This game is very boring, slow and long for new starters, please help us! :P | The Legend of Mir

This game is very boring, slow and long for new starters, please help us! :P


Been playing the game all day today and its just very slow for new starters. I've been helped by a couple of lovely people who have helped me level and given me kit but if it wasnt for them, its a very slow and long proccess. Theres no guidance or where you should hunt to level, find kit, make money and find skill books; it just seems a very long and slow proccess to even get anywhere close to the current players. I know i only been playing a day and i know i shouldnt be able to catch up with the current players in a day, but i just think there should be some guidance on how i should play the game as it is quite different from other mirs that i have played in the past. I just think there should be some boost for new starters to help us catch up to the current players like the start level increased with some decent kit and spells as the low end kit and spells are worthless anyway and its a waste of time running around bw killing hens and deers. Most people dont want to help so maybe give a reward to those who do actually help. The main issue i have is that i have no idea what kit i should be looking for, where it actually even drops and where to find skills books etc. I know everything shouldnt be told and given to u but this server has been out for a long time and there are a lot of people who are comfortably playing while the new starters have no chance of catching up or even getting close. For example, i am looking for flame field, i have no idea where it drops and the cheapest it is in auction house is 850k while i only have 200k... Its quite a long rant but i am going to give the game a few days, if its enjoyable i will carry on playing, however, its been very boring for me so far.

If anyone does want to help me out lvling, finding kit, making money or everything else i am struggling with, please do help me out and make it as enjoyable for me as it for u. I dont have time to be playing all day everyday; I will just have a few hours a day to enjoy my self and play the game. I will be playing quite a lot for the next couple of days to try and get into it but if it doesnt work out then something really needs to be done to help new starters to make it enjoyable for us as well as the current players...

Rant over...
If you see me ingame please try to help me; I am also looking for a nice guild who go on regular hunts :)

lmao if u think the beginning is long tedious and boring wait till u start trying to make good kit ... As for you lvling/getting kit , just focus on some quests from the farmer in bichon . (really easy one is BoneCollector) you will probably have to grind solo for some hours ... but it will make u a better player. Coming to skills that you want to collect, this will probly be the biggest pain in the ass if your not going to donate and buy them direct from the GG shop, id advise not worrying about it and focusing on lvling. As for lvling - kill mobs around your lvl ... Check the mob lvl either by pressing ctrl and targeting the mob or looking in the bottom right of the screen, what ever lvl that mob is, it likely drops items/books around that lvl , i.e zuma dungeon mobs drop TDB/FlameDisruptor etc etc. And if u dont know what dungeons you should be in now theres a lovely npc called Ashley in bichon 339 255 who can give u ALLLLLL the info u need
lmao if u think the beginning is long tedious and boring wait till u start trying to make good kit ... As for you lvling/getting kit , just focus on some quests from the farmer in bichon . (really easy one is BoneCollector) you will probably have to grind solo for some hours ... but it will make u a better player. Coming to skills that you want to collect, this will probly be the biggest pain in the ass if your not going to donate and buy them direct from the GG shop, id advise not worrying about it and focusing on lvling. As for lvling - kill mobs around your lvl ... Check the mob lvl either by pressing ctrl and targeting the mob or looking in the bottom right of the screen, what ever lvl that mob is, it likely drops items/books around that lvl , i.e zuma dungeon mobs drop TDB/FlameDisruptor etc etc. And if u dont know what dungeons you should be in now theres a lovely npc called Ashley in bichon 339 255 who can give u ALLLLLL the info u need

While I agree with the first part of what you said (shouldn’t expect to catch up in a day and grinding is part of the game, please stop telling people that if you kill stuff of a certain level, it will drop those skills or gear. I have killed thousands of monsters and haven’t seen this beyond a couple skill books. Like one of the accuracy books for war drop in BDD from regular monsters. Normal monsters don’t really drop jack from what I have seen except pet food and alchemy stuff. Gear and skills primarily come from bosses that are around that level but not alway. For example you need to kill level 80+ bosses for some of the rare level 70 skills (toxic, XHM, angel) and in most cases you need to be even higher level to kill the boss - like don’t expect to kill troll until level 96-100+ even though it drops level 70+ stuff without help).

This is info that was fed to me and caused me a bunch of time grinding mobs at a specific level with nothing to show for it. Killed tons of fox mobs and troll mobs with nothing to show for it except pots and a little cash.
Hi first of all welcome to the server. I'd like to state that this is a low rate server and has been for many years, i'd say drops from mobs is most likely about luck. They do drop but very very rarely. Best is to kill bosses if you need certain items/skills for higher chances. Or get a group to grind all relevant lvl bosses in this server.

The fun part of this server is players need to work hard to kit themselves up 1 by 1. Where's the fun in it if players can solo bosses, can get kitted up and full skilled in just a couple days? GM recently changed the drop rates of skill books to higher chance of dropping so i guess it won't be that hard compare to before. Once you get a hook on it you won't feel that it is that difficult anymore.

- From a player that just felt the same as you before
This game is far from boring... prolly more addictive than drugs if anything.. dunno what your expecting.. be lvl 130 average like everybody else once you start playing? lol fuck off!!... you obviously dont know how to enjoy a game.. its not important for you to be on same lvl as everybody else... you can enjoy and have as much fun in this game being low lvl... cause there are shed loads of things to do... i think some high lvl players helping you has spoiled your expectation.. or i dunno what you are expecting, but let me tell you one thing if your here expecting everything handed to you without you working hard for it.. then your not welcome.. go play fortnight as some says...

This game is only very competitive for advanced players, generally lvl 140+... any level below its all fun and joy for you. specially with these 400%+ exp buffs u get for free for being a new player... so enjoy it rather than coming here and telling us the game is boring which your totally wrong about. cause tbh your the only person who thinks that..
As above there's loads to do on game, quests ,bosses, guild hunts ,wars and even grinding. Go out and explore the game a while.
You might enjoy it more...
Best wishes
Ps if you need help pm me ingame, can advise you.
There are lots of things to do...... try exploring and clicking npc’s

It took me 2 months to hit lvl 140, can easily be done faster but there is SO much to do I just enjoyed the journey

Pm me in game if u need help
Boring is a strong word, to me the game is not boring at all but can be challenging for someone who just started out. As took me a few weeks solid to learn n write down where to go what place leads to what and figure out what direction i would like to take the game. Try to have a bit more of a posetive look at things & ask ask ask ask ! There is allot of helpful people out there who will give u the base platform for u to stand on, and then u can build from there, but please dont be so quick to criticise the game, drop me a line ore anyone above if u need help whit anything, hope to see ya ingame x
Been playing the game all day today and its just very slow for new starters. I've been helped by a couple of lovely people who have helped me level and given me kit but if it wasnt for them, its a very slow and long proccess. Theres no guidance or where you should hunt to level, find kit, make money and find skill books; it just seems a very long and slow proccess to even get anywhere close to the current players. I know i only been playing a day and i know i shouldnt be able to catch up with the current players in a day, but i just think there should be some guidance on how i should play the game as it is quite different from other mirs that i have played in the past. I just think there should be some boost for new starters to help us catch up to the current players like the start level increased with some decent kit and spells as the low end kit and spells are worthless anyway and its a waste of time running around bw killing hens and deers. Most people dont want to help so maybe give a reward to those who do actually help. The main issue i have is that i have no idea what kit i should be looking for, where it actually even drops and where to find skills books etc. I know everything shouldnt be told and given to u but this server has been out for a long time and there are a lot of people who are comfortably playing while the new starters have no chance of catching up or even getting close. For example, i am looking for flame field, i have no idea where it drops and the cheapest it is in auction house is 850k while i only have 200k... Its quite a long rant but i am going to give the game a few days, if its enjoyable i will carry on playing, however, its been very boring for me so far.

If anyone does want to help me out lvling, finding kit, making money or everything else i am struggling with, please do help me out and make it as enjoyable for me as it for u. I dont have time to be playing all day everyday; I will just have a few hours a day to enjoy my self and play the game. I will be playing quite a lot for the next couple of days to try and get into it but if it doesnt work out then something really needs to be done to help new starters to make it enjoyable for us as well as the current players...

Rant over...
If you see me ingame please try to help me; I am also looking for a nice guild who go on regular hunts :)


In game name ??

Quick update on how I’m getting along.

Been playing the game for about a week now and I am starting to enjoy it a lot more. I was too quick to judge the game so early on and it is has been enjoyable. As for levelling and skills I still do think it’s a pain in the arse. I heard the exp has been increased while I been playing and that too seemed a bit slow for me so god knows how it’s going to b after, I guess I will just need to grind out a lot more time into levelling. As for the server being a low rate, I comepletely disagree with that, there’s no way I could get to level 110 on a low rate sever within a week, that’s just not possible on a low rate. The skills I find they rarely to never drop and the ones in AH are completely over priced being sold by the high levels at completely inflated prices because they are in no rush to make money off the skill books. Overall I think the skill books need to b easier to source and not b available just through gg making it a pay 2 win server...

On the plus side, overall I am enjoying the game and I will carry on playing.
PS do not kill me in game, help me out :p
In game name:
Quick update on how I’m getting along.

Been playing the game for about a week now and I am starting to enjoy it a lot more. I was too quick to judge the game so early on and it is has been enjoyable. As for levelling and skills I still do think it’s a pain in the arse. I heard the exp has been increased while I been playing and that too seemed a bit slow for me so god knows how it’s going to b after, I guess I will just need to grind out a lot more time into levelling. As for the server being a low rate, I comepletely disagree with that, there’s no way I could get to level 110 on a low rate sever within a week, that’s just not possible on a low rate. The skills I find they rarely to never drop and the ones in AH are completely over priced being sold by the high levels at completely inflated prices because they are in no rush to make money off the skill books. Overall I think the skill books need to b easier to source and not b available just through gg making it a pay 2 win server...

On the plus side, overall I am enjoying the game and I will carry on playing.
PS do not kill me in game, help me out :p
In game name:

In terms of what “rate” the server is the numbers don’t really mean a lot. All servers are different and mobs all give different amounts of exp. if you compare to the original euro Mir then lvl 110 seems very high but every thing is relative

With regards to skills, there’s a common misconception that because a skill is a certain lvl if you don’t have said skill at that lvl then you have no chance of progressing. There are tons of skills and you don’t need a full set to be able to enjoy the game.

The drop rates seem good to me and books are priced fairly on AH. If you want everything handed to you on plate then Wack out the credit card (servers need cash to run at the end of the day). Also with the drops how they are now, if you got a rare and all of a sudden it was de valued over night because some new player was moaning about drops you would be the first person on forums bitching about it.....

I’m happy your enjoyment is growing and from experience I know it will continue to! Remember the reason we all play these games is to fulfill our continued desire to improve and get that endorphin kick when a rare drops or you achieve something like lvling up or Killing a boss.

Lastly just to keep you going, there’s a boss you can easily kill that drops a dragon evo stone, that’s worth 1000gg. Just imagen if you got that!!!!

PM me in game if you need any more help
In terms of what “rate” the server is the numbers don’t really mean a lot. All servers are different and mobs all give different amounts of exp. if you compare to the original euro Mir then lvl 110 seems very high but every thing is relative

With regards to skills, there’s a common misconception that because a skill is a certain lvl if you don’t have said skill at that lvl then you have no chance of progressing. There are tons of skills and you don’t need a full set to be able to enjoy the game.

The drop rates seem good to me and books are priced fairly on AH. If you want everything handed to you on plate then Wack out the credit card (servers need cash to run at the end of the day). Also with the drops how they are now, if you got a rare and all of a sudden it was de valued over night because some new player was moaning about drops you would be the first person on forums bitching about it.....

I’m happy your enjoyment is growing and from experience I know it will continue to! Remember the reason we all play these games is to fulfill our continued desire to improve and get that endorphin kick when a rare drops or you achieve something like lvling up or Killing a boss.

Lastly just to keep you going, there’s a boss you can easily kill that drops a dragon evo stone, that’s worth 1000gg. Just imagen if you got that!!!!

PM me in game if you need any more help

Finally a voice of reason :)
Quick update on how I’m getting along.

Been playing the game for about a week now and I am starting to enjoy it a lot more. I was too quick to judge the game so early on and it is has been enjoyable. As for levelling and skills I still do think it’s a pain in the arse. I heard the exp has been increased while I been playing and that too seemed a bit slow for me so god knows how it’s going to b after, I guess I will just need to grind out a lot more time into levelling. As for the server being a low rate, I comepletely disagree with that, there’s no way I could get to level 110 on a low rate sever within a week, that’s just not possible on a low rate. The skills I find they rarely to never drop and the ones in AH are completely over priced being sold by the high levels at completely inflated prices because they are in no rush to make money off the skill books. Overall I think the skill books need to b easier to source and not b available just through gg making it a pay 2 win server...

On the plus side, overall I am enjoying the game and I will carry on playing.
PS do not kill me in game, help me out :p
In game name:

I can help to. Would be great if server eventually get an third guild compete against walls do lack of fellas atm.. where is Rolk ? O i miss him..
I can help to. Would be great if server eventually get an third guild compete against walls do lack of fellas atm.. where is Rolk ? O i miss him..

Someone said last night he is on holiday. Maybe true maybe not, no big deal either way.