Warda | The Legend of Mir



Active Member
hey there warda

i just wanted to make this post about ur locked post on (GUIDE!) Arcamon pets system

i know you made this post a good while ago but can you maybe update it with new pets and evlos

and can people post under this there new pets and there evlos so the GM can mark down on the list

i know there is 1 or 2 pets not been found yet come on people update the list..

Thank You for anyone that reads this and helps out.

Apologies for the delays, I know a lot of you guys are eager to see the updates. We will be updating both the forum and website in due time once we have tested and approved everything before release.

We will definitely let you all know when the guides have been updated - keep your eyes peeled.
thank you warda for that fast comment back

i would love to know all gms input about the guild territory i asked to bring back to the game

i know andy will be tryinbg to fix all the qusets were u need a guild wall to do them why not bring them gt's back and make all quests from the gt

what am saying do u think that is a good plan or not

i still say i would love andy's and urselfs and other gm's input would be great

PS thank you for reading this everyone

Apologies for the delays, I know a lot of you guys are eager to see the updates. We will be updating both the forum and website in due time once we have tested and approved everything before release.

We will definitely let you all know when the guides have been updated - keep your eyes peeled.

Will synchronization be part of this update?
Best wishes
hey there warda

i just wanted to make this post about ur locked post on (GUIDE!) Arcamon pets system

i know you made this post a good while ago but can you maybe update it with new pets and evlos

and can people post under this there new pets and there evlos so the GM can mark down on the list

i know there is 1 or 2 pets not been found yet come on people update the list..

Thank You for anyone that reads this and helps out.