update | The Legend of Mir



Active Member
hey andy and people

as the title says

1 what is all new apart from this skill bar that has moved i dont like that as i have got used to the other way is there any way to change it back to old spot

Yellow names for stalls

event boards next to weekly challenge's

and dose anyone know what has changed

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and the rankings is not working atm
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hey andy and people

i dont like that as i have got used to the other way is there any way to change it back to old spot
On the right hand side of the skill bar there is a small button to toggle position

Yellow names for stalls
Very useful, I like this change

event boards next to weekly challenge's
Fantastic change, great to see we can plan things now :D

and dose anyone know what has changed
Nothing else

and the rankings is not working atm
Rankings are re-calculated every hour. After a reboot they don't show until the first calculation which can be up to an hour after the reboot depending on what time it is