What next for Arcadia? | The Legend of Mir

What next for Arcadia?


Staff member
Thought I would open a discussion about what would you like to see next in Arcadia?

Christmas Event
In other discussion, we have just had the Halloween Event, did everyone enjoy it in the end? What was fun for you? What didn't you like?
What would you like to see in the Christmas event this year?
Unfortunately I only got to play the Halloween event for 2 days before going on holiday, so I missed most of it, and thus can't really comment too much on that.

I did really enjoy the main boss though, took a good group some time to kill, the room had some cool mechanics to it, but by the time we had killed it a couple of times it became predictable and a lot easier. Something similar but less predictable would be awesome as a regular boss as long as the rewards for killing it were worthwhile.

For the Christmas event, I think a more engaging environment would be good, rather than just another map with increased exp / gold. Make us follow some themed quest lines and make it interesting. I think the most difficult thing is finding a balance so it is attractive to all levels. Make it too easy, everyone high level will complete it immediately and then start moaning, making it take longer doesn't make it more interesting, it only makes it take longer and delays the moaning by a few days! But making it too hard will be a problem for lower levels. Zugzwang.

So here's my thought

Instead of an event map / maps like most events seem to end up with, try this plan...

A number of popular maps (whichever ones your logs show get the most people hunting normally) could have some new special mobs in them, in a similar way to how super/blue and champion/red mobs currently spawn, the new mobs will drop special quest items that can be collected and taken back to a christmas NPC who can forge special items such as...
- Keys to unlock special event rooms with unique bosses
- Special arcamons
- Special items / weapons / armour / etc.

The beauty of this type of event is that it can be applied to multiple different areas that already exist, suited to different levels (so you don't need to go to the hassle of making new maps!). So quest items dropped in a low level area can be used to make items suitable to someone of that level and quest items from high level areas will be used for items more suitable to higher level players.
I would like to see something implicated where “smaller” guilds can achieve the cheap repairs what castles offer without having to fight a war against a top guild what has mass recruited anyone 150+. The extended war time means one guild can successfully win every castle in one night if tactics are perfect. It wouldn’t deprive guilds that hold castles as they gain a huge revenue benefit towards buying shields etc.
Also I’d like to see my auction house suggestion which I’ve already posted in a separate thread.

I enjoyed the Halloween event, I think the Xmas one would be good if it was the similar in ways of plenty of smaller runes dropping and not many larger ones, so people can buy them and upgrade if they wish, good exp for the levellers, and plenty of ways to make gold too.

Keep up the good work!

Edit: following on from zad, you could spawn “Christmas Trees” randomly across the whole game, what drops nice items rare ones etc that are worth finding, make them like the GreatOaks back on p69 where it attacks through the ground, also making them challenging to kill.
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Christmas tree event was good from few years back but need to be random spawn on trees because players camped them on last event.
Zade's idea on special quest at xmas looks good:)
Angel's idea for guild wars is true only appears to be 2 or 3 guilds now that can compete castles bit unfair on guilds that don't have access to cheaper kit repairs.
why not guild territorys for each guild for repairs and safe area, then castles for fighting and extra cash, make it so castles are rented for one week at a time , then are reset by the GM
to re-fight for ?
best wishes
Thought I would open a discussion about what would you like to see next in Arcadia?

Christmas Event
In other discussion, we have just had the Halloween Event, did everyone enjoy it in the end? What was fun for you? What didn't you like?
What would you like to see in the Christmas event this year?

I like hard packeges, books for example:) christmas books. Rapped into paper that are körning... ty for a Nice server:)
Halloween was a good event: I also appreciated that a lot more small runes were out there; it certainly made me hunt a lot more. The ability to combine, and the recent upgrades in certain rune stats also contribute to the overall value.

I also like the sub - sub - sub bosses. Like the reaper, reaper pumpkin, and mad pumpkins, but felt that they dropped pretty rarely compared to the blues / reds even. Maybe even if they dropped some herbs so it didn't feel like a stiff.

The candy collection was ok, but maintaining inventory space for all the elixers & mags i wanted to make was a challenge. At least the quest mechanic was fixed during the process for 130+ :D

What I feel could change: I would remove any timed chests in static locations from any events. These seem to be discovered early (or remembered from previous events) and camped hard. I would like them removed ,but randomizing their locations within the room or spawn times would be a good compromise / start.
I would see 3-4 characters afk parked at the room entrance, who would simply walk in teleport, hit 'the' spot and collect the reward once their timers went off. So the scope of who was able to get the rewards was pretty limited after the first couple days.

AFK mechanisms: so many afk players...... i like the steps taken recently that remove rewards for this type of play. Thank you ,and keep up the good work on this front.

Christmas event: Was always my favorite event bc treasure goblins, brutes, and the arcamon pets that you get to keep. Will be impressed if you can top it :D

One last thought: Instances: probably a pretty big undertaking, but would allow for a lot of flexibility: opening existing farmer's quests / arena / etc to multiple players at the same time, having bdd and rdd be accessible for multiple groups at once.... maybe have paid quests or dungeons, etc

...Oh, and having mobs drop presents that you have to harvest would be cool :D
Thought I would open a discussion about what would you like to see next in Arcadia?

Christmas Event
In other discussion, we have just had the Halloween Event, did everyone enjoy it in the end? What was fun for you? What didn't you like?
What would you like to see in the Christmas event this year?


couple of xmas ago you set a an even for us where we had to go find letters by killing xmas trees, deers and turkeys and make them in to a word for a reward.. the rewards were somewhat worth looking for the letters and some of the letters that plyers had missing was being traded in the open market which made it a bit more fun.

Other features of events that were really fun was when we were hunting for rare easter eggs that used to give you a good 500K+ exp.

Special and new collectible Arcmon has to be a must!!

some special Mystry items maybe?
Is like to see the crystals nurfed a bit. Doubling the stats on them has made them too strong in Comparison to other runes.

Problem with the Halloween event was there was too many runes. People making low level accounts and camping silver/gold none stop.

As mentioned in another post castle's need a re-think.

Repairs need adjusting, over the years I can't stress how many people I know who have got pissed off and left due to repair costs, especially when you don't have a wall, I don't play a great deal if guild doesn't have a wall.

I'd like to see more mobs in caves, other than the main caves mobs seem very few and far between. Like most floors in mines other than 3rd and City for example.

I think any event for Christmas should not be rune oriented due to the damage the last event had on the rune market price, needs chance to recover.

More places like bdd/ice temple would be nice, I think most of the server has enjoyed them at some point.
Thought I would open a discussion about what would you like to see next in Arcadia?

Christmas Event
In other discussion, we have just had the Halloween Event, did everyone enjoy it in the end? What was fun for you? What didn't you like?
What would you like to see in the Christmas event this year?
Upgrade the arcamon pet system and add a few new pets to keep. Can you adjust current level on pets .
Soups stop working at 150. Halloween event was very good for exp cash and runes, now after 4 years of playing I have my first dark damage rune.
Whatever you come up with is normally pretty good after all the moaning dies down.
Keep up good work im still enjoying the server.
Best wishes
Great ideas thanks everyone.

The Xmas Tree event was 2014 when Snowbrook was released - there seems to be a lot of love for it but I am not sure why, it was really basic, just trees spawning and presents dropping.

I understand the cravings for an event that integrates with every-day game-play instead of a dedicated dungeon, so I will see where I can go with that. Trees included!
Sounds good, hopefully this server has another decade left in it at least, then my kids can level my characters!
The Halloween event was great for the following reasons:

It had a bit of something for everyone, regardless of your level you could get involved and for the mid-level character range it was a great opportunity to really power through some levels. It was good for group/solo hunting and it gave lower level people a chance to make some decent revenue instead of all of the top level players continuing to hoard the wealth.

I felt as though especially in our guild it brought us together, since the xp rate was so good on highest lvl map, group hunts were beneficial for Lvl 150+ as well as the lowliest noobs. Also a good few of us are relatively new to the server so chatting about the event and how make best use of it - for me personally a huge part of the appeal of mir is the community spirit and I believe the Halloween event brought that out in the most of us.

Moving forward....

I've played heaps of servers over the years as I'm sure most of us have - Arcadia is one of the best I've experienced and I'm not sure of the market at the moment, but I'd feel confident in betting that it's the most active mir 2 "private" server around. I mean I remember the very very early days of p69 and to have come this far and it still be a success then Scorp must be doing something right.

For the XMAS event as long as it's geared towards being beneficial for everything then I think that's the most important factor, however this decides to manifest itself should remain a mystery for the time being! A fun Xmas feature I remember on a mir 3 server were snowballs as a weapon, they did pretty much no damage, but who can honestly say they don't enjoy chucking a snowball at their mate when they're not expecting it (even if it's in a game :p).... it doesn't all have to be about the financial/exp/kit gains in events - if it's too focussed on these things then it's just a pk fest and everyone gets pissed off. So in summary, bit of xp, bit of difficult bosses/difficult xmas tree hunting quests or whatever - as long as we have a laugh!

What I would like to see in the server in the New Year:

The quests - Border Village quests & the first batch of farmers quests, I found to be beneficial, the rewards were consistent with the level I was doing them at and they were challenging and enjoyable. After having completed heroes quest and the rest of the tier 2 and tier 3 farmer quests opened up, I've barely touched them... the "end-game" reward when you complete the full tier of them seems like a reasonable reward, a non lvl restricted exp pot for 2 hours and 100m xp yea it's not to be sniffed at, but I feel like the individual quests on each tier are basically just time wasters and I feel no incentive to try to complete them. Perhaps this is the point, I'm not sure? But it would be nice to see some updated and fresh quest themes, rather than kill 2000 of everything on every floor etc? I always enjoyed a good old fashioned chain quest where you needed to go find a random NPC at an undisclosed location somewhere in a dungeon, get something from them, take it to someone else, kill this boss, rely on a particular item dropping from said boss before being able to give that item to another npc for a final reward. I fully appreciate that quests are a pain to code and ensure are bug free, but would be nice to see something new.

Red Cave/Blue Temp - brilliant places, they give a decent challenge to even a group of high levelled experienced players who know how to play their class/build effectively. I think that the entry fee is fair and stops people from abusing and taking advantage of the exp rates/drops from subs/bosses. If I could change anything I would make it so Red cave was the same as blue in terms of, when a group is inside on 1f, the dungeon is locked and I would ask that Red Cave doesn't r/s - I was in with a group the other night, we cleared KingHog room and I was last through the door to next map by a split second, r/s happened I couldn't move forward and my group couldn't move back, which was pretty frustrating at the time. I would imagine that in the coming year another, harder dungeon which follows the same idea as red/blue. A really disgusting version of Mystery Ship or Desert Tunnel springs to mind....

To reiterate the point that has been made a few times on this thread and also other threads recently - SR prices / Guild Wars over castles etc. For me at as a Lvl 132 Tao, with pretty bloody terrible kit overall - I'm looking at about a 5m SR bill or thereabouts, if I had decent kit lord only knows. I can't imagine what repair bills look like for the people will full artefact gear, however those are generally the people who are in control of the castles so therefore get the 50% discount... I don't understand the coding involved but if you could go to Heroes Village SR NPC and pay a fixed SR price based on your level rather than the item level then I think that would be fairer for everyone since the higher level you are the easier it is to earn. I don't know, all I do know is that the vast majority of people are unhappy with the currently system and the cost.

Other than that I think the place is run well and with the exception of a couple of people who just love the pk, everyone else is a pleasure to play with. I could probably mention a whole list of things we could add/remove from the server, I think the main points have been covered in detail. Maybe a few low detail ideas as a footnote?:

Marriage - Exp bonus of 20% if you go hunting with your spouse? Wedding rings do not work like personal recall sets as I have seen in past... would leave the system open to too much abuse.

Even though I'm not near the level yet - next batch of spells should be on the cards for the next 3-6 months or so I guess?

The slot is there for mounts, I don't know if you can get them anywhere and on a server where you can tele everywhere is there really any point? Jury is out on that one...

Cheers for everything done by Scorp & anyone else involved in the server running who doesn't get the exposure and regular praise. :smile: *thumbs up emoji*
Wow thanks Karandras. Great input. I will not pick up on every point just yet but one that, as you say many people are unhappy about - repair costs.

The perception is definitely a problem, I won't deny that, but I completely back the logistics currently used.

Simply put, if we don't have a sizeable gold sink then everyone would accumulate wealth. Gold would be worthless and everyone would be trading in GG or use certain items as trading tokens. The cost of repair is related to the rarity of the item and how many added stats it has. Similar to the real world where an expensive car would be more expensive to repair, and it is assumed that you have the money to do that.

I don't believe you should be able to make a lot of money without setting out to do so (not simply a by-product of going levelling). If you want to make money they you need to plan for that, which may mean not using your best kit in favour of a cheaper to repair one, or going slower and taking on just one monster at a time. You may opt to use a GG item to protect kit damage or you may use normal repair and recover lost dura with a durability orb. If your kit really is bog-standard then is it even worth the special repair at all?

The cost of Gold has been remarkably stable against the value of GameGold for a long time, to me that is remarkable and is really healthy for the game. Being able to trust both currencies is a big deal, but more significantly it means that you don't need to buy GameGold if you don't want to, you just have to work harder for it!
Spot on with regards to keeping currency stable!

With regards to Xmas maybe one of the drops from the trees could be a special repair tool, keep the masses and the economics happy ��
I hope for an arcamon that is worth having.One that can help killing ,and u can keep AFTER the event (like that tiger / golden big dragon).
whatever maps u use ? i would prefer maps with a christmas spirit : snowy , maybe some adjusted music...

Maybe we'r all asking too much , cause i do know what running a server is ,also in maintenance and renovation ,bugchasing and repairing, keeping balance between classes , drops / currencies.

My humble thanks and respect for the delivered work so far.
Now gimme back my telering,and ill give you some more compliments :D .

Sincere greetings (yea im bitter cause my shit got stolen,but it also was partially my own fault)
Aye I appreciate all that and I do understand the inner workings of the economics and they are very fair and balanced and it works - the reason most private servers fail is because the economy breaks! Just thought I'd hop on the bandwagon on bringing up the repairing cost and to be honest it's my own fault for having some added Direwolf Armour (which is the main culprit in my repair cost) and still imagining I'm an invincible machine with DV and a lower level armour which cost peanuts to repair!
Wow thanks Karandras. Great input. I will not pick up on every point just yet but one that, as you say many people are unhappy about - repair costs.

The perception is definitely a problem, I won't deny that, but I completely back the logistics currently used.

Simply put, if we don't have a sizeable gold sink then everyone would accumulate wealth. Gold would be worthless and everyone would be trading in GG or use certain items as trading tokens. The cost of repair is related to the rarity of the item and how many added stats it has. Similar to the real world where an expensive car would be more expensive to repair, and it is assumed that you have the money to do that.

I don't believe you should be able to make a lot of money without setting out to do so (not simply a by-product of going levelling). If you want to make money they you need to plan for that, which may mean not using your best kit in favour of a cheaper to repair one, or going slower and taking on just one monster at a time. You may opt to use a GG item to protect kit damage or you may use normal repair and recover lost dura with a durability orb. If your kit really is bog-standard then is it even worth the special repair at all?

The cost of Gold has been remarkably stable against the value of GameGold for a long time, to me that is remarkable and is really healthy for the game. Being able to trust both currencies is a big deal, but more significantly it means that you don't need to buy GameGold if you don't want to, you just have to work harder for it!

Common man 4.5mil to repair a lvl 140 crystal bracelet, 6mil to repair a lvl 148 weapon, 5mil to repair a lvl 135 crystal ring, a good 4mil+ to repair armour, and another 4-5mil each for helm, belt and boots... its just not working for me, i'm hunting all the time, even tried gold drop potion but the gold i get and the amount of time and effort i spend is just not worth it... gold find should be increased by at least 50% to make it worth my while to go and hunt for 4+ hours.. and i understand the concept of picking of ingredients and other arcmon food's and selling it in town trader.. but this doesn't really help much given how much space you have in your bag.