Sunken Ship Challenge 6pm | The Legend of Mir

Sunken Ship Challenge 6pm


Staff member
A TRIAL of the Sunken Ship Challenge will run today at 6pm.

It is more straightforward than the others, but it does start with a boss, so careful when you enter the first map (no play drop zone!)

There is a reboot at 3pm
Ha well that's why we chose Tuesday. Its a quiet day and this is a smaller scale event.

Arcadia is back online
Nice event thank you andy, only negative 60gps to enter fine, but died about 10x plus on first floor.
Dying not the issue but 600 gps to clear first floor really! If this was trail ,then please could you make it pay just once?
Otherwise event spot on.
Best wishes
Ha well that's why we chose Tuesday. Its a quiet day and this is a smaller scale event.

Arcadia is back online

Thank u andy it was a fun & interesting event, tad expensive as wicksey say but regardless i enjoyed it loads! ♡
Challenge was fun... specially the last room, fun hunting those treasure boxes and its drops are decent in terms of bullions, drop pots, revival scrolls, and some other pots or scrolls that you normally have to buy from GG shop.. loads of gems too.. shame no orbs and the bullions 40-80k per per peace to trader is too cheap. had to give up many gems to make space for that. also would be nice if some of them dropped some GG Food for pets. maybe those mobs that you have to harvest could do this..
Thanks a lot scorp for releasing this new weekly event .
Realy enjoyed it even though it did cost me 250gp but that's the price you pay to go explore something new!
Also like what you done with the eggs giving guild points !
Can't wait till next Tuesday again now :)

Keep up the good work :)

Thanks a lot scorp for releasing this new weekly event .
Realy enjoyed it even though it did cost me 250gp but that's the price you pay to go explore something new!
Also like what you done with the eggs giving guild points !
Can't wait till next Tuesday again now :)

Keep up the good work :)


And the same ppl can start it at same time before i even get the chance.. GM tbh its boring. If your idea maybe are to make us war eachother and fight in there ?

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Shit event
Sorry - SHIT challenge ofc :disgust::disgust:

Im sorry i disagree whit you, over the space of the week there is various events on various times that should fit the general population on MIR. I for for one really enjoyed the event even if i had my ass handed back to me on a silver plate several times, i think you are useing strong words & criticism based on purely the fact it was on a time that dident suit u? There is times i wont be able to attend events that is set on times due to personal life commitments but i wouldent take it out on the game as its just that -a game. I still stand by my statement that well done andy supplying us whit another Avenue in game to play and do something diffrent, there will be many Tuesday's i wont be attending but thats life, u win some u loose some. //Emz
Thanks everyone! It was fun to watch and was great to see Logan and BBB (I think it was) make the first assault on the Giant Squid.

Kongen - don't be angry at me! I think you maybe entered the first deck of the ship and thought it was over. There's 5 decks and it took the swarm of players around an hour and a half to get through
Thanks everyone! It was fun to watch and was great to see Logan and BBB (I think it was) make the first assault on the Giant Squid.

Kongen - don't be angry at me! I think you maybe entered the first deck of the ship and thought it was over. There's 5 decks and it took the swarm of players around an hour and a half to get through
Can you adjust the entry price to one payment please andy?
Best wishes
Thanks everyone! It was fun to watch and was great to see Logan and BBB (I think it was) make the first assault on the Giant Squid.

Kongen - don't be angry at me! I think you maybe entered the first deck of the ship and thought it was over. There's 5 decks and it took the swarm of players around an hour and a half to get through

Exacly! they be finished by the time i can start play or be so far in they OFC dont wanna sit and wait for me to run 4 floors to catch up and share possible drops.
I am not mad but time sucks and i will never see this challenge :boxing:

It will be exacly the same ppl that have the life that makes it possible for them to start at exacly the time it opens, we others wont never see it

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To Emtay - No, every challenge in game it are same ppl! ffs just look on the grps, Diablo - this one and the third one there is. It are TTD + Immortals + some of Legends. Dont say it are various times etc. If you have kids and family/work life you wont be able to start the hunts before they already finished of this grp of ppl that can do it instant when it opens.

I am getting so fed up on this hallelulja ppl. WAR EVERYONE!!!
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Exacly! they be finished by the time i can start play or be so far in they OFC dont wanna sit and wait for me to run 4 floors to catch up and share possible drops.
I am not mad but time sucks and i will never see this challenge :boxing:

It will be exacly the same ppl that have the life that makes it possible for them to start at exacly the time it opens, we others wont never see it

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To Emtay - No, every challenge in game it are same ppl! ffs just look on the grps, Diablo - this one and the third one there is. It are TTD + Immortals + some of Legends. Dont say it are various times etc. If you have kids and family/work life you wont be able to start the hunts before they already finished of this grp of ppl that can do it instant when it opens.

I am getting so fed up on this hallelulja ppl. WAR EVERYONE!!!

Well still disagreeing whit ya soz, think u throwing ur dummy out tbh, perhaps Andy can be kind enough and do events that suits ur time table better, what times is more suitable for u? As u are a h ahead of UK time ?
For me it is dissapointing that I will not be able to attent this one ever, because I play in a chess league and we meet on tuesday evenings. But I understand the need for a schedule so it is what it is, this is one challenge I will never see except maybe off-season in the summer Logan you can give me a tour :p

Plenty other challenges I can go so it's not the end of the world.
Well still disagreeing whit ya soz, think u throwing ur dummy out tbh, perhaps Andy can be kind enough and do events that suits ur time table better, what times is more suitable for u? As u are a h ahead of UK time ?

Tbh i am realy not after to anyone to agree with me.. BTW Dear GM, you know i love your work and server. My bank account show it if not ;)) I am just saying! It are always same ppl on the times it start and they always got a grp going so we that cant make it couse of kids or family life in general can never be part of it.. not angry. But i am 100% sure Andy can read between the lines and see, even if i use hard words, that i not realy are angry.

OFC you and TTD dissagree.. it are you that are ahead and already half finished with part of Legends and immortals ofc. So why agree.. you can impossible put your self in my situation as you dont have the same life. Is it wrong to want to have a fsir chance to even be in start of a challenge or what sre you exacly dissagree with ?

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And here you come and calm me down.. i am in war mode :hopelessness:
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Tbh i am realy not after to anyone to agree with me.. BTW Dear GM, you know i love your work and server. My bank account show it if not ;)) I am just saying! It are always same ppl on the times it start and they always got a grp going so we that cant make it couse of kids or family life in general can never be part of it.. not angry. But i am 100% sure Andy can read between the lines and see, even if i use hard words, that i not realy are angry.

OFC you and TTD dissagree.. it are you that are ahead and already half finished with part of Legends and immortals ofc. So why agree.. you can impossible put your self in my situation as you dont have the same life. Is it wrong to want to have a fsir chance to even be in start of a challenge or what sre you exacly dissagree with ?

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And here you come and calm me down.. i am in war mode :hopelessness:

Tbh im not really after to calm u down but u are moaning a whole lot about nothing, so as i said perhaps andy that u show ur love to via ur bank account can make the times more suitable for ya ;)
And again u assume a whole lot about nothing, how can i put mg self in ir position when u havent told me? XD and 2nd of all why should i have to get involved in ur personal lifes matter? Im here to play and have fun not have to put my self in to ur life story. Not my place. What does TTD have to do whit the price of fish? Im speaking for my self and last time i checked totally able to have my own opinions, but again seems to be a struggle to separate the 2. I have no power to change when times starts on the server nor that u cba to run back to the group ect. I had to run back when i died n couldent get back up in time. Shit happens.
Good luck on ur warmode
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Finaly.. someone gets it

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This challenge´s force ppl to start pk.

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"nor that u cba to run back to the group ect" you say.. Peopl dont even get a chance, what is it you not seems to understand in what i am saying ?
Like Scorp said, 1.5 Hour and the group finished it. Same peopl every week will finish before, not just me, cant even start it.. sad that my point dont seems to get thrue.

My warmode havent even begun. Never see any of you in the open world anyways

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:stupid: Rumpnisse
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