What does the Pet Mode assist do? | The Legend of Mir

What does the Pet Mode assist do?


Active Member
Just lost all my pets as I came across a blue Butcher.

I've been told that if you put your pets onto assist and TT they should disengage the enemy and teleport with you.

This didn't happen they stood there and died one by one. Is this just a "You got unlucky" moment where because I didn't know how tough Blue Butcher was going to be I lose my pets as a lesson or should they have teleported out with me?

I only ask because earlier today I engaged another boss and when it became clear I wasn't going to win the fight I again used a TT and that time all my pets followed me out.

Very confused as to why one time they teleported out with me and another time they all refused to disengage the target and died one by one.

(I did also go out and fight other mobs to attack while the assist mode was active to see if they would teleport to help me but they didn't)
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The modes are quite casual, there's so many influences to the AI that they may not behave completely as expected at all times

From what I recall, assist is intended to engage your pets with whatever monster you are engaged with. If you (or the pets) were already engaged with the monster before you tt'ed then there's no reason for them to disengage. They will disengage or lose interest after a given time depending again on the mode

Monsters go to "sleep" when nobody is hunting in the cave. If you leave your pets in a cave and there are no other player in there then the monster they were fighting will likely go to sleep right away, your pets will follow. If there is someone in the cave then the monster will continue to attack your pets and they will defend themselves
Attack Mode - Pets will engage any hostile target that has sighted the player within moderate proximity.

Rest Mode - Do nothing.

Aggressive Mode - Pets will engage any hostile target in range regardless of player action or monster awareness and continue to search for other hostile monsters within close proximity to each other (with regards to player range - if the player moves to far away and there are no more monsters within range of the pet, they will teleport to you).

Assist Mode - Pets will only engage a target that the player targets. They will continue to ignore other targets around them until the player shifts to another target.

Defensive Mode - Pets will only engage hostile targets attacking the player.


In answer to your question, I think I know what's happened.

Looks like you will have hit TheButcher whilst on assist mode, this will mean that your pets will continue to attack the last monster you hit. Whilst in this mode, your pets won't shift targets until you do. So, since you attacked the butcher last, they will continue attacking it until they kill it. Teleporting out doesn't necessarily mean they will follow you. If they are attacking something in assist mode, they will wait until they have killed it before joining you again, or until you start attacking something else, or like Scorpian said, they will follow you out when there are no more players inside the cave.

A more effective way to ensure pets follow you in future is: teleport out, quickly teleport to another cave and attack another monster instead (but don't kill it). This will shift the targeting parameters from the original monster you targeted to this new target, and your pets will teleport back to you and start attacking your new target. The key here is that you don't kill the new target in one hit, or they won't follow.
It would be nice to see pet 'recall' range reduced a bit, sometimes they wonder off and die on their own (assist mode isn't always the best mode, tao shocks make it iffy) or they just too slow to keep up with you when your on the next pull of mobs.
A more effective way to ensure pets follow you in future is: teleport out, quickly teleport to another cave and attack another monster instead (but don't kill it). This will shift the targeting parameters from the original monster you targeted to this new target, and your pets will teleport back to you and start attacking your new target. The key here is that you don't kill the new target in one hit, or they won't follow.

An alternative to this is to simply log out and back in after you have landed back in town. When you log back in pets will be beside you
Many thanks to all the answers :D

I think overall I was just being a bit too careless when I engaged the Butcher so in the end it's my fault they all died (Poor little guys you'll be missed)

But thanks for all the knowledge will help me again in the future!
Sometimes quickly changing pet modes helps too..

For example i put em on rest for like a second then quickly change it to assist..
I find pet UI to be a bit mad, you have 1 ranged mob, your killing and pets stand there, soon as there5-6 the pet decide to chase after the archer in to a massive group of mobs
As warda says , usualy id rt hit an other mob on assist so it recalls them to help you , or run away from butcher don't hit anything and log off and on