Since we get so little information, i thought we could all pool togeather and post what we find in here. I know most mir players are super secreative for some reason but this is for the good of the server as a whole imo. I will update the thread with our findings.
Magic Find has been nerfed across the board. How much by i dont know, but many players are reporting alot of white items dropping.
Identification of Items has also been changed. Many players are now reporting most items are Unquie or Magic Quality when ID'd regardless of the type of scroll used. 90k or 1mill doesnt seem to make a difference. (E.G i had 15 items drop in Mine 3f, i got 1 item above magic quality when IDing was epic >.<)
Dark Damage seem's to have been nerfed or altered in some way. Possibly fixed for Tao's and wizards.
There is NO brown snake. -Zade
[Class Changes]
Bloodlust is currently Broken and not returning the correct amount of HP. No word on this been fixed or if its intended.
Bloodstorm, some reporting not hitting max damage. Possibly fixed.
Toxic Gas, First hit not hitting as high as it was prepatch. possibly fixed.
Crafting has changed alot, without been told whats changed exactly its hard to tell what is intended and what isnt. All i know for sure is that it seems to be VERY rng atm, leaning towards lower quality chances more than high regardless of the quality of materials used. I personally crafted an artifact item with an Epic design and a legendary Essence....
I know of people that have used artifact design and legendary essence and come back with a 2 star item. This seems so very wrong.
Salvage has also turned RNG, its now possible to get much high quality materials back regardless of the items quality itself. E.G i got a legendary essence from a Supreme item, ive also had supreme quality from salvage of EPIC items. This in its self isnt too bad imo. its the just other side of crafting thats spoiling what could be a good thing.
Anything else you guys find please post, Id rather Andy see this thread and think OH SHIT that wasnt supposed to happen then we all sit grumbling in guild chat or just not logging in :S
Magic Find has been nerfed across the board. How much by i dont know, but many players are reporting alot of white items dropping.
Identification of Items has also been changed. Many players are now reporting most items are Unquie or Magic Quality when ID'd regardless of the type of scroll used. 90k or 1mill doesnt seem to make a difference. (E.G i had 15 items drop in Mine 3f, i got 1 item above magic quality when IDing was epic >.<)
Dark Damage seem's to have been nerfed or altered in some way. Possibly fixed for Tao's and wizards.
There is NO brown snake. -Zade
[Class Changes]
Bloodlust is currently Broken and not returning the correct amount of HP. No word on this been fixed or if its intended.
Bloodstorm, some reporting not hitting max damage. Possibly fixed.
Toxic Gas, First hit not hitting as high as it was prepatch. possibly fixed.
Crafting has changed alot, without been told whats changed exactly its hard to tell what is intended and what isnt. All i know for sure is that it seems to be VERY rng atm, leaning towards lower quality chances more than high regardless of the quality of materials used. I personally crafted an artifact item with an Epic design and a legendary Essence....
I know of people that have used artifact design and legendary essence and come back with a 2 star item. This seems so very wrong.
Salvage has also turned RNG, its now possible to get much high quality materials back regardless of the items quality itself. E.G i got a legendary essence from a Supreme item, ive also had supreme quality from salvage of EPIC items. This in its self isnt too bad imo. its the just other side of crafting thats spoiling what could be a good thing.
Anything else you guys find please post, Id rather Andy see this thread and think OH SHIT that wasnt supposed to happen then we all sit grumbling in guild chat or just not logging in :S