The real story of how Xerxes lost his ''virg'' Hiogi | The Legend of Mir

The real story of how Xerxes lost his ''virg'' Hiogi

Just give it back and keep the server community going. Cba to fight all the time. Getting boring accualy and People just end up somewhere ells couse it are the Only thing we do. Then what ? You sit alone in a former with uber kit ? Think abit now please

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Server is Getting boring of all fights tbh.. not to many pvp players on to keep it going. Kind of sad if all going somewhere ells just to be able to hunt and casual play.
Don't see why disgusting language should be allowed on the forum all over a game. Who is the sad person? Flame away.......
Don't see why disgusting language should be allowed on the forum all over a game. Who is the sad person? Flame away.......

Both ?

The person posting a discusting pic and the person using non adult language? Or what you reckon?:highly_amused::highly_amused:

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The entire situation is just out of hand atm, atleast me thinking of switch server to more mature one
This guild war is like little girls kindergarten. Adults bickering and arguing over things that do not matter.

My message to both sides is the same - take a step back, take a deep breath, think about what you are doing.

Soon you will all realise none of this means anything. Just forget and go play the game.

The only mistake here is that 1 person lost their temper. When you lose temper in this game, shortly after you lose items, because nobody plays at their best when they are angry.

Relax, see the bottom line of my signature :p
1st of all, that was just a provocation by me on xerxes who acted like a badass. if somene get ''disgusted'' by an old meme on 2019 is not my problem.

2nd most of you probably don't understand how LegendOfMir works. PKing is the ''endgame'', once you get the best kit the higest lvl the only thing you can do is fighitng vs other playing characters, that's why there's the sabukwall WAR and that's why Andy made many conquerable castles. have you ever played on dragon server? have you ever tried to kill an important boss as a small guild? if you tried that one of the big guilds would come and raid you. So plz don't complain about getting pked when you try to hunt, that's just HOW THE GAME IS.

3rd the war beetwen legends and fellas was started by legends, not us. in the past years we always been pacefully with legends and we always let them hunt and grow (cause they wasnt a challenge for us) but then this halloween one of your members Senkoku(or something like that) had a fight with Rolk. Rolk is not a saint we all know that, but that was a personal thing. your noob member went mad and extended the fight to all our guild, declaring war to our castles. so doing that he attaked ALL fellas. after that i had a long conversation with xerxes telling him to not attack us, and keep the fight senkoku vs rolk a personal thing beetwen them cause otherwise that would be a bloodbath for legends. He said ''dont' worry we're not going to attak your castles''. what happend the next day? ALL legends come on war (so it means ALL OF YOU DECICED FREELY to attack and fight vs us) during the war one of our guys died and dropped his armour. we asked you to give it back and we would stop the war, you didnt. So we started hunting you for your kit, but many of you keep asking for a peace saying that you dont like to pvp and want to be a paceful guild. So our leader FlyingDutchman made a pact with Alan: 3 castles for each guild and no more pking. yesterday was our turn to get back our 3rd castle pacefully, but xerxes + someonelse attacked us AGAIN. you know the rest of the story, now if someone want to remain on TheLegends guild must accept the fact to be istant attacked by our members. if you want to play pacefully quit that guild make new one and try an ally with us.

Everyone is free to say that wat i'm saying is a lie, and those lowhits from legends never happened.

In the end i'm courious to know what Andy think about pking and if we're going againist some rules, cause you guys cry like we are ruining your game. the reality is you ruined it by yourself.
Just give it back and keep the server community going. Cba to fight all the time. Getting boring accualy and People just end up somewhere ells couse it are the Only thing we do. Then what ? You sit alone in a former with uber kit ? Think abit now please

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Server is Getting boring of all fights tbh.. not to many pvp players on to keep it going. Kind of sad if all going somewhere ells just to be able to hunt and casual play.

Just give it back..... not exactly the sentiment showed by your guild when I was lvl 118 brand new to server and got pked by legends and lost tele ring. I’m not crying or moaning bout this, have just accepted it but it’s a more relevant point than losing something in a war....

My point is (although not clear at all) is a hat zade is the only one on here that seems to have a clue and real perspective!! It’s just graphics and pixels on a screen! If you use irl cash (like me, 3000+ Gg In 3 months) you accept the risk. If no irl cash then easy come easy go.

Tbh Niv’s last post seems to ring true but I can understand others dismay
1st of all, that was just a provocation by me on xerxes who acted like a badass. if somene get ''disgusted'' by an old meme on 2019 is not my problem.

2nd most of you probably don't understand how LegendOfMir works. PKing is the ''endgame'', once you get the best kit the higest lvl the only thing you can do is fighitng vs other playing characters, that's why there's the sabukwall WAR and that's why Andy made many conquerable castles. have you ever played on dragon server? have you ever tried to kill an important boss as a small guild? if you tried that one of the big guilds would come and raid you. So plz don't complain about getting pked when you try to hunt, that's just HOW THE GAME IS.

3rd the war beetwen legends and fellas was started by legends, not us. in the past years we always been pacefully with legends and we always let them hunt and grow (cause they wasnt a challenge for us) but then this halloween one of your members Senkoku(or something like that) had a fight with Rolk. Rolk is not a saint we all know that, but that was a personal thing. your noob member went mad and extended the fight to all our guild, declaring war to our castles. so doing that he attaked ALL fellas. after that i had a long conversation with xerxes telling him to not attack us, and keep the fight senkoku vs rolk a personal thing beetwen them cause otherwise that would be a bloodbath for legends. He said ''dont' worry we're not going to attak your castles''. what happend the next day? ALL legends come on war (so it means ALL OF YOU DECICED FREELY to attack and fight vs us) during the war one of our guys died and dropped his armour. we asked you to give it back and we would stop the war, you didnt. So we started hunting you for your kit, but many of you keep asking for a peace saying that you dont like to pvp and want to be a paceful guild. So our leader FlyingDutchman made a pact with Alan: 3 castles for each guild and no more pking. yesterday was our turn to get back our 3rd castle pacefully, but xerxes + someonelse attacked us AGAIN. you know the rest of the story, now if someone want to remain on TheLegends guild must accept the fact to be istant attacked by our members. if you want to play pacefully quit that guild make new one and try an ally with us.

Everyone is free to say that wat i'm saying is a lie, and those lowhits from legends never happened.

In the end i'm courious to know what Andy think about pking and if we're going againist some rules, cause you guys cry like we are ruining your game. the reality is you ruined it by yourself.

lol mate is there new god in Arcadia :D stop show the power coz it naver last for no one and if u need good PK and fun ask andy to unbanned speed79 i will gave you n1 fun :D
Just give it back..... not exactly the sentiment showed by your guild when I was lvl 118 brand new to server and got pked by legends and lost tele ring. I’m not crying or moaning bout this, have just accepted it but it’s a more relevant point than losing something in a war....

My point is (although not clear at all) is a hat zade is the only one on here that seems to have a clue and real perspective!! It’s just graphics and pixels on a screen! If you use irl cash (like me, 3000+ Gg In 3 months) you accept the risk. If no irl cash then easy come easy go.

Tbh Niv’s last post seems to ring true but I can understand others dismay

Not my guild. I am a member of a guild- second the dude that got it from you are not in guild. Third- have you ever lost anything to me you would know i either give it back ( if shit item ) or sell it back not asking for much ( ask them i got item from )
PK aint about Getting the items. Least not for me...but atm i cba either with all the kindergarden stuff that is. I have there kids at Home and that fighting all day long is enough.

I hope you guys keep enjoying it
No need to be riding on high horses & getting personal. Its a game, no need to take the douchetrain to fappingville, kindness and grace cost ya nothing .
i mean i lost a fucking sick crystal armour fully done up the lot. if u take it to a war , be prepared to lose it at war... For me its what the games about after the grind to get up with the top dogs and start pkin but no hard feelings if u get my armour ima say GF and go work on my next one. Goodfellas said gf back and thats that... no crying :)
i mean i lost a fucking sick crystal armour fully done up the lot. if u take it to a war , be prepared to lose it at war... For me its what the games about after the grind to get up with the top dogs and start pkin but no hard feelings if u get my armour ima say GF and go work on my next one. Goodfellas said gf back and thats that... no crying :)
Good say

IN pk anyone can die and lose but i will say the body droop rate in Arcadia is so good its total luck some time u die and dont drop at all and some time u drop 2 item or only item from bag .
Ok so i think it very dirty to come on here and boast about a drop you got from a fair war, people drop and die and as said thats part of mir, but a weapon like that is someones hard earnt money and to rub it in face is low.... my oppinion of GF is already quite low as it is.

So you mention about war with legends blah blah blah so what about the other 75% of the mir community.
Pking is part of game yes your right but at same time something does need to be addressed within the mir community as more and more people are disapearing from game and its quite alarming.
There are many factors to this and obviously the way GF pk all time is one of MANY reasons.

This is a online rpg not carebears, got to take the rough with the smooth but do still stand that, wall wars should be no drop areas, and only 1 guild can hold a wall at a time, make less towns challenagable.
Maybe introduce a gamegold pot to not drop from body? We have one for monsters why not a pk one as an idea?

End of day everyone plays the game for same reason.... to enjoy, no need to be shitty to everyone.
Ok so i think it very dirty to come on here and boast about a drop you got from a fair war, people drop and die and as said thats part of mir, but a weapon like that is someones hard earnt money and to rub it in face is low.... my oppinion of GF is already quite low as it is.

So you mention about war with legends blah blah blah so what about the other 75% of the mir community.
Pking is part of game yes your right but at same time something does need to be addressed within the mir community as more and more people are disapearing from game and its quite alarming.
There are many factors to this and obviously the way GF pk all time is one of MANY reasons.

This is a online rpg not carebears, got to take the rough with the smooth but do still stand that, wall wars should be no drop areas, and only 1 guild can hold a wall at a time, make less towns challenagable.
Maybe introduce a gamegold pot to not drop from body? We have one for monsters why not a pk one as an idea?

End of day everyone plays the game for same reason.... to enjoy, no need to be shitty to everyone.

This is very valid!

Maybe try making one castle a no drop war and see what happens? Pretty sure most,of server would get involved and have a great time
more and more people are disapearing from game and its quite alarming.
Alarming how? Of course old people leave but new people join just as fast. Those new people spend gg and keep the community going more than the estabilished players who already have everything and have no need to spend real money. People were saying this 6 months ago, a year ago, 2 years ago... everything is still the same. When I started playing this server nearly 1 year ago the average player counts were pretty much the same or maybe even less than they are now. The community is thriving and I'm willing to bet 99% of people are enjoying it.
Alarming how? Of course old people leave but new people join just as fast. Those new people spend gg and keep the community going more than the estabilished players who already have everything and have no need to spend real money. People were saying this 6 months ago, a year ago, 2 years ago... everything is still the same. When I started playing this server nearly 1 year ago the average player counts were pretty much the same or maybe even less than they are now. The community is thriving and I'm willing to bet 99% of people are enjoying it.

Maybe your right, maybe they could all be working late or on holiday or many other reasons, but when you log on in an evening and only see a handfull of people in bichon it does concern you.

Long live mir :)
Maybe your right, maybe they could all be working late or on holiday or many other reasons, but when you log on in an evening and only see a handfull of people in bichon it does concern you.

Long live mir :)

Counting people in bichon doesn't help, those people are not doing anything. Count the people out hunting and enjoying the game. On Sunday we had a group of more than 20 for a guild hunt. I didn't get on until really late last night, nearly midnight, and there was still about 6 or 7 people in my guild doing a group hunt and we did some recall hunting after it and got some good drops. And that's just one guild. When I type @who I see a low player count at 5 in the morning, obviously, but at peak times it still goes well above 100 just like it did a year ago. I don't see the problem you're seeing.