what, when were | The Legend of Mir

what, when were


Active Member
hi guys,
want to start a list of what pet drops were!
understand there are some players that don't want to share info but f*ck them! list below new pet drops add please of your not a jack mofo!

green globster= sky isle 3rd(kr) normal mob
raking cap= isle of dead 1ST area before cave
please add to list f you wish!
if you don't add top players will boost prices and we all lose out..
best wishes

ps. gg controlled buy top 5 % of players ! that never share with you because of self gain! so share your info will drop prices:) don't feed super players,
feed your self and others:)
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:0 :0 dident know that about GG! When i come across summit i will for sure update !
Cheers for letting us kno ^_^
"ps. gg controlled buy top 5 % of players ! that never share with you because of self gain!"

This is the biggest problem with one guild controlling the server and all bosses, if they feel like it.
"ps. gg controlled buy top 5 % of players ! that never share with you because of self gain!"

This is the biggest problem with one guild controlling the server and all bosses, if they feel like it.

yup since thelegends started PKing the biggest guild will be the problem

- - - Updated - - -

green globster= greenglobster at first evolve sky isle 3rd(kr) normal mob
raking cap= isle of dead 1ST area before cave
please add to list f you wish!

- - - Updated - - -

green globster= redglobster= Reptilianhunter --- sky isle 3rd(kr) normal mob
raking cap= isle of dead 1ST area before cave
please add to list f you wish!

Green globster not evolved

hp: 200 per lvl
Dc: 9-13 per lvl
ac and amc: 1-3 per lvl
acc and agility: acc 2 and agility 3 per lvl
mc: 3-6 per lvl

Conclusion: DC pet
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