Serverd died again? | The Legend of Mir

Serverd died again?

Looks like it is down agen andyy need to give us x2 exp for the weekend as the game is up and down worse then a bouncy ball lol
did he do a server change !! cause if so setup went to shit and maintenance and how its run is a bit shite !!
jeez, lucky i didnt buy that game gold i was just about to get last night, i would of been raging! so no mir again tonight :'(
Suggest eveyone spams the arcadia group on facebook and tag Andy Scorpion in your message then might get a resolution faster than normal...
5startao is that you? its plug2 lol. Any idea why game is down? finally weekend is here the time I actually get to log on and play and this keeps happening. Looks like the same crap as yesterday. Oh well.
yeh its ya boi 5 lol , have / can we get any news on what the problem is ? not seen scorp post since this stuff started happening
Andy and team might have issues outside their control. give them time guys they always come though aside all the moaning from us.

they watch some tv or cuddles your partner, one night off:)

best wishes


hopefully gm will add lost time back to subscribers for hrs lost:) as well as extra exp for time lost for non subs
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Andy and team might have issues outside their control. give them time guys they always come though aside all the moaning from us.

they watch some tv or cuddles your partner, one night off:)

best wishes


hopefully gm will add lost time back to subscribers for hrs lost:) as well as extra exp for time lost for non subs

shouldn't everyone get extra exp if he was going to do that bit unfiar on people pay money for sub if he was going to do that ..?