They’re pretty much useless as they are u guys have 50% chance to slow etc, and the bag space is so little you use one per slow ad your slowed every 2/3 seconds lol... would be fair as once yournslowed your dead or run away, funny that how u say it’ll be op, so many ways to make it balanced, what’s op is being permanently slowed but hey ho lol.
I asked about 2 pots that are pretty much never used because they work INSTANTLY and they take up all your bag space... let’s say I fight a wiz, slow almost every hit + FG... pop a pot, I’ll get slowed again after a second or 2 so a small stack would help everyone, far from op lol.
It doesn’t matter if the durations been reduced when it works most the time??? Lol. Bias to their own class funny af