So I think I just crafted an amazing Warr pear rev ring, would anyone like to buy it? | The Legend of Mir

So I think I just crafted an amazing Warr pear rev ring, would anyone like to buy it?

Title. I'm a wiz and don't have a warr, put any offers or bids down below if ya interested or pm me ingame - Piggles

I'm looking for a similar ring with fire damage or GG :)

Edit: Warr pearl rev ring*

Nice ring but unfortunately dark Damage is useless for warriors. Unless GM fixes it you won’t get what that ring is actually worth. Good luck anyways
Nice ring but unfortunately dark Damage is useless for warriors. Unless GM fixes it you won’t get what that ring is actually worth. Good luck anyways

Wait why is dark damage useless? Isn't TDB used on bosses? Blazing sword too?
Wait why is dark damage useless? Isn't TDB used on bosses? Blazing sword too?

It’s broken, doesn’t slice through shield like it suppose to as described it did before. Anyways no wiz will want GM to bring TDB back to
It’s broken, doesn’t slice through shield like it suppose to as described it did before. Anyways no wiz will want GM to bring TDB back to

It never did on here, I think you have the wrong server!
Wait why is dark damage useless? Isn't TDB used on bosses? Blazing sword too?

It’s not that dark is useless, it’s just that some people never got over the fact it got nerfed, it used to be that a strong war could do 5k every hit with TDB, then it’s damage got reduced, and some people aren’t happy only doing 3k per bit instead, (probably more tbh, if I remember right it was only a 15% nerf)
So now anything that is just dark damage, no phys attack, isn’t worth nearly what it should be, as most warriors choose to stack DC now.
Some warriors level 165+ are even running round with beavers and rings with no dark or fire at all, and 2% phys lol
It’s not that dark is useless, it’s just that some people never got over the fact it got nerfed, it used to be that a strong war could do 5k every hit with TDB, then it’s damage got reduced, and some people aren’t happy only doing 3k per bit instead, (probably more tbh, if I remember right it was only a 15% nerf)
So now anything that is just dark damage, no phys attack, isn’t worth nearly what it should be, as most warriors choose to stack DC now.
Some warriors level 165+ are even running round with beavers and rings with no dark or fire at all, and 2% phys lol

Hehehe I love autocorrect. Just imagining a warrior running around with a beaver under each arm. That's godda make attacking more awkward surely
It never did on here, I think you have the wrong server!

Only played Euro and this server. I can line up 10 different warriors who will confirm it was nerfd. Maybe not intentionally but accidentally you fykd something up whilst altering other spells that’s why you won’t accept that it was changed which is understandable. Anyways why don’t you just look into it thoroughly and come with a conclusion so I can move on with my gear and style of play.
Only played Euro and this server. I can line up 10 different warriors who will confirm it was nerfd. Maybe not intentionally but accidentally you fykd something up whilst altering other spells that’s why you won’t accept that it was changed which is understandable. Anyways why don’t you just look into it thoroughly and come with a conclusion so I can move on with my gear and style of play.

As bob555 said, the damaged was reduced (intentionally) by a % about 3 years ago, it seems like 3 years ago anyhow I could be slightly wrong and it might've been 2 years.

Warriors still absolutely rip through tao's, but not wizards.
As has been mentioned before:

Warrior > Taoist > Wizard > Warrior .. you get the pattern, it's quite balanced now compared to before when it was Warrior > everything.

The issue I would be talking about is how dodgy battlecharge is now, you can step away from it and only get hit once if you're unlucky, that spell is used for evading battle rather than charging towards battle these days.
As bob555 said, the damaged was reduced (intentionally) by a % about 3 years ago, it seems like 3 years ago anyhow I could be slightly wrong and it might've been 2 years.

Warriors still absolutely rip through tao's, but not wizards.
As has been mentioned before:

Warrior > Taoist > Wizard > Warrior .. you get the pattern, it's quite balanced now compared to before when it was Warrior > everything.

The issue I would be talking about is how dodgy battlecharge is now, you can step away from it and only get hit once if you're unlucky, that spell is used for evading battle rather than charging towards battle these days.

That reduction was massive deffo and it altered the game style for warriors. In close range warriors are suppose to have the upper hand and that ain’t the case no more. This pattern you mentioned is wrong it’s more like...

Taoist > Wizard>Warrior>SafeZone

A good tao will and can own any class same with wizard but a good warrior can’t do FYK ALL now even if BC is used the opponent will just walk off due to the step issue.
As bob555 said, the damaged was reduced (intentionally) by a % about 3 years ago, it seems like 3 years ago anyhow I could be slightly wrong and it might've been 2 years.

Warriors still absolutely rip through tao's, but not wizards.
As has been mentioned before:

Warrior > Taoist > Wizard > Warrior .. you get the pattern, it's quite balanced now compared to before when it was Warrior > everything.

The issue I would be talking about is how dodgy battlecharge is now, you can step away from it and only get hit once if you're unlucky, that spell is used for evading battle rather than charging towards battle these days.

Was changed when ibby was boasting on the forums, when warrior was 1 banging everything.

Hard to compare warrior vs wiz as most of the wiz you fight now will have pdr, and well no warrior really has any kinda tanky kit.

Would be nice if more res runes existed and not have them expire would encourage more kits to be built.