Leading Contributor
Okay, since I keep on getting mentioned every time a new wiz starts, and I'm always regurgitating the same advice, I thought I'd just fling it all out in 1 big thread. The following guide is based on my own experiences through exploration and trial and error and is absolutely not the "only" way or maybe not even the "best" way, if such a thing exists. Your mileage may vary. Refunds are not available. See promotional packs for details.
Starting out
If you've played other servers and know your way around Mir a bit, then you can skip this. Just run straight to BW and start the farmer quests, see next section.
If you're new to Mir, then see Emily NPC in Border Village (where you start off) and follow her quests. They will guide you through the basics of the game, buying and selling, collecting items, equipping items, potions, and of course killing stuff!
You should be able to complete all these quests in an hour or so. Once finished, you will gain access to teleport to the main towns, Bichon Wall (BW) and Arcadia (Arc), by pressing the H (home) key. Go to BW and find the farmer, he will have a lot more quests for you, the rewards will get you levelled up nice and quick.
Getting into the game
Continue with the farmer quests up to at least 75, but aim for level 90+ if possible.
A lot of the quests will seem confusing, but there's plenty people willing to help out with advice and hints to help you along the way if you're struggling to find items needed etc.
If you're new to Arcadia, these quests will give you a good tour of the main areas so they are really advisable, but by no means essential. If you really want to kill some things yourself outside of the quest lines of course you're free to do so, but it'll generally take longer that way.
The farmer quests are split into three sections. Journey to Rebirth is the easiest section and is available to you immediately. The other two sections require you to complete the heroes quest, we will come to that later. There is a vague guide to the Journey to Rebirth quests here, it's pretty out of date and some of the information isn't quite right or just plain missing, but it offers some good hints. Spoiler alert though if you want to try and figure out the quests yourself.
Level 75 to 91
Up to about level 82, Prajna Temple can be good exp for you. Tame left guards and right guards and run around the place letting them do most of the work killing other minotaurs, after about 82 you'll notice the exp rate starting to drop and you'll need to find harder places to visit.
Sunken temple is pretty good from 80 up to about level 100, other good options at this stage include Svaltus cave and Cisthene cave. They are a bit harder but are a good challenge and the mobs do give more exp each kill.
As for items, don't worry too much about that at this stage, just scrounge whatever you can that you can wear for now. Don't concern yourself with added stats yet, just look for the things that have the most MC and that'll do for now. If you find yourself stuck for gold, go to Tongs Tomb with an empty bag, kill everything that moves! They won't hurt you as they are quite low level, and they drop MP pots that you can use along the way, though you won't need many. Fill your bag with all the foods that drop, when your bag is full take it to town and sell to the trader in the middle of BW. Each time you sell up a full bag you'll make something like 150k gold and it won't take that long.
Level 91 to 106
For these levels you will live in Zuma Dungeon. You can Turn Undead (TU) everything except rats. Tame rats and use them to kill other rats. TU all the zumas!
4th floor (4F) is quite nasty because it has lots of archers so better to stay on 3F or below until you have some confidence and maybe some level 100+ armour. At this point it's worth it to keep an eye out for items other players may be selling on auction house (AH) - you can access it when you are in any safe zone by clicking the icon that looks like a white house on a blue button near the bottom right of your screen. You want to look for RisingSun items (level 100+) and Arcane items (level 108+)
This is probably a good time to do the Heroes quest. It requires 3 people (it won't let you in without exactly 3 people grouped) and is really aimed at level 60-80 players, so will be pretty easy for you. Ask around in town for people who haven't done it yet and try to get a group together. It should take the three of you about an hour to an hour and a half. It's quite fun to figure out as you go along, but if you really want some spoilers then check out the full guide here. Once you have completed the Heroes quest, it will unlock the rest of the farmer quests, and also you get access to Hero village, which contains an NPC (Jeweller) that special repairs all items except boots and belts. It's also worthwhile having a look at the quest NPC in Tristam if you enjoy quests. The rewards for those are less useful, but it's more quests, so go for it if you like that kind of thing.
More TU!
By 103/104 you'll notice Zumas will be starting to give you a bit less exp, it's time to move on! Savage Wooma Temple (SWT) is where you want to be. There's a bit of a tough transition here as ZD will start to give a lot less exp but until 106 you'll find mobs in SWT that you can't TU yet. So just strike a balance, try both and see what works for you for these few levels.
Once you are level 106 you can TU everything except dung and dark. Darks are terrible pets. Tame dungs and use them to kill darks and other dungs. TU all the woomas. Once you get a bit of confidence go to the area on 2F around the stairs to Kings Room (KR). The respawns there are so fast you won't even need to move. Just stand and TU everything and they'll keep coming! Pick up all foods etc. that drop and sell them to trader, you'll need 40 million gold for the next stage so get saving!
Do watch out for super (blue) woomas, they can be tasty! They drop loads of foods but you can't TU them and they might take a while to kill, so do be careful.
Look out for Azure items on AH, you might even find some with some extra fire damage!
Moving up in the world
Level 116 is an exciting time for a young wizard. You get to learn Inferno! It costs 100gg in game shop, sell gold bars for gg if you don't want to spend real money - 10 million gold = 1 gold bar which you can sell for around 26-30gg. Suddenly selling all those foods is starting to seem worth it! If you don't have enough, spend a bit of time back in Tongs Tomb, you can mop up those tongs really easily now so can fill your bag super quick.
Once you have inferno, go to Ayarin Province, and visit the Jungle on 4F (it's the only floor in that place with NO ranged mobs, so it's great for wizards), lure at least 10 mobs together at a time, cast inferno and just run around until they are all dead, try to run in such a way that the mobs stay on the fire as much as possible. If you can afford any mass kill spells (such as MeteorStrike or FireStorm) then get those, they will make the process quicker! Don't bother with pets at this stage, they won't help much with these lures.
This area is a prime spot for PK (Player Killers), other players will try to kill you either to steal your items or just to get you out of the area so they can have more mobs to kill for themselves. Either way, keep your wits about you here.
Remember to keep watching AH for suitable items. Ideally Apostate (level 123) and Zeus (level 128) sets as these are suited to your level and still go for really low prices so will be affordable. If you find yourself flush with gold and gg, maybe treat yourself to some grand items (level 120, but really rare, much better stats than other things at this level but also way more expensive) or even some crystal (similar idea to grand, but level 132). Bear in mind that by this stage you will see items that are not quite the same level. The levels I state for items are the base levels and base stats, items with added stats also increase with level requirements up to 7 levels higher than normal, so do keep an eye on that.
You'll probably live in Jungle 4F until around 135, that's the stage where you can start getting some really good items to wear so you can kill much quicker. Higher level places are available to you as a wizard, but the mobs will simply take too long to kill, better stay in Jungle and get practising your inferno technique before things really heat up.
Not a noob any more
Levels 135-152 is a great fun part, as you have LOADS of options!
Blue Dragon Dungeon / Jungle 4F / Isle of the Dead / Savage Terror Temple.
You'll probably have some Game Points (GP) by now, you gain them when killing super (blue) and champion (red) mobs, as well as bosses of course. If you have enough GP, then use it in blue, get as much fire damage kit as you can, level 130 gear with good added fire damage can increase in level as high as 137 and can be had for a good price. You will be able to clear 1F in BDD solo by now. If you can get someone to go with you to unlock 2F, then go clear 2F too and then go back to 1F and clear again and repeat. Your 100 GP gets you 4 hours in there so make the most of it! Call of Phoenix (CoP) is an incredibly powerful spell here, definitely get that ASAP!
If you run out of BP then Jungle 4F remains decent exp until about 150 so you can use that as a fallback. Isle of the Dead will also be possible here, just RT around and do the same as you do in Jungle.
Another viable option for you here that seems to be under-utilised is Savage Terror Temple, these mobs para and can hit quite hard and give a bit less exp, but there's really big lures available on 3F so it's good for a bit of fun and something different. Depending on your damage this might work out better for you. Try out all these options and see what works best for you!
If you want some pets, they might help, some people really like using them for levelling but I was never a fan, I tend to only use them for bosses. The beauty of the game though is that everyone is different, so give it a try and do what suits your playing style. Your best options at this stage are Yetis from BDD or Terrors from Savage Terror Temple.
The big leagues
By the time you hit level 152 you'll notice BDD not really giving any exp any more. It's time to move on if you haven't already. A lot of people abandon BDD in favour of Tomb of the Dead or Crystal Temple well before this, but that's just giving yourself more work. BDD will be really easy for you by this stage so you're as well just staying there until it's not viable any more. Unless of course you're really sniffing out the higher level drops that come with the higher level areas!
As a wizard, in Tomb of the Dead, your biggest pain in the ass will be archers. They vary in level from 149 to 153, so by the time you're 152/153 you should be able to TU just about all of them. Run around and TU all the archers first, ignore the other mobs until the archers are dealt with. Once the area you are in is archer free, gather all the rest of the mobs together and pop down your inferno and frozen ground (oh yeah, buy frozen ground!) and get them smashed. Note that everything here is undead, so fire spells will be a bit weaker against them. Use lightning and ice where possible, but remember CoP can still be very effective when used right. Practice your technique on the main floors, and once you're more confident try the totem rooms. They are really busy with mobs but are great fun to clear when you get it right. You can get viable exp in here right up until around 162, you'll notice the exp starting to drop a bit around 159/160 so how long you stay here really depends on your patience!
During these levels it'll certainly be worthwhile joining groups who frequent BDD and RDD. Even though the lower floors won't be much use to you any more, the later floors can still churn the exp in and there's often some goodies to be had.
Feeling brave?
Crystal Temple. Don't go without a Frost Guard!
It's really tempting to jump into the highest level cave at a lower level, but you're missing out on so much fun content, and you'll spend that long trying to run around and not die you won't be levelling any faster here. However, it's definitely possible from 150+ (when you can finally wear a Frost Guard) and is actually the only place possible to get exp by yourself from 162+
It should be obvious by now, that these mobs are weak to fire. They hurt a lot so get bloodstorm as soon as you hit level 154, and break out the inferno, blaze, firewall, CoP, everything! Get some nice big tasty lures and rake in the exp. Just watch out as there are plenty blues, reds and bosses around. And brutes just love to catch you off guard, sneaking into your lures when you aren't paying attention.
Best of luck!
Starting out
If you've played other servers and know your way around Mir a bit, then you can skip this. Just run straight to BW and start the farmer quests, see next section.
If you're new to Mir, then see Emily NPC in Border Village (where you start off) and follow her quests. They will guide you through the basics of the game, buying and selling, collecting items, equipping items, potions, and of course killing stuff!
You should be able to complete all these quests in an hour or so. Once finished, you will gain access to teleport to the main towns, Bichon Wall (BW) and Arcadia (Arc), by pressing the H (home) key. Go to BW and find the farmer, he will have a lot more quests for you, the rewards will get you levelled up nice and quick.
Getting into the game
Continue with the farmer quests up to at least 75, but aim for level 90+ if possible.
A lot of the quests will seem confusing, but there's plenty people willing to help out with advice and hints to help you along the way if you're struggling to find items needed etc.
If you're new to Arcadia, these quests will give you a good tour of the main areas so they are really advisable, but by no means essential. If you really want to kill some things yourself outside of the quest lines of course you're free to do so, but it'll generally take longer that way.
The farmer quests are split into three sections. Journey to Rebirth is the easiest section and is available to you immediately. The other two sections require you to complete the heroes quest, we will come to that later. There is a vague guide to the Journey to Rebirth quests here, it's pretty out of date and some of the information isn't quite right or just plain missing, but it offers some good hints. Spoiler alert though if you want to try and figure out the quests yourself.
Level 75 to 91
Up to about level 82, Prajna Temple can be good exp for you. Tame left guards and right guards and run around the place letting them do most of the work killing other minotaurs, after about 82 you'll notice the exp rate starting to drop and you'll need to find harder places to visit.
Sunken temple is pretty good from 80 up to about level 100, other good options at this stage include Svaltus cave and Cisthene cave. They are a bit harder but are a good challenge and the mobs do give more exp each kill.
As for items, don't worry too much about that at this stage, just scrounge whatever you can that you can wear for now. Don't concern yourself with added stats yet, just look for the things that have the most MC and that'll do for now. If you find yourself stuck for gold, go to Tongs Tomb with an empty bag, kill everything that moves! They won't hurt you as they are quite low level, and they drop MP pots that you can use along the way, though you won't need many. Fill your bag with all the foods that drop, when your bag is full take it to town and sell to the trader in the middle of BW. Each time you sell up a full bag you'll make something like 150k gold and it won't take that long.
Level 91 to 106
For these levels you will live in Zuma Dungeon. You can Turn Undead (TU) everything except rats. Tame rats and use them to kill other rats. TU all the zumas!
4th floor (4F) is quite nasty because it has lots of archers so better to stay on 3F or below until you have some confidence and maybe some level 100+ armour. At this point it's worth it to keep an eye out for items other players may be selling on auction house (AH) - you can access it when you are in any safe zone by clicking the icon that looks like a white house on a blue button near the bottom right of your screen. You want to look for RisingSun items (level 100+) and Arcane items (level 108+)
This is probably a good time to do the Heroes quest. It requires 3 people (it won't let you in without exactly 3 people grouped) and is really aimed at level 60-80 players, so will be pretty easy for you. Ask around in town for people who haven't done it yet and try to get a group together. It should take the three of you about an hour to an hour and a half. It's quite fun to figure out as you go along, but if you really want some spoilers then check out the full guide here. Once you have completed the Heroes quest, it will unlock the rest of the farmer quests, and also you get access to Hero village, which contains an NPC (Jeweller) that special repairs all items except boots and belts. It's also worthwhile having a look at the quest NPC in Tristam if you enjoy quests. The rewards for those are less useful, but it's more quests, so go for it if you like that kind of thing.
More TU!
By 103/104 you'll notice Zumas will be starting to give you a bit less exp, it's time to move on! Savage Wooma Temple (SWT) is where you want to be. There's a bit of a tough transition here as ZD will start to give a lot less exp but until 106 you'll find mobs in SWT that you can't TU yet. So just strike a balance, try both and see what works for you for these few levels.
Once you are level 106 you can TU everything except dung and dark. Darks are terrible pets. Tame dungs and use them to kill darks and other dungs. TU all the woomas. Once you get a bit of confidence go to the area on 2F around the stairs to Kings Room (KR). The respawns there are so fast you won't even need to move. Just stand and TU everything and they'll keep coming! Pick up all foods etc. that drop and sell them to trader, you'll need 40 million gold for the next stage so get saving!
Do watch out for super (blue) woomas, they can be tasty! They drop loads of foods but you can't TU them and they might take a while to kill, so do be careful.
Look out for Azure items on AH, you might even find some with some extra fire damage!
Moving up in the world
Level 116 is an exciting time for a young wizard. You get to learn Inferno! It costs 100gg in game shop, sell gold bars for gg if you don't want to spend real money - 10 million gold = 1 gold bar which you can sell for around 26-30gg. Suddenly selling all those foods is starting to seem worth it! If you don't have enough, spend a bit of time back in Tongs Tomb, you can mop up those tongs really easily now so can fill your bag super quick.
Once you have inferno, go to Ayarin Province, and visit the Jungle on 4F (it's the only floor in that place with NO ranged mobs, so it's great for wizards), lure at least 10 mobs together at a time, cast inferno and just run around until they are all dead, try to run in such a way that the mobs stay on the fire as much as possible. If you can afford any mass kill spells (such as MeteorStrike or FireStorm) then get those, they will make the process quicker! Don't bother with pets at this stage, they won't help much with these lures.
This area is a prime spot for PK (Player Killers), other players will try to kill you either to steal your items or just to get you out of the area so they can have more mobs to kill for themselves. Either way, keep your wits about you here.
Remember to keep watching AH for suitable items. Ideally Apostate (level 123) and Zeus (level 128) sets as these are suited to your level and still go for really low prices so will be affordable. If you find yourself flush with gold and gg, maybe treat yourself to some grand items (level 120, but really rare, much better stats than other things at this level but also way more expensive) or even some crystal (similar idea to grand, but level 132). Bear in mind that by this stage you will see items that are not quite the same level. The levels I state for items are the base levels and base stats, items with added stats also increase with level requirements up to 7 levels higher than normal, so do keep an eye on that.
You'll probably live in Jungle 4F until around 135, that's the stage where you can start getting some really good items to wear so you can kill much quicker. Higher level places are available to you as a wizard, but the mobs will simply take too long to kill, better stay in Jungle and get practising your inferno technique before things really heat up.
Not a noob any more
Levels 135-152 is a great fun part, as you have LOADS of options!
Blue Dragon Dungeon / Jungle 4F / Isle of the Dead / Savage Terror Temple.
You'll probably have some Game Points (GP) by now, you gain them when killing super (blue) and champion (red) mobs, as well as bosses of course. If you have enough GP, then use it in blue, get as much fire damage kit as you can, level 130 gear with good added fire damage can increase in level as high as 137 and can be had for a good price. You will be able to clear 1F in BDD solo by now. If you can get someone to go with you to unlock 2F, then go clear 2F too and then go back to 1F and clear again and repeat. Your 100 GP gets you 4 hours in there so make the most of it! Call of Phoenix (CoP) is an incredibly powerful spell here, definitely get that ASAP!
If you run out of BP then Jungle 4F remains decent exp until about 150 so you can use that as a fallback. Isle of the Dead will also be possible here, just RT around and do the same as you do in Jungle.
Another viable option for you here that seems to be under-utilised is Savage Terror Temple, these mobs para and can hit quite hard and give a bit less exp, but there's really big lures available on 3F so it's good for a bit of fun and something different. Depending on your damage this might work out better for you. Try out all these options and see what works best for you!
If you want some pets, they might help, some people really like using them for levelling but I was never a fan, I tend to only use them for bosses. The beauty of the game though is that everyone is different, so give it a try and do what suits your playing style. Your best options at this stage are Yetis from BDD or Terrors from Savage Terror Temple.
The big leagues
By the time you hit level 152 you'll notice BDD not really giving any exp any more. It's time to move on if you haven't already. A lot of people abandon BDD in favour of Tomb of the Dead or Crystal Temple well before this, but that's just giving yourself more work. BDD will be really easy for you by this stage so you're as well just staying there until it's not viable any more. Unless of course you're really sniffing out the higher level drops that come with the higher level areas!
As a wizard, in Tomb of the Dead, your biggest pain in the ass will be archers. They vary in level from 149 to 153, so by the time you're 152/153 you should be able to TU just about all of them. Run around and TU all the archers first, ignore the other mobs until the archers are dealt with. Once the area you are in is archer free, gather all the rest of the mobs together and pop down your inferno and frozen ground (oh yeah, buy frozen ground!) and get them smashed. Note that everything here is undead, so fire spells will be a bit weaker against them. Use lightning and ice where possible, but remember CoP can still be very effective when used right. Practice your technique on the main floors, and once you're more confident try the totem rooms. They are really busy with mobs but are great fun to clear when you get it right. You can get viable exp in here right up until around 162, you'll notice the exp starting to drop a bit around 159/160 so how long you stay here really depends on your patience!
During these levels it'll certainly be worthwhile joining groups who frequent BDD and RDD. Even though the lower floors won't be much use to you any more, the later floors can still churn the exp in and there's often some goodies to be had.
Feeling brave?
Crystal Temple. Don't go without a Frost Guard!
It's really tempting to jump into the highest level cave at a lower level, but you're missing out on so much fun content, and you'll spend that long trying to run around and not die you won't be levelling any faster here. However, it's definitely possible from 150+ (when you can finally wear a Frost Guard) and is actually the only place possible to get exp by yourself from 162+
It should be obvious by now, that these mobs are weak to fire. They hurt a lot so get bloodstorm as soon as you hit level 154, and break out the inferno, blaze, firewall, CoP, everything! Get some nice big tasty lures and rake in the exp. Just watch out as there are plenty blues, reds and bosses around. And brutes just love to catch you off guard, sneaking into your lures when you aren't paying attention.
Best of luck!
I should point out that some parts of this guide are no longer as accurate as they used to be, due to changes in the game since it was written, but there's nothing completely breaking so just take the advice with a pinch of salt and adjust your play accordingly if you find things don't match what's written here