Wizard Feedback/Suggestions | The Legend of Mir

Wizard Feedback/Suggestions


Active Member
Hi guys! Back again making a silly long post about my thoughts and idea's on improving Wizards, Much like i did with Warriors!

So why am i doing this? Because i believe the only way a game can stay fresh and exciting is with continuous improvment in all areas, games that dont become stagnant. The fact mir is over 20 years old and still going strong (200+ players during event) backs me up on this, Scorp and warda keep updating the game and improving it and this is why i keep playing if i can give my own feed back as a player that helps them make this game even that little bit better then its worth my time.

First off, I have to say having played Wizard now up to level 160. I find the class really fun to play, throwing fire and laying down ice feels absolutely great, i feel a master of the elements laying waste to massive amounts of mobs. It is by far the best class for me in regards to leveling, you have to be on your toes at all times or end up dead (shield drops mid lure are not good!).

Feedback on Single target
So one of my big gripes with wizard is, single target dps. We all know how long it takes a really good geared wizard to kill a boss and i truely think that this has to change as the game as evolved warriors and taos are leveling just as fast as us but killing bosses much much quicker.

Feedback on Area of Attack
I really love the ability's we have in regards to aoe attacks, it feels absolutely great killing so many mobs so quickly, youve done a great job there. Frostbite is my new favorite spell ^^

Feedback on pets
I never bothered with pets, until i could tame those overpowered toads from paradise isle, because pets just dont live long enough imo.. Most bosses crush pet before toads and it feels a real waste of time spending 30-60mins looking for the ideal ones.. Another problem with pets...im sure most wil agree its an absolute ball ache hunting with afew wizard that each have 4/5 pets each, warriors cant get a look in ect.

Feedback on survivability and Sustain
Wizards feel immensely strong when you have HP XL runes in your gear and high pyhsical damage reduction, before that you are at the mercy of your shield timer. Now to one of my big issue's with wizards at the higher levels especially now with the incoming changes to pot drops. Mana regren! Its simply not enough, you are either restorted to using a mana regen candle 24/7 or using a lower level mana regen stone without either of those i am constantly potting and in the much lower part of my mana pool. (in event gp map i am often waiting for mana to use my abilities which just isnt fun)

Now onto my Suggestions

Suggestions on Single Target
Single target has to be improved with the current meta of the game. A good way to do this without making wizards the supreme overlord of all is the introduction of improved Lightening abilities. I would like to see a return to Thunderstrike/ThunderNova and Iceblast(old frostcrunch) Massive improvment on single target would be great, this would ofc have to come at the cost of doing very little damage to players. Not only would this help wizards kill bosses faster but it would reintroduce a usefulness to + Lightening damage on items, at the moment every player that gets a roll of Lightening feels its a massive waste and quickly rerolls said item. its simply not used enough. It would also give wizards the choice, do i want to be a single target monster and stack Lightening items, or do i want to be the AOE king and stack fire/ice.

Another ability you could improve is also Armageddon, i know it was nerfed along time ago but i feel its the time to bring it back! (its the one ability i need on my wiz but im just meh about it).

Suggestions on pets/taming
Id like to see a big improvment to taming perhaps when a tamed mob gains a level it gains massive surviability/hp regren/damage increases per level to make them actually useful and long living, to offset this make it so Champ/supers can no longer be tamed and instead of being able to tame 5 mobs, wizards are now restricted to 2. It not only combats the problem of group hunts, but also makes it no time at all to go out and find the pet you want to tame without spending 30-60+ mins looking for the right supers/champs.

Suggestions on AOE
Honestly, i have no suggestions on improving AOE for wizards because its so well done. perhaps other players can.

Suggestions on survivability and Sustain
Id like to see a numbered cooldown on my buffs on the top of the screen that you can see at a quick glance, i know that shields flash when it gets abit low but sometimes it is very hard to see when you have 20 buffs up there. Not only would this simple change be such a big quality of life improvment it would also help with survivability at lower levels when you dont have the best gear.

Mana Regen! I would love to see either a new Awakened type ability for wizard at level 150 or so that gives us passive mana regen, It would massively help the class feel that much smoother on big hunts. If not a new ability perhaps a mana cost nerf on afew of the big spending abilities we have.

That about sums up my feedback/suggestions. Overall i think wizards are in a very good spot right now, afew minor tweaks here and there and we could very much have absolutely no complaints.

Id love for you all to give your own feedback and suggestions or criticise me own if you feel im completely wrong.

I will know doubt be doing a tao Feedback/Suggestions in the near future once i get my arse into gear and start on my alt :)
Hi guys! Back again making a silly long post about my thoughts and idea's on improving Wizards, Much like i did with Warriors!

So why am i doing this? Because i believe the only way a game can stay fresh and exciting is with continuous improvment in all areas, games that dont become stagnant. The fact mir is over 20 years old and still going strong (200+ players during event) backs me up on this, Scorp and warda keep updating the game and improving it and this is why i keep playing if i can give my own feed back as a player that helps them make this game even that little bit better then its worth my time.

First off, I have to say having played Wizard now up to level 160. I find the class really fun to play, throwing fire and laying down ice feels absolutely great, i feel a master of the elements laying waste to massive amounts of mobs. It is by far the best class for me in regards to leveling, you have to be on your toes at all times or end up dead (shield drops mid lure are not good!).

Feedback on Single target
So one of my big gripes with wizard is, single target dps. We all know how long it takes a really good geared wizard to kill a boss and i truely think that this has to change as the game as evolved warriors and taos are leveling just as fast as us but killing bosses much much quicker.

Feedback on Area of Attack
I really love the ability's we have in regards to aoe attacks, it feels absolutely great killing so many mobs so quickly, youve done a great job there. Frostbite is my new favorite spell ^^

Feedback on pets
I never bothered with pets, until i could tame those overpowered toads from paradise isle, because pets just dont live long enough imo.. Most bosses crush pet before toads and it feels a real waste of time spending 30-60mins looking for the ideal ones.. Another problem with pets...im sure most wil agree its an absolute ball ache hunting with afew wizard that each have 4/5 pets each, warriors cant get a look in ect.

Feedback on survivability and Sustain
Wizards feel immensely strong when you have HP XL runes in your gear and high pyhsical damage reduction, before that you are at the mercy of your shield timer. Now to one of my big issue's with wizards at the higher levels especially now with the incoming changes to pot drops. Mana regren! Its simply not enough, you are either restorted to using a mana regen candle 24/7 or using a lower level mana regen stone without either of those i am constantly potting and in the much lower part of my mana pool. (in event gp map i am often waiting for mana to use my abilities which just isnt fun)

Now onto my Suggestions

Suggestions on Single Target
Single target has to be improved with the current meta of the game. A good way to do this without making wizards the supreme overlord of all is the introduction of improved Lightening abilities. I would like to see a return to Thunderstrike/ThunderNova and Iceblast(old frostcrunch) Massive improvment on single target would be great, this would ofc have to come at the cost of doing very little damage to players. Not only would this help wizards kill bosses faster but it would reintroduce a usefulness to + Lightening damage on items, at the moment every player that gets a roll of Lightening feels its a massive waste and quickly rerolls said item. its simply not used enough. It would also give wizards the choice, do i want to be a single target monster and stack Lightening items, or do i want to be the AOE king and stack fire/ice.

Another ability you could improve is also Armageddon, i know it was nerfed along time ago but i feel its the time to bring it back! (its the one ability i need on my wiz but im just meh about it).

Suggestions on pets/taming
Id like to see a big improvment to taming perhaps when a tamed mob gains a level it gains massive surviability/hp regren/damage increases per level to make them actually useful and long living, to offset this make it so Champ/supers can no longer be tamed and instead of being able to tame 5 mobs, wizards are now restricted to 2. It not only combats the problem of group hunts, but also makes it no time at all to go out and find the pet you want to tame without spending 30-60+ mins looking for the right supers/champs.

Suggestions on AOE
Honestly, i have no suggestions on improving AOE for wizards because its so well done. perhaps other players can.

Suggestions on survivability and Sustain
Id like to see a numbered cooldown on my buffs on the top of the screen that you can see at a quick glance, i know that shields flash when it gets abit low but sometimes it is very hard to see when you have 20 buffs up there. Not only would this simple change be such a big quality of life improvment it would also help with survivability at lower levels when you dont have the best gear.

Mana Regen! I would love to see either a new Awakened type ability for wizard at level 150 or so that gives us passive mana regen, It would massively help the class feel that much smoother on big hunts. If not a new ability perhaps a mana cost nerf on afew of the big spending abilities we have.

That about sums up my feedback/suggestions. Overall i think wizards are in a very good spot right now, afew minor tweaks here and there and we could very much have absolutely no complaints.

Id love for you all to give your own feedback and suggestions or criticise me own if you feel im completely wrong.

I will know doubt be doing a tao Feedback/Suggestions in the near future once i get my arse into gear and start on my alt :)

Currently there is only three things wizzies aim for, fire damage, PDR and HP. There is no benefit on going for anything else, no other spells are a viable option to replace the fire spells. Other than frostbite, frozen ground and glacial strike, the rest are garbage. Ice spells lack single target damage, Dragon Break is a x 2 hit so doubles anything ice single target does. COP our most OP and used spell, no ice spell comes close. If we were to get ice versions, you would definitely see some more variety on a wiz. I had silly OP Ice kit with over 1500 MC, but I couldn't out damage a fire wiz with 300MC less unless they stood in my FG/FB which isnt going to happen so I re-rolled to fire and never looked back. I love playing a wiz, the sheer amount of mobs we rip through is very satisfying. I wouldn't want to become really quick at killing bosses, warriors already have a hard time of it, this would just make them more obsolete. Tbh I think wiz and tao are very balanced atm, if anything I believe Wars need some love and attention on the next update of skills. Mana regen has been improved with the update to Cele arm and myth stat on stones or u get the new Rej armour, All end game kit so the options are there, just going to take a lot of grinding or ££ whichever you chose ha. Sorry if this doesn't really seem constructive, just my take on how wiz are atm ha and the wife kept asking me about a fkin meal plan for the week losing my trail of thought!
Firstly i feel like wizzies are not supposed to be the single target dps monsters that you want them to be unfortunately, and have you built a Lightning damage kit to test what the single target DPS is actually like? SirEsteta did make a nice lightning kit a while ago and his thundernova cained! You also have 5pets+arcamon to help you with bosses so i feel you dont need any more help in that regard (also theres a ring that enables u to cast mass healing, really useful if u want to keep your pets alive).

AOE skills - spot on , how it should be imo.

As for survivability i think this has changed massively with the fact that no wiz uses a pro ring anymore, who knows what a wizz would be like with 15k mana and a pro ring with PDR/MDR

Love the idea for a mana regen spell too
Firstly i feel like wizzies are not supposed to be the single target dps monsters that you want them to be unfortunately, and have you built a Lightning damage kit to test what the single target DPS is actually like? SirEsteta did make a nice lightning kit a while ago and his thundernova cained! You also have 5pets+arcamon to help you with bosses so i feel you dont need any more help in that regard (also theres a ring that enables u to cast mass healing, really useful if u want to keep your pets alive).

AOE skills - spot on , how it should be imo.

As for survivability i think this has changed massively with the fact that no wiz uses a pro ring anymore, who knows what a wizz would be like with 15k mana and a pro ring with PDR/MDR

Love the idea for a mana regen spell too

I don’t really want us to go toe to toe with warr/tao just something that can help us kill bosses in a reasonable time frame.

Nice feedback though !the more the better
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Atm wiz can tank some insane dmg with pdr+shield and life leech. Try playing a high level war there's alot of times when you can't handle being surrounded in a lure.

Wiz should get a bit faster killing speed, yes.
Wars should also get better def lol
Taos need a bit pdr

Pots are shit in general tho. +44hp per tick with 200% Regen is kinda annoying.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Atm wiz can tank some insane dmg with pdr+shield and life leech. Try playing a high level war there's alot of times when you can't handle being surrounded in a lure.

Wiz should get a bit faster killing speed, yes.
Wars should also get better def lol
Taos need a bit pdr

Pots are shit in general tho. +44hp per tick with 200% Regen is kinda annoying.

Oh for sure , I feel 100% safer on my wizard than I ever do on my warrior. A buff to protection field to provide some flat dmg reduction on top of the ac could be a good idea.
Loads of good feedback here, thank you for the effort put into these posts!

More importantly though, did you get this sorted?

the wife kept asking me about a fkin meal plan for the week losing my trail of thought!

Loads of good feedback here, thank you for the effort put into these posts!

More importantly though, did you get this sorted?


Yeah just about haha!

Nandos peri peri chicken, spice sensation cous cous and Chinese salt n pepper chips tonight :D
We'll be looking at spells as a whole at some point, likely this will include all classes respectively.