Serpent Village Refiner | The Legend of Mir

Serpent Village Refiner


Active Member
Hey was just having a look around the areas and what not and come across a village in Serpent valley that has a NPC named Refiner that askes if you want to upgrade you weapon, is this still a thing? going to collect some of the mats and give it a go on a low lvl weap see if it still works.
Before you try refining know that:

Max refine is +20 states, either mc,sc or dc.
Items that drop has various different mc,sc,dc depending on the scroll and char used to open it. so if a weap is +5 dc then you can only refine up to 15 states max
you can use pure orb to make the weap +12 then you can only refine it up to 8 times to reach maximum states of +20.. bare in mind the weapon wont break if you use Orbs

Currently there is no use and it is a waste of time refining unless GM makes refining to go as far as say +50 states

Also saying that its far better and cheaper to design a weapon using weapon designs and essences.. results are far more appealing and less risky