Unban some old players | The Legend of Mir

Unban some old players


Leading Contributor
Why not bring some excitement back into this game by unbanned past banned players, mostly Arabs, speed79, lightwizard, ner0z etc?
if they would ever return they have more chance if they get their characters back. Pvp has always been what makes me play Arcadia more than any other game on pc and console and right now it is so one sided kinda boring, the game lacks decent players and Mir community is a small one.

Everyone deserves another chance, miracles happen at Christmas!
Why not bring some excitement back into this game by unbanned past banned players, mostly Arabs, speed79, lightwizard, ner0z etc?
if they would ever return they have more chance if they get their characters back. Pvp has always been what makes me play Arcadia more than any other game on pc and console and right now it is so one sided kinda boring, the game lacks decent players and Mir community is a small one.

Everyone deserves another chance, miracles happen at Christmas!

One side of me totaly agree..but it is Only couse it are a small community. We need more pvp and more drama :) i might start try pk some low lvls
One side of me totaly agree..but it is Only couse it are a small community. We need more pvp and more drama :) i might start try pk some low lvls

you need pvp? LOOL you guys just stand in sz when we are asking for pvp. Start pk low lvls it's all u can do atm. When u want pvp just pm me ingame /Rolk you are welcome! kisses <3

Unban old player? hmmmmm...maybe u mean cheaters like ner0z LOL??

Remember: Winner never cheat, Cheaters never win!
you need pvp? LOOL you guys just stand in sz when we are asking for pvp. Start pk low lvls it's all u can do atm. When u want pvp just pm me ingame /Rolk you are welcome! kisses <3

Unban old player? hmmmmm...maybe u mean cheaters like ner0z LOL??

Remember: Winner never cheat, Cheaters never win!

To bring some life back to the server. It’s toast atm mate lol
i will only accept this if they all get to turn to lvl 130 and all their kits removed.. maybe leave some spells but even that i want them to lose it.

They all guilty.. they knew they were doing something wrong but still took the risk. while i understand it was the greedy and temptation from ppl like speed and lightwwarrior or emrys.. the other guy ner0z (since he found the bug originally and abused it) i dont know what kinda punishment be suitable for him... hard to say.

either way if they have real love for the game and the server they should just artat a new char... its not hard to get a high lvl char these days.. u might need to spend couple of months but still it can be done in much shorter time period than any time before in arcadias life. as an incentive maybe GM can offer them free 75% boos on second char...
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you need pvp? LOOL you guys just stand in sz when we are asking for pvp. Start pk low lvls it's all u can do atm. When u want pvp just pm me ingame /Rolk you are welcome! kisses <3

Unban old player? hmmmmm...maybe u mean cheaters like ner0z LOL??

Remember: Winner never cheat, Cheaters never win!

haha your one to talk about pking lower lvls most contradicting comment ive seen in a while rofl
Speed didn't used the shit speed wes best kit in server sens start and Rich and full kited and full socket 2 3 year ago even before ur socket system bug . everyone say Arcadia died same like p69 well andy didnt relise wen i told him i keep ur server balanced and more fun .

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Speed didn't used the shit speed wes best kit in server sens start and Rich and full kited and full socket 2 3 year ago even before ur socket system bug . everyone say Arcadia died same like p69 well Andy didn't relies wen i told him i keep ur server balanced and more fun . i dont care lot abuot Ner0z coz he wes the one who used and benefit we all know in last huor like all the game wen sia post no more .
Speed and Rich selling and buying chars for real cash = forbidden (go to read server rules)

and anyway...ARCADIA NEVER DIES :cool::cool::cool:
lol so you thought cause arcadia is going to die you have the right to abuse some bug?

im playing mir arcadia long term... maybe 30-50years or so.. i can 90% guarantee that it be running during then.. if not ill put my money together and buy the whole game from him and run it my self.
lol so you thought cause arcadia is going to die you have the right to abuse some bug?

im playing mir arcadia long term... maybe 30-50years or so.. i can 90% guarantee that it be running during then.. if not ill put my money together and buy the whole game from him and run it my self.

Good, i dont want it gone :) Love the server and the ppl
only reason to unban all the old players and there chars is to stop thegoodfellas pking on every boss and everyone they have gone to far and starting to ruin the game am thining about quiting my self and i have been here for alot of years .........
only reason to unban all the old players and there chars is to stop thegoodfellas pking on every boss and everyone they have gone to far and starting to ruin the game am thining about quiting my self and i have been here for alot of years .........

This comment is what I’m bothered about mostly. Mir is nothing without a community and right now the community is so one sided it’s not fun at all for anyone.
The game has progressed even further that it would not matter if banned characters were unbanned even with their full kits.
All of the good players have left because they either have been banned or their friends have been banned. Albeit bug exploiting is not good and I don’t want to send out the wrong message.. but for those who believe Arcadia is thriving you’re either kidding yourself or have only just started playing. It’s dead.
This comment is what I’m bothered about mostly. Mir is nothing without a community and right now the community is so one sided it’s not fun at all for anyone.
The game has progressed even further that it would not matter if banned characters were unbanned even with their full kits.
All of the good players have left because they either have been banned or their friends have been banned. Albeit bug exploiting is not good and I don’t want to send out the wrong message.. but for those who believe Arcadia is thriving you’re either kidding yourself or have only just started playing. It’s dead.

The only people who think that way are the people who have been in the game for years.

I only started playing in February and I have learned a lot in that time but I have a lot more things to learn and explore and I'm still really enjoying it and expect to for quite some time. What other people do (PK at bosses etc.) is none of my concern. If someone tries to PK me I make a very quick judgement call, sometimes that judgement call is wrong, but usually it is right. If I am vastly overpowered then I will just TT. If I think I have a good chance to win then I will maybe stay and fight if I can be bothered, or maybe TT if I can't be bothered at that time. Some people like to call me names because of that, and that has a 0% chance of changing my mind lol. I play the way I play, and nobody will change that.

But anyway, there are a lot of aspects to this game
- Hardcore levelling
- Easy levelling (places with less exp but less effort/cost)
- Regular bosses (can be solo'd or small group)
- Hard bosses (need group)
- Big group hunting in premium caves for exp/drops
- Quests
- PVP in the field
- PVP in safe areas (@pvp)
- Crafting

So many people will pick one or two of these aspects and focus on them, and say that the other things are boring. Those people get bored quickly. I do all of the things above in small amounts, a bit of everything. That variety is what keeps the game alive for me, if I am doing one thing and get a bit bored I'll just stop and do something else, then go back to the other thing after a few days or weeks. There's always something else to try. Don't be so matter of fact about exp and materialism, you'll never hear me saying "I don't hunt X because I get no exp/drops" or whatever, quite often I'll hunt stuff that's utterly useless just because it's a bit of fun. People who take this direction will enjoy the game so much more.

It's also the reason I keep a large gap in the levels between my chars. I could have all 3 of my chars to low/mid 140's by now, but then I'd be hunting mostly the same stuff on all of them, going to the same caves/bosses etc. With levels 150/132/99 I can decide "I fancy killing X, which char will that be a challenge on" and go on that char. If I want to kill Slicer I'll go on my warr because it's a fun challenge, too easy on 150 wiz and too hard on 99 tao, warr is goldilocks zone for this boss. Same applies for anything else, I can kill groundmover very easily on wiz or warr but on tao it is a really fun and difficult challenge.

Maybe if you're bored make some new character, craft some really good spec low level kit and go hunt somewhere you haven't been in a while.
Speed and Rich selling and buying chars for real cash = forbidden (go to read server rules)

and anyway...ARCADIA NEVER DIES :cool::cool::cool:

rofl mate selling account u noob how to sell account if u are banned anyway if i need to make money best server to play is hany server the GM allowed you to sell 1 mill gold for 4 euro so 100m = 400 euro and all my teem playing there even ibby and tiggy and all old euro guild is there and even must off Arabic player are there i like Arcadia more its what i say coz i gave fuck about $$ i can tell u i got way to make gold there 100 m in 3 day some time more or less so i can get like 130 euro etch day .
The only people who think that way are the people who have been in the game for years.

I only started playing in February and I have learned a lot in that time but I have a lot more things to learn and explore and I'm still really enjoying it and expect to for quite some time. What other people do (PK at bosses etc.) is none of my concern. If someone tries to PK me I make a very quick judgement call, sometimes that judgement call is wrong, but usually it is right. If I am vastly overpowered then I will just TT. If I think I have a good chance to win then I will maybe stay and fight if I can be bothered, or maybe TT if I can't be bothered at that time. Some people like to call me names because of that, and that has a 0% chance of changing my mind lol. I play the way I play, and nobody will change that.

But anyway, there are a lot of aspects to this game
- Hardcore levelling
- Easy levelling (places with less exp but less effort/cost)
- Regular bosses (can be solo'd or small group)
- Hard bosses (need group)
- Big group hunting in premium caves for exp/drops
- Quests
- PVP in the field
- PVP in safe areas (@pvp)
- Crafting

So many people will pick one or two of these aspects and focus on them, and say that the other things are boring. Those people get bored quickly. I do all of the things above in small amounts, a bit of everything. That variety is what keeps the game alive for me, if I am doing one thing and get a bit bored I'll just stop and do something else, then go back to the other thing after a few days or weeks. There's always something else to try. Don't be so matter of fact about exp and materialism, you'll never hear me saying "I don't hunt X because I get no exp/drops" or whatever, quite often I'll hunt stuff that's utterly useless just because it's a bit of fun. People who take this direction will enjoy the game so much more.

It's also the reason I keep a large gap in the levels between my chars. I could have all 3 of my chars to low/mid 140's by now, but then I'd be hunting mostly the same stuff on all of them, going to the same caves/bosses etc. With levels 150/132/99 I can decide "I fancy killing X, which char will that be a challenge on" and go on that char. If I want to kill Slicer I'll go on my warr because it's a fun challenge, too easy on 150 wiz and too hard on 99 tao, warr is goldilocks zone for this boss. Same applies for anything else, I can kill groundmover very easily on wiz or warr but on tao it is a really fun and difficult challenge.

Maybe if you're bored make some new character, craft some really good spec low level kit and go hunt somewhere you haven't been in a while.

Respect your way of playing but if you read my first post I did highlight that pvp was what makes play Arcadia more than any other game on pc or console. And at the moment pvp side is dead as there is nobody left to compete with Italians. I made this thread as a call for Scorpian to unban some chars in an attempt to bring some players back which would make my favourite aspect of this game come back to life.
I have got 158 warrior 148 wiz and 145 tao I’ve plenty of options but the class of the character isn’t my problem here. The lack of entertainment at wars/boss fights is my issue.
I'm in full favor of allowing all banned players to return for pvp, but on the understanding that the GM allows a key to
Turn off pvp and pk. If you like a short of pk immunity key for players that don't wish to fight.
If you've been banned for cheating ,there is only 2 opitions. Start new character or new server...
As much as I had no issues with speed, nero,keith etc, these players knew the rules .
I'm in full favor of allowing all banned players to return for pvp, but on the understanding that the GM allows a key to
Turn off pvp and pk. If you like a short of pk immunity key for players that don't wish to fight.
If you've been banned for cheating ,there is only 2 opitions. Start new character or new server...
As much as I had no issues with speed, nero,keith etc, these players knew the rules .

Being able to turn something like that on and off would be very hard to avoid people exploiting it, whatever measures we think of someone will find a way.

Maybe another idea is when you make a new char there's a button to make it normal or a "no pk" char. If you click the "no pk" button when making the char, then your char name is a different colour so people know, and that char can never change attack modes (always on peaceful) and cannot be hit by other players. It's a permanent setting that is set at the point the character is made and that's it, once it's done it's done,

That would give the option for people who want to play peacefully, they can make new chars and use them like that, but the majority I think would not choose it :)