locking arena all day / grief play | The Legend of Mir

locking arena all day / grief play

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Active Member
i would like scorp to read and comment on this thread please.

So i havent been on today as ive been at work... but i know my guild immortals, who currently own PW as we won arena last week, have been trying to enter arena today to do our challenge.

The arena has been locked all day by our "enemy" guilds, a tactic that has been used before i may add. Now this isnt legitimate challenges, this is one person from a guild teleing in, getting to level 1 and then they leave that person inside until they tele out after 2 hours. they then co ordinate another character in a other guild to be ready to tele in once they are due out and repeat. This means we cant get inside to do our turn and put out a good score. to try win PW again. This means out guild loses out on content in the game because of grief play. Because thats what it is.

some would say we have all week to do the arena so why leave it till sunday. well we shouldn't be forced to do it early because we will be griefed out of taking our turn on a specific day but the reason is mainly that we didn't have many members on in week as a lot of us are busy with work etc... and sunday is a day where people will be off and able to log on at a specific time to take our turn.

i just dont get the mentality of this whole thing. its a game for people to enjoy. legacy actually put out a good effort last week and made us step ourselves to beat them. why stoop to locking it all day to stop us trying? your good enough to beat us legit so why do this. when arena was introduced im sure this wasn't foreseen as being an issue but something needs to change if this is going to become a thing. potentially have whoever has entered be teled out if no activity within 5mins or something.

for the idiots who have locked it all day today, if you keep up your behaviour people will just end up quiting as they cba with this crap and you will be left on a lonely server with no one to fight or trade with and the game will die. think your actions through as you will just shoot yourself in the foot.
420 tried to do it today and was locked out from 3pm on all day. We do it to have fun and get wood badge for guild 5% xp, but couldnt do it at all.

We do it on sunday because its the weekend and we can all get on together. We have US and UK players so its the best time for us all.

But a few guilds seem to be sitting inside doing fk all and locked us out as well. =/
Arena got 1 week time, why doing at last minute?
You seem to have missed the point of obw's post.

This is not so much about arena but more as to how others view mir as their own personal fiefdom, to be played how they want, only by them and to hell with every other player.

These sad sacks have such little regard for others that for having the temerity to post (or reply favourably to the post) we will be labelled 'care bear' or be told we are 'crying to the gm' and 'ruining the game'.

It is a sad fact that there are some to whom 'fairness' within a game is seen as an alien concept. Given that these individuals are putting up a score of '1' it isn't even about winning, it is about spoiling it for someone else.

You do not 'win' by preventing someone else from taking part!

I see examples of it all the time from certain other players; from antics such as locking Arena with no intent on posting a score, to continually rt'ing around a cave looking to pk an otherwise peaceful player, to trying to lure on people in SZ's etc. The list goes on. Childish bores with dubious morals.

I honestly do try to ignore them. I try to hunt elsewhere and yes, I keep a rt or tt on my belt.

However, these only apply to situations where the games mechanics give me an option.

Yes, there is 1 week to do arena but when we choose to do it should be up to us. Should we choose to do it 1 minute before midnight (so to speak) and another guild beats us to it and puts up a decent score then fair play to them, well done.

However, should multiple (allied) guilds lock it, post no score, just to prevent another guild from doing it then this is not fair play.

Some cannot (or will not) see the difference between the two scenarios, and this is (unfortunately) where GM has to step in and spend valuable time trying to prevent game mechanic abuse.

What I don't get (and will never get) is that some players whom I had thought of as 'decent' ally themselves with those who are quite happy to employ such 'tactics'. Shame on you.

As OBW states, other guilds now have Imms on the run when it comes to wars and getting a score in arena.

Genuinely, if you do so fairly then congratulations, well done. That's what a game is; play by the rules may the best person win.

If you cheat, lie, look for every dubious advantage; every chink in the games mechanics, and generally go out of your way to ruin others enjoyment then stuff you and eventually (and regretfully) stuff the game that allows you to flourish.
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This has been emailed to andy before a few times. Elysian, firstblood, doom, wildcard, notoriousdragons, legacy are 6 guilds that have locked arena yesterday, 2 guilds are not even active... which just shows what length these bellends are going to. These scummy tactics are happening weekly and is what's killing the server.
But its OK they donate their rent money so 0 will be done as normal.
Ain't even just a Sunday either. If imms are seen getting ready for arena on any day, these scum buckets jump their noob in it and afk. Don't even get a score just afk in a corner. Only 1 wall they can't win legit and they have to grief play it. Not even just us that suffer, what about all the other guilds that wanna do it? Atleast 3 other guilds do arena which they was stopped also. Imagine how sad your life must be do things like this 😅😅
One simple solution is to add storage npc in the waiting room and Arena teleport to the Teleport Npc in any town which only activates if clicked when grouped and leader is in waiting room
This way no one can see people preparing etc
2nd idea is have like epics simultaneously open 24/7 so any guild any time can do there’s

Both of these suggestions should be not needed if fair play prevailed but alas it’s not the case each week
I bought some gg yesterday and regret it after seeing this mess

6 guilds actively going out of their way to prevent us from enjoying the game, to absolutely zero advantage to themselves

I'd love to understand the rules around grief play these days, does it come with harsh punishments? If not then I'm willing to step up my game and do likewise if that's the only way to compete
I mean, if there legitimate pvp etc. I fully understand that's part of the game. But this is anti-gameplay. They're literally doing what they can do prevent us from playing and it's working.

If they need to resort to this kind of tactic because they aren't good enough to beat us then maybe that's a problem they need to work on. Resorting to this kind of thing just looks to me like an admission that they can't win legitimately.

Looking forward to GM response on whether or not this kind of grief play is allowed/encouraged or if it will be punished
Arena got 1 week time, why doing at last minute?
People have jobs and families. Sunday evening is the best time that suits the majority of us. If arena 'week' went from Thursday to Wednesday we'd still do it on a Sunday. It's the time than suits us, nothing to do with whether or not it's 'last minute'

You lot know this and intentially stop us from doing it, nothing we can do about it, it's not gameplay. It's just grief actions simple as that and I trust GM will punish you accordingly
The solution is very simple do Arena, RDD, BPD , same as GC multiple maps that can be open from every guild simultaneously at any time . All of those listed before are safe maps ment to be enjoyed by everyone not be Block by grief players
The solution is very simple do Arena, RDD, BPD , same as GC multiple maps that can be open from every guild simultaneously at any time . All of those listed before are safe maps ment to be enjoyed by everyone not be Block by grief players
I think this would good idea to be honest because this kinda thing has been happening for aslong as I can remember. both sides have been guilty of this kinda thing weather it be people blocking the doors in on 1st floor in rdd or when it all changed and people just ended up teleing into bdp/rdd and so other guild could not regardless of the reasoning behind it.

with that being said this is just one of the reasons I choose not associate to much with them anymore just it gets very sour and petty and I cba I’ll much rather now just be play the game and help out the newer players who don’t want to be involved with the pvp side of things.

So I think this idea will definitely be the best alternative to stop these kinda things happening. charge the 200 ds if you already used your weekly guild hunts and make that all the same just as you say make it so each guild tele into there own map.
I think this would good idea to be honest because this kinda thing has been happening for aslong as I can remember. both sides have been guilty of this kinda thing weather it be people blocking the doors in on 1st floor in rdd or when it all changed and people just ended up teleing into bdp/rdd and so other guild could not regardless of the reasoning behind it.

with that being said this is just one of the reasons I choose not associate to much with them anymore just it gets very sour and petty and I cba I’ll much rather now just be play the game and help out the newer players who don’t want to be involved with the pvp side of things.

So I think this idea will definitely be the best alternative to stop these kinda things happening. charge the 200 ds if you already used your weekly guild hunts and make that all the same just as you say make it so each guild tele into there own map.
Exactly every guild will have his chance to do their hunt at the time that suits them , and the 200 souls payment will stop the farming of those caves
So u all went qq over blocking arena for 1 day and call it grief play. What about declare wars over 2 months every day with out showing which obv thats the main grief play. So u guys did grief play for 2 months till now and when we punish u lot for 1 day come here moaning.which shows what hypocriate people . So before looking at any thing else andy must look at war system and should give punishments at those declare and no show. So before u come here talk and cry about grief dont start it.IMG-20230313-WA0000.jpg
So u all went qq over blocking arena for 1 day and call it grief play. What about declare wars over 2 months every day with out showing which obv thats the main grief play. So u guys did grief play for 2 months till now and when we punish u lot for 1 day come here moaning.which shows what hypocriate people . So before looking at any thing else andy must look at war system and should give punishments at those declare and no show. So before u come here talk and cry about grief dont start it.View attachment 705
Remember imms had all walls for almost an year and u guys did the same . And yes warring system is faulty.
So u all went qq over blocking arena for 1 day and call it grief play. What about declare wars over 2 months every day with out showing which obv thats the main grief play. So u guys did grief play for 2 months till now and when we punish u lot for 1 day come here moaning.which shows what hypocriate people . So before looking at any thing else andy must look at war system and should give punishments at those declare and no show. So before u come here talk and cry about grief dont start it.View attachment 705
Am I right in assuming by ButchBitch's comment in the screen shot that it was thought to be Legends that was blocking arena so we win. This is not the case at all. We regularly take part and whether we come 1st or last we don't care but we get a shield for a little boost for our members who are all on at different times with members from UK, Italy, Sweeden, Greece etc etc. We would have been in the same position as other guilds on Sunday had we not arranged to do Arena challenge on Friday. We are not a big guild, we don't have a load of players on at the same time. We regularly do arena with just 2 or 3 players, it just so happened that we prearranged it and got 8 players on to do arena. But we don't resort to grief play. Personally I think whoever was responsible the GM should ban them, its not fair on others for these kind of actions to just go unpunished because they simply just carry on doing it.

Am I right in assuming by ButchBitch's comment in the screen shot that it was thought to be Legends that was blocking arena so we win. This is not the case at all. We regularly take part and whether we come 1st or last we don't care but we get a shield for a little boost for our members who are all on at different times with members from UK, Italy, Sweeden, Greece etc etc. We would have been in the same position as other guilds on Sunday had we not arranged to do Arena challenge on Friday. We are not a big guild, we don't have a load of players on at the same time. We regularly do arena with just 2 or 3 players, it just so happened that we prearranged it and got 8 players on to do arena. But we don't resort to grief play. Personally I think whoever was responsible the GM should ban them, its not fair on others for these kind of actions to just go unpunished because they simply just carry on doing it.

U obv completely miss under standing the post. Butchbitch is member in immortals and obv its pookies alt every one knows that. No one against the legends pal. And obv they blocked arena last week when they wanted to beat legacy and told thier alliance to follow to block us. So they obv did the same we just show how hypocriate and less intilegence they are.
So u all went qq over blocking arena for 1 day and call it grief play. What about declare wars over 2 months every day with out showing which obv thats the main grief play. So u guys did grief play for 2 months till now and when we punish u lot for 1 day come here moaning.which shows what hypocriate people . So before looking at any thing else andy must look at war system and should give punishments at those declare and no show. So before u come here talk and cry about grief dont start it.View attachment 705

Awesome post, thank you for clarifying your position. Are you leader of your guild? I sincerely hope so.

Cast your mind back to when Imms held all the walls, numerous posts over how unfair it all was to 'the others', numerous times a war was declared on Imms but no one showed or a token force showed right at the last moment in an attempt to steal the wall. Particularly during moons (but I digress).

I think it fair to say, it got pretty bitter. Me, I loved all the no shows, easy retention of the wall.

However, others in my guild didn't see it like that so they posted (as is their right, my view may not necessarily be the right view) that they found it annoying when 'the other side declare and don't show' and that wars should be made more expensive to declare.

What was the consensus of opinion at that time? Does anyone remember? I think I do. It was STFU.

I seem to remember a post by Scorp 'if you hold a wall, be prepared to defend the wall'. Scorp, if you didn't post this I apologise for the incorrect attribution but I feel it a fair comment that reflects how the situation was viewed, how it was resolved and how we moved forward.

So, here we now are. 'The others' hold all the walls, imms hold none. Sometimes Imms do declare and don't show. Sometimes Imms do declare and put on the best show that we can but it isn't enough. At this time 'the others' are better than us. Congratulations.

However, if you hold a wall, be prepared to defend the wall!

So why does the OP now seek to 'punish' us. The non-issue of declaring and not turning up, declaring and only a few turning up, or declaring and turning up in force is just that, a non-issue. Previously raised, previously discussed, previously resolved.

If Imms had actually transgressed, would it not be for the GM to sort? Or must we now accommodate self appointed content controllers?

The Op's logic is as flawed as their understanding of when to speak and when to shut up (because 'the others' are winning, look at who holds all the walls at this time).

Scorp, this person is happy to admit that they are deliberately blocking content of the game for others. Surely, locking content and then deliberately not using that content in order to 'punish' others is grief play?

Please deal with accordingly.
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