Wiki / KB Page | The Legend of Mir

Wiki / KB Page


Can you please install a Wiki/KB system into the forum/main website that the community can help contribute and build up?

I would love to help contribute maps, guides and more for newcomers however it seems a bit sloppy doing it through a forum post and not the easiest way for new players to locate.

I found myself pestering people with questions when I started as a warrior, which may of put other newcomers off the game if they felt lost and unsure without answers.

Provide us with some form of decent system that you can approve changes for and let the community build it up.

I'm sure from the recent attitude from a lot of people on here, not many seem to give a c***p towards newcomers so will expect a 'git gud or git owt' response.
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That would be awesome, I’m still asking questions lol. A system where we could add to it would be great for those that wanted to contribute.
Another thing that would be extremely useful is someone updating or finishing the google spreadsheet with items on it, it finishes at lvl 124/5 from memory which takes no time to get to at all...
That would be awesome, I’m still asking questions lol. A system where we could add to it would be great for those that wanted to contribute.
Another thing that would be extremely useful is someone updating or finishing the google spreadsheet with items on it, it finishes at lvl 124/5 from memory which takes no time to get to at all...

I believe it was stopped at that level for a reason that was explained in another post somewhere
Pretty sure they did a wiki at some point and think the trolls got loose on it and messed it up? (might be wrong)

Happy to put any guides, maps or whatever on my spreadsheet so it's in one place. Put em on forum and @ttfn me so I know you want it putting in and I'll sort all the formatting out if you sort the information and any screenshots out.

That would be awesome, IÂ’m still asking questions lol. A system where we could add to it would be great for those that wanted to contribute.
Another thing that would be extremely useful is someone updating or finishing the google spreadsheet with items on it, it finishes at lvl 124/5 from memory which takes no time to get to at all...

Didn't go beyond 126 on purpose, figured if people can make it to 126 with a little hand holding, they should be more than capable enough to hunt and explore and if they haven't figured out by then that items and spells drop in places relative to the level of that place, then that to me sounds like too much hand holding. While it is pretty easy getting to 130+, this goes back to the "skipping the content" part. If you power or get powered to 130 and skip past all the content, that to me is that person's fault. Had someone come up to me the other day (level 77 btw) asking where SummonSkele, Poisoning and SoulFireBall drops...

If there's enough demand I'll up it to level 135 based on the cap increase.
The problem is that the landscape changes so quickly and once that happens the guide is out of date, there's not often someone available to correct it and now you have a confused player looking for something that doesn't exist
The problem is that the landscape changes so quickly and once that happens the guide is out of date, there's not often someone available to correct it and now you have a confused player looking for something that doesn't exist

Better than a confused player looking at nothing and deciding to leave rather than pestering others, not everyone likes asking others.
Finally finished the boss guide.. just added it to the spreadsheet. Also updated items up to lvl 135. I'm not going any higher than that. Bosses in the guide are up to lvl 135, so not added places like pb, tomb of the dead etc

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Only gone up to 135 and dont plan to go higher because my thinking is by lvl 135 you should be more than capable of exploring and discovering stuff yourselves, no more hand holding!

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Another thing as well, I'm not going to be adding things like "does this boss drop this, does it drop that", predicted spawn timers or coordinates/directions to get to them. You need to figure that part out yourselves. Happy hunting
Finally finished the boss guide.. just added it to the spreadsheet. Also updated items up to lvl 135. I'm not going any higher than that. Bosses in the guide are up to lvl 135, so not added places like pb, tomb of the dead etc

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Only gone up to 135 and dont plan to go higher because my thinking is by lvl 135 you should be more than capable of exploring and discovering stuff yourselves, no more hand holding!

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Another thing as well, I'm not going to be adding things like "does this boss drop this, does it drop that", predicted spawn timers or coordinates/directions to get to them. You need to figure that part out yourselves. Happy hunting

An excellent guide, very impressive work. I have a small handful of minor alterations/fixes

Treebeard also spawns in northern pass (well it did when I was killing it, not been there in a long time, possibly changed since then)
Poor queen leoric is missing entirely!
Butcher and svaltus troll have the wrong titles
Loki on 5F wouldn't consider a 'super boss' it's just a normal boss
Naga elite also found in naga mines
An excellent guide, very impressive work. I have a small handful of minor alterations/fixes

Treebeard also spawns in northern pass (well it did when I was killing it, not been there in a long time, possibly changed since then)
Poor queen leoric is missing entirely!
Butcher and svaltus troll have the wrong titles
Loki on 5F wouldn't consider a 'super boss' it's just a normal boss
Naga elite also found in naga mines

Will get that sorted out now, thanks for reading over it.

Love you x

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Done :p