Stalls - is it time to remove them? | The Legend of Mir

Stalls - is it time to remove them?


Staff member
Stalls have been in game since the start of Arcadia. They were a feature that came shipped with the server files we ported over to. I never really understood their purpose (past being a gimmick), especially with a functioning Trust Merchant / Auction House.

So, why do you use them? And is it time we removed them?

I use Auction House and Stalls for different purposes.

I find the searching function on the auction house to be quite primitive. People will search for common things that they know they want such as "BraveryOrb" or "BeltDesign" and it suits that purpose well. But if you have a Fire Damgage +10% Arcane Bracelet, nobody is ever going to search AH for that, so it's unlikely to ever sell unless someone is bored and decides to browse many pages of garbage hoping for a bargain.

For things like that, it's best to put in a stall, because people will click on a couple of stalls for a quick glance when they visit town and are more likely to spot your unusual item.

I'd support the removal of stalls if the search functionality in the AH was greatly expanded to allow all kinds of filters and ordering etc.
agree with zad , i like the use of stalls for high end items , but if the AH had a better search function like more categories or some way to define a specific search then yeh you wouldnt need stalls
EDIT : Also just curious as to why theres a Tax on items sold on the AH ? and if it can removed :p
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I use Auction House and Stalls for different purposes.

I find the searching function on the auction house to be quite primitive. People will search for common things that they know they want such as "BraveryOrb" or "BeltDesign" and it suits that purpose well. But if you have a Fire Damgage +10% Arcane Bracelet, nobody is ever going to search AH for that, so it's unlikely to ever sell unless someone is bored and decides to browse many pages of garbage hoping for a bargain.

For things like that, it's best to put in a stall, because people will click on a couple of stalls for a quick glance when they visit town and are more likely to spot your unusual item.

I'd support the removal of stalls if the search functionality in the AH was greatly expanded to allow all kinds of filters and ordering etc.

Tink it will be a lot of cript to do filter items in grups in ah.
Pepol us stall for rars and fast sale .
AH fee for selling items is bacykly to let u pay for servis off selling items offline.
Bring back trading of game point to .
If remow stall u must make a system for trading gg betwen players.

If u wana improv AH Block for Herbs and Oils and quest items to be sold ther ,
and make as to stall player must be lvl 80 and allow seling for gamepoint agen .to prevent grifing PKK to gaine from it raise cost of us of gp to by off pkkpoint.
Tink it will be a lot of cript to do filter items in grups in ah.
Pepol us stall for rars and fast sale .
AH fee for selling items is bacykly to let u pay for servis off selling items offline.
Bring back trading of game point to .
If remow stall u must make a system for trading gg betwen players.

If u wana improv AH Block for Herbs and Oils and quest items to be sold ther ,
and make as to stall player must be lvl 80 and allow seling for gamepoint agen .to prevent grifing PKK to gaine from it raise cost of us of gp to by off pkkpoint.

Very good point about trading gg between players, that would need to be addressed if stalls are removed

Not sure if I agree about the trading of GP. I like it that you can't trade GP. It stops someone selling gold bars for GP and just staying in premium areas all the time. Otherwise those places will be too busy and less special
What sort of "filters" are we talking about on the AH?
Main problem here is that there is no dedicated database for the AH so the lists are generated as new items come in. That means searches need to be pre-defined.

It's one of those things that could be updated, but would take a fair but of time away from other things!
maybe AH should have filters to find items with added stats ie fire damage, added slow etc etc....
maybe AH should have filters to find items with added stats ie fire damage, added slow etc etc....

not sure how hard this would be to do , but this would be fucking awesome. Or if u could search for Epic/Exceptional/Supreme/Legendary/Artefact items and ess/des.
I'd like to pose a frame question - what benefit is there to removing stalls? I don't imagine users remaining logged in all the time causes much server load, thousands of mobs making decisions will have far more effect than that. Congestion in towns? I don't see that as a big problem because they can be hidden when needed. Maybe there are other technical reasons I'm unaware of.

While I'm very much in the camp for improving the AH, which would absolutely be required if stalls are removed, and I'd love to see that happen. I'm not really convinced that the benefits of such a move would outweigh the same development time being spent on new content.

I have first hand experience of writing search algorithms and I can promise it always ends up more complicated than you first imagine. It has huge potential but don't underestimate the amount of work needed to see that potential.

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To expand on my last point, and to build on 5star's thoughts, I think sticking to "ordering" rather that "filtering" would be a happy medium.

I'm imagining a drop-down listing all stats (AC/MC/all damage multipliers, resistance multipliers etc) and a tick box for whether to include or exclude runes in the values. Then just show results of your search in order of highest (of the stat you picked) first, rather that the most-recent-first we are stuck with at the moment.

Doing it that way would vastly decrease the development work needed.

I'd strongly recommend to take trollwis' concerns into account though. If stalls are removed we need a way to transfer gg between chars. And there may be other considerations to be looked at to that none of us have thought of yet...

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More thoughts... (My son is playing a chess competition and I'm sitting in the waiting room, so there may be more ramblings yet to come!)

Regards the comments by someone else (might have been 5star) about des/ess. I think they could also be covered by the ordering idea. Just choose which stat to order by.

I also think the tabs could be improved in the following two ways
1. Make them work alongside search. Currently if you pick a tab the search, the search string completely ignores what tab you clicked. Should be able to use both at the same time
2. More tabs. One for design/essence. One for gems/orbs/oils. One for quest items. One for pots

And something that just popped into my head... subscribed accounts pay no commission! That offers 2 advantages in that there's further incentive to subscribe and it reduces the chances that people will tide behind store chars when selling big ticket items. Only disadvantage I can see is that the gold/gg that the AH commission sucks out of the economy will drop dramatically. I don't know what effect that will have but I'd expect some minor recession at first as people are happy to sell lower, followed by inflation as there will be more gold in the game
Stalls have been in game since the start of Arcadia. They were a feature that came shipped with the server files we ported over to. I never really understood their purpose (past being a gimmick), especially with a functioning Trust Merchant / Auction House.

So, why do you use them? And is it time we removed them?


I realy like the stalls. I chock them 400billion times a day.
Ah has fees stalls are free, but removing stalls would be a good idea. There not really needed remember the days when we had neither.

We had to shout what we was selling in towns.
Ah has fees stalls are free, but removing stalls would be a good idea. There not really needed remember the days when we had neither.

We had to shout what we was selling in towns.

Remove the fees, increase discount to make players keep a close eye on AH items.
Make discount at 10% reduction each day after the first day. Then delete item back into system if not checked or sold
Within 10 days. This would reduce the crap players put in there and speed up AH economy
Just a thought
If remow stalls .
Make New comands for seking items (Armors M 120+) as exsmpel will only list armors M lvl120 + .as dont tink it will need wery hevy programing to do that.

Pll whit sub geting exstra sals slot in Ah that only allow exstedet items staing 14 days after end of sub .as mig 6 exstra slots for subs .
Allow trade off gg tru trade window betwen players.
Items that stay in for more ore 90days geting deleted .as 10 days is for some items to chort time to sell as ned to sell to a player that want it. migt get a cunt Down in my items telling wen items diseper . Reson to to have 90 days is becors player migt putt item in befor going holydays ore work away from home .

As remowing STALL will reduseses us of afk Noobs in zafe sone.
regarding sale of Qestitems pots spesiel Herbs (timestons and oter rare from bosses ) migt make a trusted mercant for sale of them in sted of having in AH.
as making this post 60 players on and 12 is stalls in bw .

I would suggest let stall feature stay, let players decide which one they would prefer to use. Pros of stalls is players can straight away browse whatever other players are selling in that particular window. Also stalls make the town more lively and not like a dead town. :chuncky:
AH in particular is also a good system except for the taxation after sales, and also the that it takes up your whole view unlike stalls window that pops up.
If stalls doesn't bring up any negative effects for the server, let them stay.
Tupence from a noob RE: auction house (strange name by the way as it isn't an auction at all)……
one thing ive struggled with (and still do at lvl 121) is knowing what items I can/could/should be wearing as I move through the levels. I constantly have to check out other players to try and work out what is next (for example Im wearing gladiators bane, what armour is next and at what level?).

You could solve this issue by making the auction house searchable (or sortable) by level. So I can click on the armour tab and then sort by level. I can see which armour I can currently wear and at what level I can upgrade to the next. Its probably getting complicated but being able to further sort by character class/sex would be even better.

On the stalls, I don't know what issue they cause that would be resolved by removing but I certainly enjoy browsing them many times a day. Id like to see them stay.

one thing ive struggled with (and still do at lvl 121) is knowing what items I can/could/should be wearing as I move through the levels. I constantly have to check out other players to try and work out what is next (for example Im wearing gladiators bane, what armour is next and at what level?).
I also had that problem for a long time. I think I've mostly got my head around what items I need and am looking for now, but at the start it's very hard unless you have people to ask