Announcement - QOL updates, bugfixes, and new Castle War dates | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Announcement QOL updates, bugfixes, and new Castle War dates

A subscription already literally doubles storage space on this server and lets you move things around upto 4 characters
It’s a simple fix really. Tm ain’t supposed to be used as storage. People use it because it’s free storage space. Only fix I can really see to stop tm being used as storage is to put a % listing fee. Better to just sell storage space to the people who need it. Awkward one to be fair. Double storage space isn’t enough. I used to have 4 accounts with 4 noobs on each and I could easily fill all 16 noobs up in 1 day doing events.
Anything on upgrade items dropping more often? like chips and stuff, nightmare doing any upgrades on stuff these days for very little rewards, as in stats.

Is there still bosses 1 hitting end game chars? Do lvl 160 chars still do the same dmg as 190 chars?
Nah but if you're 185 you can still output the same damage or more as a 199 warr, levels dont mean much tbf

They only give you a massive advantage of dash Battle Charge, WhirlWind and as for taos/wizzies you wont be able to lionroar their pets and they will keep repulsing you when you get near them.