Tameing | The Legend of Mir



Active Member
hey there people

well i see with all the game upgrades can the wizzy's get a little tame upgrade as i know many people would like this comment when you are looking for pets to tame u can get 4 blue and 1 red pet can this be changed in any way to allow the player to have 5 red pets as we are allways wanting that little more power when we are trying to kill bosses 80% of the time we lose blue tamed pets fast others times it feels right but i would like to see a little change so we can tame more then 1 red/champ pets
hey there people

well i see with all the game upgrades can the wizzy's get a little tame upgrade as i know many people would like this comment when you are looking for pets to tame u can get 4 blue and 1 red pet can this be changed in any way to allow the player to have 5 red pets as we are allways wanting that little more power when we are trying to kill bosses 80% of the time we lose blue tamed pets fast others times it feels right but i would like to see a little change so we can tame more then 1 red/champ pets

That's more than a little change.

A lot of arguments and disagreements break out on the forums over class balance this is one of those changes that would cause a riot in the regard of class balance.

Not gonna happen.
That sounds like a terrible idea to me. Not even sure where to start. My OCD was already crying before I even read the post because you spelled taming wrong and posted on the wrong forum, but picky semantics aside, wiz pets are already very well balanced at worst, there's arguments that they are too powerful and indeed have been modified already to do less damage in pvp. If you're unable to keep blues alive then you're not doing it right, many people are able to do that just fine, you should learn to control your pets and manage them better rather than just asking for the game to be made easier. Pm me ingame and I'm happy to demonstrate some tips and help you learn.