Why buying or selling players is allowed | The Legend of Mir

Why buying or selling players is allowed


Active Member
If for the sale of gg you are banned, why is it possible to buy or sell players? There are several examples. Gideon is the last I know. So, how is he not banned and still playing?
If for the sale of gg you are banned, why is it possible to buy or sell players? There are several examples. Gideon is the last I know. So, how is he not banned and still playing?

Fake news much?

If you think this and have evidence email him but its all shite so sounds like your pissed off for something you have done wrong yourself.
3 different persons play gid.. you prolly think he's sold cause of personality differences. he's not sold or bought. same ppl been playing it for years...
Most players knew who ori Gideon was back in time, surely not owned by this sunny guy, this char is the biggest bike of all chars in arcadia at the moment, sure hacked and sold..GM should do something to stop all this bs illegal activities as soon as possible. Wanna know who the affiliate is just mention something regarding them in forum you'll see em flaming the thread.
Fake news much?

If you think this and have evidence email him but its all shite so sounds like your pissed off for something you have done wrong yourself.

)))))) lol. Is this english? I rly didnt understand anything from...))))))))))))))))))

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Most players knew who ori Gideon was back in time, surely not owned by this sunny guy, this char is the biggest bike of all chars in arcadia at the moment, sure hacked and sold..GM should do something to stop all this bs illegal activities as soon as possible. Wanna know who the affiliate is just mention something regarding them in forum you'll see em flaming the thread.

Very Very TRUE!!!! i Love the bike association. From now that is how i will call him )))
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Most players knew who ori Gideon was back in time, surely not owned by this sunny guy, this char is the biggest bike of all chars in arcadia at the moment, sure hacked and sold..GM should do something to stop all this bs illegal activities as soon as possible. Wanna know who the affiliate is just mention something regarding them in forum you'll see em flaming the thread.

Do you not read the system notifications? "characters always end up back to the original owner" if it was "hacked and sold" original owner could quite easily recover account no problem. Gideon has been played by the same people for probably the last 2-3 year. Quit with the jelousy and focus on your own game.
3 different persons play gid.. you prolly think he's sold cause of personality differences. he's not sold or bought. same ppl been playing it for years...

How does you make it work ?
Is it like..
X - playes Mondag - Wensday
Y - Playes Tuesday - Thursday
XY - Playes Weekends..

I could never share i belive- i want to have acces whenever i want realy :)
Do you not read the system notifications? "characters always end up back to the original owner" if it was "hacked and sold" original owner could quite easily recover account no problem. Gideon has been played by the same people for probably the last 2-3 year. Quit with the jelousy and focus on your own game.

What's to jealous of a biked char like a whore changing d*cks all time, it is blatant if the char is not hacked, it is sold or scammed from the original owner of it. Now that is an offense isn't it under the rules which whereby is our duty as players of the same server to highlight this serious matter to gm to investigate..to prevent future activities like this from happening again.
Im relatively new to this server & im aware that people share chars, unless Gm says -Ban sharing people will continue to share, some people like it some dont, but if ive known someone for years n years & have that type of relationship whit that person i wouldent see a issue whit them logging on a char if needed, selling chars is against the rules but as we just concluded that's not the case whit this particular character so don't really get why ore what productive will come out of this tread now more than who can insult who the worst.
If character sharing wasn't allowed this game would be DOA.

Gideon is shared not bought. Grow up and play the fucking game.
If character sharing wasn't allowed this game would be DOA.

Gideon is shared not bought. Grow up and play the fucking game.

Indeed if char sharing was bannable 90% of gf would also be banned as a lot of them also share chars it's a petty excuse of a thread ..
What's to jealous of a biked char like a whore changing d*cks all time, it is blatant if the char is not hacked, it is sold or scammed from the original owner of it. Now that is an offense isn't it under the rules which whereby is our duty as players of the same server to highlight this serious matter to gm to investigate..to prevent future activities like this from happening again.

All this hostility, I'm guessing you've had your arse handed to you a few too many times, the toys are out the pram haha
wow, momoset you are from immorals...or? the point was: if that isnt bannable, many of us will start shout in BW about buying high lvl chars. If that is allowed i can skip lvling and simply go for bosses and kit. I asked one simple question: IS ALLOWED TO BUY OR SHARE ACCOUNTS?
wow, momoset you are from immorals...or? the point was: if that isnt bannable, many of us will start shout in BW about buying high lvl chars. If that is allowed i can skip lvling and simply go for bosses and kit. I asked one simple question: IS ALLOWED TO BUY OR SHARE ACCOUNTS?

That may of been your intended question but you done so attempting to throw Gideon under the bus without knowing the facts. Gideon is shared, not bought. Sharing is at the discretion of the primary owner. Andy says not to share to avoid people being exploited and having their kit taken followed by whinging forum posts that so and so has robbed them, he doesn't say its "illegal". As for buying accounts, of course it's forbidden, use your tiny brain, someone will make a profit from Andy's hard work.
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That may of been your intended question but you done so attempting to throw Gideon under the bus without knowing the facts. Gideon is shared, not bought. Sharing is at the discretion of the primary owner. Andy says not to share to avoid people being exploited and having their kit taken followed by whinging forum posts that so and so has robbed them, he doesn't say its "illegal". As for buying accounts, of course it's forbidden, use your tiny brain, someone will make a profit from Andy's hard work.
very well said.