How do I start?
I was told here is a lot more active than Project69
Any suggestions?
All kinda depends what you want out of the game.
What class did you go with?
Your best bet to get started is to follow the quick start guide, it's a sticky thread here
Following those basic quests will get you back into the feel of the game and remembering how everything works, and you'll probably find yourself at level 60 or 70 within a day or two. Then you can leave the quests and get grinding the levels.
If you enjoy just playing the game for the sake of playing the game, those levels can be quite a lot of fun and a good learning experience. But you really only become 'competitive' to the point where you will start getting guild invites at around level 120/130.
Some people choose to get a higher level player to help them to get there very quickly, then can start joining in group hunts etc.
When you create your character you will automatically be added to BorderPatrol guild, this is where all the newbies go and you can often get hunting groups or some advice on there at peak times when it's a little busier.
Forum and facebook are also good places to get help. Do have a good read at all the sticky threads though as 99% of questions will already be answered there.
If you find something that's not answered in any of the sticky threads, I'm happy to get an ingame pm from you and I'll help if I can