update to files? | The Legend of Mir

update to files?

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logged on today to have the game running virtual mode because some of the game files have been changed. due to this change I have had to delete the game totally and reinstall everything because the game is hanging due to the issues caused by changed to the game file changes.

I will clearly have to change the settings onmy computers to match how this has effected me, but it should not be necessary for myself or anybody else to have to do this on our computers. I have 3 computers, all different, all running Win 10 (which I hate but have to run) and all 3 were affected. The effects were, game crashing, On my main home build PC, Game crashing and locking both my Toshiba and Lenvo Laptops, not the crappy new types which do not have DVD's or BR drives like mine.

I do not know if anybody else is having this issue, but i do see at this time only 1/3rd of the normal amount of players online thats normally on, so I have to ask what affects has this had on others.

I know its not the firewall on my systems because I do not use the Microsoft rubbish and I am running the game in trusted modes not virtual. Its just a ball ache to have to go through all of this again on 2 machines because of a change of a file. and yes my main computer is not suffering from this because I did a work around but it still crashed 5 times before the work around fixed the issue.

Did you guys do an update, if not then why was there a file downloaded and why the issues with 3 different computers on the same network, and no it is not my network as its already been checked.
Usually when there is an update just use mir.exe it downloads the latest patch which keeps things in order the way its meant to be.. if u have problem getting the latest files.. then thats another problem
You've obviously got something set up wrongly, I started the game as normal, autopatcher ran, downloaded the updated files and let me straight in no problem at all.

Your tone comes across as very negative and angry over something that isn't the fault of the people you are addressing, chill it down a bit and you're more likely to get useful advice
Do you have the same Antivirus software on all machines? Sounds to me like this is sandboxing the updated version of the exe and/or closing it down.

Otherwise unsure from your descriptions of what is happening. Very strange you have issues on all 3 machines but when you re-download it works fine?
I helped her fix the issue. I had the same problem with my game and it just turned out to be a change in the .exe which caused the problem. As the AV & Firewall are all the same on her PC's it was just a simple change on the main PC, but it was a full reinstall on the laptops, which was a shame.

@Zad48231 A persons Tone? If she reads this thread and posts a personal comment like that to you would you be complaining of somebody flaming you? TBH your tone stinks to a new member and somebody that is totally new to the Mir experience. YOU have to remember not everybody has been playing this game, or the original version(s) of this game before. I would say, Wind your neck in, but I really do not want to upset your snowflake eyes.
Do you have the same Antivirus software on all machines? Sounds to me like this is sandboxing the updated version of the exe and/or closing it down.

Otherwise unsure from your descriptions of what is happening. Very strange you have issues on all 3 machines but when you re-download it works fine?

My friend from another flat helped me, which was nice. Personally I do not think that a new person to the game and forum should be flamed just because somebody thinks I have an attitude problem. I could not fix the issue and got help, as it was down to the exe and my AV running it differently i got a little frustrated as it worked on my main pc. I wanted to play in bed as i currently am unwell. so going out in the cold was not the best. I am sorry is, as my friend put it to me when he was here, snowflakes will complain about your post, as as i can see one already did so. So to that snowflake i give you a thumbs up for putting down a female player in mir who has only played this game for less than 1 week, you should give yourself a pat on the back for your heroic actions of bravery
My friend from another flat helped me, which was nice. Personally I do not think that a new person to the game and forum should be flamed just because somebody thinks I have an attitude problem. I could not fix the issue and got help, as it was down to the exe and my AV running it differently i got a little frustrated as it worked on my main pc. I wanted to play in bed as i currently am unwell. so going out in the cold was not the best. I am sorry is, as my friend put it to me when he was here, snowflakes will complain about your post, as as i can see one already did so. So to that snowflake i give you a thumbs up for putting down a female player in mir who has only played this game for less than 1 week, you should give yourself a pat on the back for your heroic actions of bravery

✔ calling people 'Snowflake'
✔ played the gender card
✔ played the ill health card

Full house!

None of these things are relevant or give you a free pass to have a stinky attitude on your very first post.

I have been more helpful to more people than you can imagine, I really do try to help people out, but it's really demoralising to see people come on here and throw down what is essentially just a rant without any real information and pretty much demanding a fix as if it's someone else's fault.

You want help, post details that will be useful to the people who can help you, and be polite, it doesn't cost anything.

You describe my first response to you as a 'flame', but read it again, really read it, I said nothing negative about you, just gave you a pointer (a true one at that) that you're more likely to get people helping if you come across as a nice person. Now read your first post again and think about how it reads, you come across like someone who's really angry and demanding, relax a bit eh
My windows defender often tries to block Mir.exe it thinks it’s a Trojan . However it can be allowed if you go through to control panel and then manually allow the program , I’ve known this for a while . However today I was in city GP cave (tele in bag ) I log in after today’s update and then my laptop randomly closes Mir down. I then can’t get back into game thinking I may have been killed . I then have to restart my laptop then go and allow Mir through my windows again . Luckily I didn’t die . As my Rev wasn’t active either . Would be cool Mir files that windows doesn’t like could be fixed . Maybe it can’t be done ? Maybe it’s more hassle than it’s worth it has been a bit of a ball ache lately . Probably windows 10 is the issue here
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My windows defender often tries to block Mir.exe it thinks it’s a Trojan . However it can be allowed if you go through to control panel and then manually allow the program , I’ve known this for a while . However today I was in city GP cave (tele in bag ) I log in after today’s update and then my laptop randomly closes Mir down. I then can’t get back into game thinking I may have been killed . I then have to restart my laptop then go and allow Mir through my windows again . Luckily I didn’t die . As my Rev wasn’t active either . Would be cool Mir files that windows doesn’t like could be fixed . Maybe it can’t be done ? Maybe it’s more hassle than it’s worth it has been a bit of a ball ache lately . Probably windows 10 is the issue here

It definitely can be done because most people do it, you just need to whitelist the entire Mir directory in your antivirus settings. If you just have default windows security hit your start button, type defender then press enter and it'll open up your settings. If you have a different antivirus then it will have similar settings you'll need to find yourself.
✔ calling people 'Snowflake'
✔ played the gender card
✔ played the ill health card

Full house!

None of these things are relevant or give you a free pass to have a stinky attitude on your very first post.

I have been more helpful to more people than you can imagine, I really do try to help people out, but it's really demoralising to see people come on here and throw down what is essentially just a rant without any real information and pretty much demanding a fix as if it's someone else's fault.

You want help, post details that will be useful to the people who can help you, and be polite, it doesn't cost anything.

You describe my first response to you as a 'flame', but read it again, really read it, I said nothing negative about you, just gave you a pointer (a true one at that) that you're more likely to get people helping if you come across as a nice person. Now read your first post again and think about how it reads, you come across like someone who's really angry and demanding, relax a bit eh

Hmm Flaming somebody because of their sex, health at the time, and calling you a snowflake as you took offence, wonder who is flaming who. Unwarranted attitude towards somebody regardless of their sex is a bit rich, still if we have people like you in here it would be a wonder why somebody would come to the forum and ask for help in the first place. Glad my door was there for her to knock on otherwise she wouldn't be online at all.

It was just an .exe issue which others have stated does have an issue, and the answer of white listing something is not the answer because if it is infected with adware, spyware, or any kind of Trojan you'll be letting yourself in for a lot of hard work cleaning your system after, as you would have allowed it under white listing. Windows Defender is worthless and so is the Russian AV, Norton, and some of the best known brands which get given to people for free when they buy a computer. One well known AV actually infects your PC with a virus and Add/Spy at the point of putting it on your system, so always make sure you use something good. She uses the same AV/Firewall as I do this is why we got around it fast, its just a shame she had to reinstall the game on two Laptops first before being able to play. For some reason one it went into full screen mode the game actually crashed? yes very strange. But in window mode everything was working as it should. Still cannot play in full screen mode as it locks up, but i will get her to drop the Laptop in to fix it.

Its actually nice to have people ready to help than instantly flame
Glad you managed to sort it out. Usually whenever there has been an update and you find yourselves having this issue again, it's maybe worth just double checking that your Firewall isn't trying to block the connection. My AV pops up to let me know the program has changed and asks me if I want to allow the program access to the internet. While you're not wrong there SoulTwister, it's always wise to be cautious, though we can assure you this program does not contain anything malicious - though to be extra safe, it's a good idea to make sure you are downloading from official sources beforehand.
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