Transfering a character | The Legend of Mir

Transfering a character

Character transfer is not available on this server. Sorry

Maybe it should be for a cost.. rather than GM having to deal with headache about accounts getting stolen. maybe if making a system that it will cost $£ to transfer accounts then it might effect accounts gettings stolen an so.. obviously in a positive way.
Not even if I made char on P69 and the server seems dead compared to Arcadia? maybe this should have ben explained before we decide to make our characters so we can choose the right server to start with. spent a bit getting the warrior up to sped and its upsetting that is all wasted
Not even if I made char on P69 and the server seems dead compared to Arcadia? maybe this should have ben explained before we decide to make our characters so we can choose the right server to start with. spent a bit getting the warrior up to sped and its upsetting that is all wasted

I actually thought you meant transfer from 1 account to another, which has been asked before and Andy said he won't do it because it opens up a lot of potential areas for character sale/theft and it's too much work for him to monitor that.

Transferring from 1 server to another server, what on earth would make you think that would ever be a thing? They are different servers! Different exp rates, different items, different level caps! Everything. Surely everyone would just level up on whichever one was easier then transfer. Sorry but that makes no sense at all.

Sorry that you are upset about your efforts being wasted, but there's plenty information on the forum and lots of people who would have advised you if you asked

- - - Updated - - -

When you get ingame in arcadia give me a pm and I'll be happy to accelerate you a bit to get you started
I think I explained this recently in an email to you, maybe it was someone else, but Zade is right, completely different games really.

Sorry you didn't know transfers were not possible but all is not lost - your time on Project69 should make Arcadia much easier to navigate and enjoy.