white rabbit | The Legend of Mir

white rabbit


Active Member
Hi Andy/ Warda,
I have a white rabbit arcamon pet @ 152, I know its not a great pet but he's very cute and fluffy.
Any chance of beefing him up a bit? Maybe big white furry balls! :)
Seriously dexterity @ level 30= 46 on accuracy and dc level 31=370.
Have checked against other arcamons at same level and the difference is in miles.
Please could you look into this :)....
Curse of the were rabbit comes to mind,lol .... could feed him carrots from christmas event..
Best wishes
Rabbits have big ears, maybe they can hear mobs coming!

When you have rabbit arcamon activated you can see red dots on minimap further away, just an idea, not sure if it's feasable or useful though!
Perhaps something whit stomp? Hares/rabbits stomp when they sense danger ore defensive, they aswell have a nasty bite as they gotta gnaw down those charp teeth, just as a idea ^^.
Rabbits have big ears, maybe they can hear mobs coming!

When you have rabbit arcamon activated you can see red dots on minimap further away, just an idea, not sure if it's feasable or useful though!

This is some superb out the box thinking! Is it possible Andy?
Maybe when rabbit fights it drops lots of baby rabbits! Hence breeds like rabbits.

Maybe a Dragon rabbit :)
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