Title change | The Legend of Mir

Title change


Active Member
Changing your title in mudwall npc for 50gps only works until you relog and it resets back to what it was before.

Also making frostguards not expire was a nice change, but I've killed at least 30 knights now and not had 1 helm, am i just unlucky or are they really low drop rate?

The area is not fun without one.
Changing your title in mudwall npc for 50gps only works until you relog and it resets back to what it was before.

Also making frostguards not expire was a nice change, but I've killed at least 30 knights now and not had 1 helm, am i just unlucky or are they really low drop rate?

The area is not fun without one.

In the same boat here, my last frost guard expired a couple of days ago. Killed god knows how many Knights last week trying to get another one and not a sausage
Is it the "special heroes" title that is taking over? I think there is an on/off button somewhere on an NPC to turn the (free) heroes one off and then your bought one will shine through.

Everyone requested the change to helmets - you cant expect the same drop rate. Especially since now when you get one you will have it for life
Is it the "special heroes" title that is taking over? I think there is an on/off button somewhere on an NPC to turn the (free) heroes one off and then your bought one will shine through.

Everyone requested the change to helmets - you cant expect the same drop rate. Especially since now when you get one you will have it for life

Nope, my title is necromancer if i change it and relog its back to necromancer again.
Will take a look.

Do people care much about this feature? I could try make it more accessible
Is it the "special heroes" title that is taking over? I think there is an on/off button somewhere on an NPC to turn the (free) heroes one off and then your bought one will shine through.

Everyone requested the change to helmets - you cant expect the same drop rate. Especially since now when you get one you will have it for life

That's a fair point, but the forum would be quiet if we didn't have a good moan from time to time :D
Also might want to look into letting new players know about the under 120 buff. Lots of them don't know about it
Necromancer is rebirth status, you have to click 'Off' and then relog to reset it to your chosen gamepoint title Con.

I did it the yesterday so it definitely works.

- - - Updated - - -

Just to add: You need to relog to reset "rebirth title" once you turn it off but you do not need to log to turn it on, so if you click off, then on again and don't log out, it won't do toffee.