Skill Books | The Legend of Mir

Skill Books


Active Member
hey guys,

Been playing the game for about a week now and met some really nice people who have helped me get to lvl 98.

Problem is the last skill book I got was TaoHalfMoon at something like lvl 55.

Can someone tell me where to find skill books? And maybe even where better equipment drops, a lot of my stuff is for lower levels.

try looking at trader in bw there are some skill books there.

Just the very basic ones every time I check

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Just seen there was a very similar thread to this posted in December.

Sorry for the double!!
Tao skills seem kind of in short supply and don’t seem to drop great for some reason. Been trying to find Toxic gas and Summon Angel for last week with no luck. Haven’t seen these or Explosive amulet for sale barely at all and they are super expensive in the rare case they show up (60+ gg). Start saving!!
Tao skills seem kind of in short supply and don’t seem to drop great for some reason. Been trying to find Toxic gas and Summon Angel for last week with no luck. Haven’t seen these or Explosive amulet for sale barely at all and they are super expensive in the rare case they show up (60+ gg). Start saving!!

If it's any consolation, my tao also has none of the books you mention. They are rare, but they are valuable for a reason, because they are really good! It's perfectly possible to hunt and level without them though, don't get hooked up on making sure you have every book, just focus on levelling and the gold will flow in, before you know it you'll have a nice balance and can buy some.
Explosive amulets drop from sm hybrid in mutant mines.
The other 2 not sure but try terror temple bosses and the other place could be swordmaster/ holy devil in snowbrook mountain.
Will check once home from work.
Best wishes

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Toxic gas from spiritorb in fox path.
Summon angel in bookshop in bw.
According to past threads.
Tao skills seem kind of in short supply and don’t seem to drop great for some reason. Been trying to find Toxic gas and Summon Angel for last week with no luck. Haven’t seen these or Explosive amulet for sale barely at all and they are super expensive in the rare case they show up (60+ gg). Start saving!!

When they were released they were considered quite rare and powerful. I suppose this is no longer the case and more of a frustration. I will add them to consideration.
Some book shude be rars to find but not to rar that u almost newer get it.

scorp migt Lock on drop rates off books ,

and migt reduse drops of below 50 books in arena and items lvl 30 ther so and remow mass drop off pots so players can see what drops in ther .