Item Attributes
The Legend of Mir
The Legend of Mir
Now, for those of you who are already familiar with The Legend of Mir's item stats, you may be aware of the generic item stats that have been there since the very beginning. Such stats you may already be aware of are; DC / SC / MC / AC / AMC etc etc. Since the evolution of The Legend of Mir, there have since been greater modification to your equipment that have been made available which may greatly improve (or massively impede) your hunting and boss slaying experiences.
Detailed below are the many different equipment modifications which can be found throughout your adventures - from the generic stats, to the newly improved elemental bonus stats.
Generic Stats
As mentioned above, the generic stats have been present since the beginning of Mir and will be found on nearly every single item you discover.
Listed below are the original stats that can be found throughout the game:
Attribute Type | Description |
AC (Armour Class) | Defense attribute that reduces incoming melee attack damage, or may completely ignore damage if the value is much greater than the attacker's DC & Accuracy. |
AMC/MAC (Magic Armour Class) | Defense attribute that reduces incoming magic attack damage, or may completely ignore damage if the value is much greater than the attacker's SC / MC. |
DC (Destructive Class) | Offense attribute that controls the effectiveness of melee-based abilities, the primary attribute for the Warrior class. |
MC (Magic Class) | Offense attribute that controls the effectiveness of magic-based abilities, the primary attribute for the Wizard class. |
SC (Soul Class) | Offense attribute that controls the effectiveness of soul-based abilities, the primary attribute for the Taoist class. |
Durability | Defense attribute that controls the integrity of an item. Durability will begin to fall the more an item is used in battle. Upon reaching zero durability, the item will be rendered ineffective and all associated attributes & abilities are void until the item is repaired. |
Agil (Agility) | Defensive attribute that counteracts the Accuracy offensive attribute by increasing the wearers ability to avoid incoming melee-based damage. |
Acc (Accuracy) | Offensive attribute that controls the chance for melee-based attacks to bypass a target's AC. |
Attack Speed | Offensive attribute that controls the speed of melee-based attacks. Ranged spells and abilities are not affected by attack speed. |
Slow | Offensive attribute that controls the chance of a target being slowed. Targets affected by Slow have reduced movement and attack speed. Slow will affect melee-based attacks, as well as ranged attacks that possess the ability to inflict the Slow status effect. |
Health + | Defensive attribute that increases maximum Health Points (HP). |
Mana + | Defensive attribute that increases maximum Mana Points (MP). |
Critical Hit % | Offensive attribute that determines the chance of inflicting maximum damage to opponents for both melee and magic-based attacks. Critical Hit also determines the chances of casting optimised buffs. |
Critical Strike | Offensive attribute that controls the chance of inflicting an additional damage bonus on top of any other offensive attributes. |
Health Regeneration % | Defensive attribute that influences the recovery rate from healing sources - whether that be from player healing abilities or consuming Health Potions. |
Mana Regeneration % | Defensive attribute that influences the recovery rate whenever a Mana Potion is consumed. |
Undead Damage | Offensive attribute that improves the melee damage output against undead targets. |
Special Item Bonuses
There are certain items you will come across which have special bonuses that cannot be randomly acquired on most of the other items you come across. Some of these bonuses can greatly increase your chance of survival in most situations. Displayed below is an example of a special item which offers the partial invisibility bonus.

Listed below are several bonus items which can be obtained and their specialist effects:
Attribute Type | Description |
Grants the wearer a cloak of invisibility | Applies a partial invisibility effect to the wearer that hides them from certain monsters. The effect does not work against other players, bosses, subs or special enemy types. |
Converts 2MP to 1HP | Mana Points are consumed instead of Health Points when the wearer receives damage. Once Mana reserves have been depleted, the wearer will begin to lose Health Points as normal. |
Leech Life % | Determines the chance of returning Health Points back to the wearer whenever they deal melee damage to a target. The high the damage output, the more health points will be returned to the wearer. Leech Life % chancess do not stack with other items that apply the same bonus. |
Causes paralysis | Grants the wearer a small chance to cause paralysis to a target when dealing melee damage. Target's affected by paralysis will be unable to move or attack for a short period of time. |
Revives player on death | Upon taking fatal damage, the wearer will avoid death and any Health Points lost will be restored. For each successful revive, the item will lose one point of durability. Cooldown between each successful revive is 1 Minute inside of Safe Zone areas, and 5 Minutes outside of safe zones. |
Resists Freeze | The wearer can no longer be frozen. This does not make the wearer immune to slow effects. |
Conditional Items
Some items you find will have special characteristics which often change the dynamic of item wielding, for good or for bad.

Listed below are several examples to refer to:
Attribute Type | Description |
Stats dependent on class | The item's attributes will vary depending on the class of the wearer. |
Cannot be special repaired / cannot be repaired | Prevents the item from being repaired / special repaired. Standard repair options are cheaper than Special Repair but the risk of losing durability is almost certain. Special Repair options are more expensive but prevent the item from losing durability after being repaired. |
Item breaks on death | The item will break if being worn at the time of death. Only death in a hostile drop zone will break the item, deaths inside PvP zones will not affect the item. |
Light Radius | Applies a perpetual light source around the wearer, similar to that of a Torch. |
Cannot be traded | Item cannot be traded to other players, sold to merchants or put into stalls. |
Cannot be dropped by hand | Item cannot be manually dropped from the player's inventory. |
Cannot drop on death | Item cannot be dropped on death, even in hostile drop zones. |
Item cannot be removed when worn | Once the item is equipped, it cannot be manually removed. The item can only be removed from the player through death in a hostile drop zone. |
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