There gnna be a summer event? | The Legend of Mir

There gnna be a summer event?

Sounds too simplistic as I know theres probs more involved but couldn't u recycle a past event coz I don't think people would mind aslong as they get one

Preference? I can't think of any other than River of Flames and that was used for Easter. There's the Halloween ones and Xmas ones but they will be used later in the year
Tbh agree, week or 2 of different days stuff, exp, blues and reds etc etc.
Maybe a random gm appearence couple if spawns attacking towns could be cool giving all a chance to be envolved.
Preference? I can't think of any other than River of Flames and that was used for Easter. There's the Halloween ones and Xmas ones but they will be used later in the year

What about last years haloween one, tbh even if you used the easter event map I don't think people would be too irate about it maybe change a few doors or something ik im over simplifying it but people would rather have a reused map then nothing at least
I would love another event ! Can we have one thats non pk focused some pk cant be avoided get that but would be nice whit something a bit chilled and bring people together to have some fun ^_^
How about Best of both worlds we have half the map that's pkable and half that isn't therefore u passive people still get to hunt but us pkers still get a chance at kit
Whos going to be left to pk if there not any community left.
Wether you are a pker or not community is short at the moment and something is needed to apease both kinds of players
Or make every guild automatically war every castle every night for a week. That should mix things up a bit hahah
Summer event going to happen? Nothing since April.. New caves yes but doesn't help lower level characters much..
How about Best of both worlds we have half the map that's pkable and half that isn't therefore u passive people still get to hunt but us pkers still get a chance at kit

There is Sunken - no drop
Diablo - no drop
Baal - no drop
Any more weekly challange i miss ?

We have RDD + ICE - no pk.

Do we need none drop none pk evens also now.. server realy gonna be one guild pk one or two guild that are pve. Why even bother be on same server at the end..

- - - Updated - - -

Sry i quote you. I am forum noob did only ment ho reply to thred
Agree with the daily events anything else will do more damage than good so soon after the recent updates and level cap change
Please don’t screw shit up as everything is balanced. Don’t make unnecessary events to fyk up the market. If you want to make things “interesting for moaners” you could mass spawn all bosses in BW and let the players have fun and die and then come back forum and moan again.