These castles | The Legend of Mir

These castles


Active Member
Ello everybody...

ok so i think 1-3 castles should be made so the war starts at any other time than 8pm GMT... this is to balance out and bring some advantage to players who play from other parts of the world and it can just keeps things rolling...

certain castle war starts at 1pm GMT
another castles starts at 1am GMT
another castle starts 7am GMT

also there should be a castle where you can fight without risking losing any items... this might give ppl a chance to practice pvp and maybe have more guts to want to fight in other castles where you can actually drop an item and run the risk of getting abused for it for months...

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well something needs to change...

Mr GM, I would really appreciate it if you could also like to explore the idea of lifting the limit on the amount of guild members without it costing the guild a bomb.. certain guild has a limit of 30 members and they all active players but they all play at different times and are bound by different duties like babysitting or being at work or being in a different time zones i dunno there are so many different reasons lol.

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My proposal for castle war times

Bichon wall: 20:00hrs

Sabuk Wall: 12:00hrs

Phoenix wall: 15:00hrs

Tristram: : 03:00hrs

Gi Ryong: 20:00hrs

Arcane wall: 23:00hrs

Woomyon: 01:00hrs

or another way spread each castle war by 3.5ish hours

24hrs divided by 7 castles = 3.42 hrs
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So peoples have to log at 03:00 AM or 05:00 AM to fight a war? Are you kidding LOL? Don't cry about the castle if you lose them all, it's just cos your guild are noob nothing more :encouragement: :encouragement: :encouragement:
So peoples have to log at 03:00 AM or 05:00 AM to fight a war? Are you kidding LOL? Don't cry about the castle if you lose them all, it's just cos your guild are noob nothing more :encouragement: :encouragement: :encouragement:

Yes i want war at kinda of different hours than 8pm.. and im not crying.. we have more members who are high lvl than your guild. they are just not on all at around same time.. and cause of this you you guys are winning more than us. Rolk before you talk sht just remmember i was member/leader of guild that had all 7 castles for years and years.. so you coming here owning few castles for few months makes you think ur good.. I can honestly tell you.. your nothing.
LOL please tell me who you are...lier

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"7 castles for years and years" :highly_amused::highly_amused::highly_amused::highly_amused::highly_amused: