary of rushing things out since that why there's these issues in the first place.

Crafting, salvaging and item identification were working 100% as designed in the Orc City update. The changes we made in the previous update were to remove some of the negative RNG that the system had. If you are getting bad results, then you are pushing the limits of upgrades.
Heyo, feel the same. fix made salvage horribe, crafting become loooong and hard process @end the luck with scrolling sux or the stats are not needed. classes very unbalanced Wizzards so OP and warrs just got that sweet upgrade like cross-/halfmoon more dmg or 10% more to frostfrenzy. rare (good) events and the playervalue dropped alot. Was nice to play not long time ago, whats going? what happens?
Heyo, yeah feeling same. Since the " fix " salvage become horrible. crafting takes looong time now @end youre unlucky @scrolling or get stats dat are NOT needed. Classes are unbalanced Wizzards are so OP and Warrs just got thos sweet upgrade like 10% more dmg to frostfrenzy or more dmg to half/ crossmoon skill. the player value dropped alot in a short period of time. rare (good) events. was nice to play not long time ago. whats going on?