Been playing the game all day today and its just very slow for new starters. I've been helped by a couple of lovely people who have helped me level and given me kit but if it wasnt for them, its a very slow and long proccess. Theres no guidance or where you should hunt to level, find kit, make money and find skill books; it just seems a very long and slow proccess to even get anywhere close to the current players. I know i only been playing a day and i know i shouldnt be able to catch up with the current players in a day, but i just think there should be some guidance on how i should play the game as it is quite different from other mirs that i have played in the past. I just think there should be some boost for new starters to help us catch up to the current players like the start level increased with some decent kit and spells as the low end kit and spells are worthless anyway and its a waste of time running around bw killing hens and deers. Most people dont want to help so maybe give a reward to those who do actually help. The main issue i have is that i have no idea what kit i should be looking for, where it actually even drops and where to find skills books etc. I know everything shouldnt be told and given to u but this server has been out for a long time and there are a lot of people who are comfortably playing while the new starters have no chance of catching up or even getting close. For example, i am looking for flame field, i have no idea where it drops and the cheapest it is in auction house is 850k while i only have 200k... Its quite a long rant but i am going to give the game a few days, if its enjoyable i will carry on playing, however, its been very boring for me so far.
If anyone does want to help me out lvling, finding kit, making money or everything else i am struggling with, please do help me out and make it as enjoyable for me as it for u. I dont have time to be playing all day everyday; I will just have a few hours a day to enjoy my self and play the game. I will be playing quite a lot for the next couple of days to try and get into it but if it doesnt work out then something really needs to be done to help new starters to make it enjoyable for us as well as the current players...
Rant over...
If you see me ingame please try to help me; I am also looking for a nice guild who go on regular hunts
If anyone does want to help me out lvling, finding kit, making money or everything else i am struggling with, please do help me out and make it as enjoyable for me as it for u. I dont have time to be playing all day everyday; I will just have a few hours a day to enjoy my self and play the game. I will be playing quite a lot for the next couple of days to try and get into it but if it doesnt work out then something really needs to be done to help new starters to make it enjoyable for us as well as the current players...
Rant over...
If you see me ingame please try to help me; I am also looking for a nice guild who go on regular hunts