What time off does everyone have? | The Legend of Mir

What time off does everyone have?


Leading Contributor
I'm stuck in work and bored so thought I'd ask when everyone's christmas holidays are. I'm sure some people here don't work at all (lucky buggers) and some people will be working right through the holiday season (ouch, I feel your pain, I used to do that too and hated it!!) but many will have some time off :)

I finish up on Friday and I'm back at work on the 7th of Jan.

When are you off?

In till Christmas Eve then off till 7th Jan,

Rather be levelling my little warrior ( Currently 92) lol.

I havent worked in 3Months :( waiting for my licence.. they keep freaking telling me next week, next week.. life can be depressing if your not working and havent got much money coming in.
I havent worked in 3Months :( waiting for my licence.. they keep freaking telling me next week, next week.. life can be depressing if your not working and havent got much money coming in.

License for what? What do you do?