Stupid posts | The Legend of Mir

Stupid posts


I don’t know if it’s 2019 or brexit or some other reason but the amount of uneducated posts where some one hasn’t been bothered to read other posts or re posts despite decent GM response, all seams to have increased! Andy can you name and shame them? Maybe change the forum status to Uber forum noob to teach them a lesson?
Hope im not one of them lol but if i somehow am then in my defence I often like to edit or delete my posts after an hour lol... or a day or 2... but currently the time limit is like 5mins. and as a matter of pride u have to stick to your word/feelings. its like road rage an all

So a mob in tomb of dead gives me 150k ish exp per kill with no exp pot or anything. Now when i use 100% exp pot.. the same mob gives me 210k ish exp!! what the flipping heck?? shouldn't it be 300k at least? what im i missing here?

This is a light offence so I’ll let you off ;)

Open question to the seasoned veterans out there (looking at you zade) am I the only one that gets wound up by this? Or is everyone else just pleasantly stoned so don’t give a dam?
I don’t know if it’s 2019 or brexit or some other reason but the amount of uneducated posts where some one hasn’t been bothered to read other posts or re posts despite decent GM response, all seams to have increased! Andy can you name and shame them? Maybe change the forum status to Uber forum noob to teach them a lesson?

I really do not understand the problem you have. You seem to be perky and snob. From my point of view, you are one of the "uneducated" you speak of. People have the right to opinions and discussions, regardless of the region or the level of training they have
This is a light offence so I’ll let you off ;)

Open question to the seasoned veterans out there (looking at you zade) am I the only one that gets wound up by this? Or is everyone else just pleasantly stoned so don’t give a dam?

Drives me fucking bonkers mate.

Before making a new thread, use the search box in the top corner to see if someone else has asked the same thing recently. Most of the time they have and the answer to your question is already there.

It's right up there alongside lack of discipline on hunts, people who don't listen to instructions from group leader and when it takes 20 minutes to organise an item roll at the end. It's why I won't lead groups of more than 4 people any more, can't be bothered with that nonsense.
I don’t know if it’s 2019 or brexit or some other reason but the amount of uneducated posts where some one hasn’t been bothered to read other posts or re posts despite decent GM response, all seams to have increased! Andy can you name and shame them? Maybe change the forum status to Uber forum noob to teach them a lesson?

I dont agree at all. Let new people ask questions..i have never ever used a search tool. I ask right away. Keep forum alive aswell if new people ask what they wanna know. But ofc we / or you guys that "now it all" maybe want a more gated community.

There are also one more option besides the search tool but more aimed at those who get annoyed.. Dont answer it and dont read. A person, sorry bud for using you as an example, like Taoloaf. Never rude and are happy to help noobs and "oldies" even if they ask same thing over and over again. He a good man.

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I dont agree at all. Let new people ask questions..i have never ever used a search tool. I ask right away. Keep forum alive aswell if new people ask what they wanna know. But ofc we / or you guys that "now it all" maybe want a more gated community.

There are also one more option besides the search tool but more aimed at those who get annoyed.. Dont answer it and dont read. A person, sorry bud for using you as an example, like Taoloaf. Never rude and are happy to help noobs and "oldies" even if they ask same thing over and over again. He a good man.

And tbh- this is the most annoying post of all time