Screen freeze since this week's mini update(s) | The Legend of Mir

Screen freeze since this week's mini update(s)


Active Member
Having a few issues since the mini updates earlier this week.

Moving from one floor of a cave to another causes my char & the mouse cursor to freeze for up to 10 seconds going through the door then normal service is resumed. I can then move into an area with loads of mobs and there's no issues at all.
Tele'ing into a town (eg Bichon) where there can be a lot of screen activity results in screen/mouse freeze for a few seconds and then it clears. Tele'ing around a map causes intermittent lag/char freeze but not all the time. My FPS is around 75-80 most of the time.

What I've done;
Made sure that all Graphics and WiFi drivers are up to date. Run speedtests etc which are fine (I can stream music, HD videos etc as normal with no lag/judders etc). Bear in mind everything was fine last week.

So what else can I check or can you check to see where this issue might lie?

Freezing when changing maps can be hard disk related as the game needs to load and cache new map files (it doesn't keep the whole game in memory all the time, or we'd need supercomputers to run it)

Check your hard disk activity, if there's something like a backup or a virus scan hogging the iops it could introduce a delay while the game waits in a queue for disk access
Freezing when changing maps can be hard disk related as the game needs to load and cache new map files (it doesn't keep the whole game in memory all the time, or we'd need supercomputers to run it)

Check your hard disk activity, if there's something like a backup or a virus scan hogging the iops it could introduce a delay while the game waits in a queue for disk access

Thank you. No issues with backups or scans running and the drive is a fairly new Intel NVMe SSD.
Did it happen as soon as there was a update? I assume that the patcher doesn't display any errors when you run it now?

In terms of the symptoms it does indeed sound as if you are maybe having seek/load issues on the hard drive, but you would also expect that to affect other programs. So I am unsure, I will have a think!

There was nothing of real note in the updates (unless something went wrong but then I would expect more people reporting this issue). It was more about side-stepping the Windows Defender issues
Did it happen as soon as there was a update? I assume that the patcher doesn't display any errors when you run it now?

In terms of the symptoms it does indeed sound as if you are maybe having seek/load issues on the hard drive, but you would also expect that to affect other programs. So I am unsure, I will have a think!

There was nothing of real note in the updates (unless something went wrong but then I would expect more people reporting this issue). It was more about side-stepping the Windows Defender issues

No Patcher errors.

As I recall there was a 2nd set of files that downloaded and it went a bit weird after that. It could be that something on my laptop is interfering. I can try turning off my AV temporarily but according to task manager I've got nothing hogging resources etc and any other progs (like Photoshop) are running fine.

If its just me then it's got to be something on the laptop and its just a coincidence that its happened after an small update. I'll have a dig around and see if I can resolve it.