Snowbrook grotto | The Legend of Mir

Snowbrook grotto

Is the Brute not meant to drop at all? just killed one got nothing. Is there a long respawn on the arcamon?

Also the map looks like a Turkey. awesome
If only there was several rooms to hunt in...... oh wait there’s 12!

Didn't know it only allowed one person in the cave at a time?

See narrow minded who can't put differences ingame aside for a very valid point.

As you rightly pointed out, he has given us a few rooms. But when you spread this across the amount of people hunting it. You will be lucky to get 5 rooms an hour.

Now in your opinion 500 mobs an hour is some kind of gift when you can clear atleast double, maybe triple this amount in crystal temple.

Incoming "well go hunt crystal temple ect ect".

Well maybe I will maybe I won't. This was just my general view of the event cave along with those who I have hunted it with, or spoken to about it.

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Also, If you never give feedback how do you ever expect change, improvement or fixes?
Didn't know it only allowed one person in the cave at a time?

See narrow minded who can't put differences ingame aside for a very valid point.

As you rightly pointed out, he has given us a few rooms. But when you spread this across the amount of people hunting it. You will be lucky to get 5 rooms an hour.

Now in your opinion 500 mobs an hour is some kind of gift when you can clear atleast double, maybe triple this amount in crystal temple.

Incoming "well go hunt crystal temple ect ect".

Well maybe I will maybe I won't. This was just my general view of the event cave along with those who I have hunted it with, or spoken to about it.

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Also, If you never give feedback how do you ever expect change, improvement or fixes?

Ok fair enough I see your point, from POV I haven’t struggled to find enough mobs, granted I may have to walk between caves for 3-4 mins to find them but think a good balance has been struck