Xmas Event problems | The Legend of Mir

Xmas Event problems


Active Member
I need help!

After the Halloween event I was really looking forward to a great xmas event, but...

I'm now level 163 so no choice but to use the Insane caves and grottos, in the cave I cant kill anything as to low a level (170+ members of the guild not finding it easy with decent kit) and in the grotto I also dont stand a chance.

Does this mean the event will basically be me running around Snowbrook or do I just give it a rest until I level up on future events or attend guild hunts only???
It's just started, it's very busy with people excited running around, pking (cough, edfigberg you twat), trying and failing to steal champs (cough, olaf you twat), and generally luring shit all over the place.

Give it a day to calm down then try the 1st floor yourself and you'll be able to do smaller lures or even individual mobs, and you'll find it much more manageable
i really do hope so as at the mo seeing everyone already starting to get decent drops and not being able to do bugger all bar hunt snowballs is frustrating, the grotto is solo but in there can not kill anything from the large present. Will try a small one after I have re levelled pets and see how that goes but not holding out much hope
I've tried explaining before that the solution to this is tighter level bands, a level gap of 20 between caves is too much. I was just on my lvl 155 in the under 160 cave and it was so easy there was no challenge at all, but I saw someone else lvl 145 with a similar complaint to you. I'm sure most 170+ find the cave you're in pretty easy. If there were more caves and they had bands of 10 levels instead of 20 then it would be better to control and fine-tune the difficulty
161 with pretty decent kit getting smashed lol. We all said 10 level gaps would be nicer during halloween but didn't seem to happen.
Hate to jump straight onto this but I'm in a very similar position. 140-160 cave can para (frost guard is min level 150) so currently just not a reasonable place to level unless you have top tier gear. Which most people don't have at our level
Tbh I thought the mobs were weakened from last year (not that I recall any complaints, just wanted to make it more similar to Halloween). So not entirely sure whats going on. Is it the status effects that are the problem? Freeze and slow? Is it just 160+? I will double check with last years monsters.

20 level brackets has worked fine for 7 years, 20 levels really isn't much and the monsters are designed for the lower end of that level bracket. I really don't think much will be achieved from doubling the amount of work required
I guess maybe the people who are finding it hard just have rubbish kit haha

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I'll give it a go on my tao later and see if I find it hard
I don't think my kit is that bad but it is a mare, tried a small present and could only clear the main square and the top tier of the swastika if that makes sense (only shae i could associate with or description, apologies).

I'm just lvling some pets n my noob wizz (124 ) to see if any easier... Looks like my main wont be getting much play time apart from guild hunts.
It's mainly once your purple, I'm getting absolutely nailed. As the mobs hit for so much damage

Don't have great kit. But have some holy crystal gear ect. So maybe that's why.

Also once para/slowed have to tt or revive as the damage is too much to take
Using fg, ice res 35% and pdr15% with 1100dc and 10k hp. Can barely handle getting surrounded at 161. Once your purple or blue say nn.

Wiz in similar situation, 150 with 30% ice res and 85% pdr 5k hp. Had no problems with halloween or river mobs they were nicely tuned.

I know mobs in province will be better once there isn't 30 ppl running map but be nice to see Santa's a bit more often.
20 levels is a huge difference Scorp. I'm having fun as a 175 tao but even then it's tricky with cold. anyone under 167 can't confuse, LR or repulse. Basically I spells that save your life
Mobs are too hard.. went there with 5 hulks and was struggling.. other than that its a nice event so far
Think the biggest thing is the effects, slow and freeze hurt big time if you have a decent size lure, even at 139 in the 140 cave with okish kit one freeze and its a bad time, i know i can pull smaller packs but sometimes you just cant or get more than intended.

I think even with just a few mobs one freeze and its a bad time haha
It’s just a harder version of CT . So anyone without an FG RIP . Using a 148 Tao so can’t use FG . So = logout .
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Just to add my 0.2c as someone who was just in a new bracket during the halloween event where I was able to take things slow thanks to the map layout.

I'm now just about in a new bracket again (147), with what I'd like to think is decent kit, and I'm getting absolutely battered in here. As soon as one of the mobs slows me (from a huge distance away) I am screwed. And that's just from one of them.

I've died a lot already, and that's just from a small lure at a time - no point taking 1 mob at a time as what's the point.

So as it stands, just seems to be another event for me where those at the lower end of a bracket don't stand a chance unfortunately!
Yeah just got into the 140 cave and it's a no for me. Can just about kill a few at a time. Effort=reward off for me at my level.

Looking more at group only.

Haven't tried the private cave yet.
Really hope there's adjustments soon. I know many have already been turned off, I haven't done shit with my war as I can't kill to gain new kit or even level at a decent pace. Naga gp is more efficient
Tbh I thought the mobs were weakened from last year (not that I recall any complaints, just wanted to make it more similar to Halloween). So not entirely sure whats going on. Is it the status effects that are the problem? Freeze and slow? Is it just 160+? I will double check with last years monsters.

20 level brackets has worked fine for 7 years, 20 levels really isn't much and the monsters are designed for the lower end of that level bracket. I really don't think much will be achieved from doubling the amount of work required

Level brackets should only be classed as a success if the intended % of active players play event in expected bracket. In 3 years I can’t say I feel like this has happened unless the intent was for highest brave was intent for 50% of players

Side note, massive over compensation on runes dropping, or maybe I was just lucky