Skills not leveling up | The Legend of Mir

Skills not leveling up


I recently got innersight and dragonfireshield and they are both stuck on lvl 0 and will not lvl up.

Innersight is stuck at 166/300 and dragonfireshield is stuck at 82/100

And no i am not trying to level them while they are already up, once the shield drops i put my shield back up but the skill lvl does not move from 82/100.

I am level 131 so it cannot be to do with me not being high enough, i think there might be a glitch somewhere.

Hope someone can help,
That's definitely weird. From what you've described it does sound like a bug. Hope you get it sorted soon mate :)
A little tip for lvling dragonshirld, if you dont already know it...

Have your old shield still bound to a key and just switch from both shields. I was doing this whilst running around lvling.
You can't lvl them in a safe zone in town but you can do it in bw bookshop try that

Ah cheers for that mate, that has solved my problem!

- - - Updated - - -

A little tip for lvling dragonshirld, if you dont already know it...

Have your old shield still bound to a key and just switch from both shields. I was doing this whilst running around lvling.

I will definitely give that a go, waiting 6 mins every time to level it up did seem a bit long lol, thanks!
So all sorted?

Gawd I forgot I added the SZ thing. It was sooo annoying when someone went afk in sz levelling skills :triumphant:
A little tip for lvling dragonshirld, if you dont already know it...

Have your old shield still bound to a key and just switch from both shields. I was doing this whilst running around lvling.

That's a great tip, wish I thought of that at the time :D
So all sorted?

Gawd I forgot I added the SZ thing. It was sooo annoying when someone went afk in sz levelling skills :triumphant:

The repeating sound of Frost Crunch still echoes in my ears to this day! ha

Then you'd always get that one warrior who recently leveled to 26 and learnt HalfMoon, he'd go to try it on the Archer only to have all the stuff he dropped robbed off him by the nearby safe zone junkies a second later! Good times.