whats wrong with rev ring?????? | The Legend of Mir

whats wrong with rev ring??????

I have relog. still died,also i droped my tele ring......i have long time no play .....i want know , WHY GM aways change change the game i want a original
legend of mir 2 1.76 vision !!!!!!!! I quick long time coz GM did the TDB problem original is hit button .now is on/off...... when FF skill on TDB is auto turn off.............. i played different vision this one is crazy!!! alays change something and make player feel more difficulty, so GM you want more ppl play or you want all quit???:crushed::crushed::crushed::crushed:
Rev gone m8, u need to wait 5 minutes outside of safe zone, or 1 minute inside safe zone now, until there's a buff icon pops out you're ready to go. Till then u can't take it off or it will reset the timer and u'll have to wait again, kind sucks i know.

Just hope GM reverts it back m8. =))
What about the grief play that comes with the relog?? If ur at a boss and another player turns up, u woop them for them to relog and come straight back with no risk. I mainly play a warr but i understand how this could piss people off who play other classes. I think this rev wait time is a great idea and adds a bit of risk to the game. Jnavi ur the 2nd highest player in server how are ppl goin to pvp u when u can instantly relog for rev?? 2 lvl150 players stand a chance against u without the relog feature, with it theres not alot they could do.
What about the grief play that comes with the relog?? If ur at a boss and another player turns up, u woop them for them to relog and come straight back with no risk. I mainly play a warr but i understand how this could piss people off who play other classes. I think this rev wait time is a great idea and adds a bit of risk to the game. Jnavi ur the 2nd highest player in server how are ppl goin to pvp u when u can instantly relog for rev?? 2 lvl150 players stand a chance against u without the relog feature, with it theres not alot they could do.

Just fuck off, everyone done it for years lol people would relog/ recall , u can do it too fk me u cry too much
you all threatend to quit but u little bitches are still moanin about revs its been months now get over it. IF U DONT LIKE IT QUIT LIKE U SAID!!!!!
Azze ur a keyboard warrior who spends more time mouthin off and bitching than playin the game!!!
For days now all ive seen is noto slaggin off Via, whenever he logs on but i gather thats because he owned u an took ur items LMAO
you all threatend to quit but u little bitches are still moanin about revs its been months now get over it. IF U DONT LIKE IT QUIT LIKE U SAID!!!!!
Azze ur a keyboard warrior who spends more time mouthin off and bitching than playin the game!!!
For days now all ive seen is noto slaggin off Via, whenever he logs on but i gather thats because he owned u an took ur items LMAO

I haven’t once said I threatened to quit, nor have I dropped an item to anyone, maybe my friends but idgaf it’s pixels... I barely mourn off just give my 2 cents, why are you so deluded and retarded? Fuck me are you that disabled, if ur in immortals I uni derstand why u chat so much tho ..... get some lvls and come zt I’ll pvp u there :) no arm on hhh