@scorpian ; RE runes and lack thereof | The Legend of Mir

@scorpian ; RE runes and lack thereof


Active Member
Hi I have been playing this server on one character or another since 2013ish with small breaks here and there.

On my most recent character I am playing 5months and I have just hit level 180 at the end of the last event.

In that time I've had plenty of xs runes a very few small runes and 2 medium runes, in them 5 months I have been able to make 1 XL rune of the type I need.

So this got me thinking with the new lvl 180 runes and now that I am lvl 180 I need to rekit to Elysian, while I can get the kit easy enough I cannot rune it...

It takes 243 xs runes to make one lvl 180 rune, that would be 7533 xs runes to make a full lvl 180 kit the way anyone would like, this is complete and utter insanity.

At my current rate of 1/3 of one lvl 180 rune every 5 months I'll be dead and buried several times over before I can complete my kit.

Now in every other character I have played here down through the years I have been able to fully rune my character and still have several in reserve for my next upgrade, just though decent dedication to gameplay, I have been giving the same dedication but not receiving the rewards.

Is it only endgame drops decent runes now? Has no one else got a chance?

From event ended I just can't get hyped I want to re kit but its outright impossible, Scorpe are you aware how crazy this now is?
Use (XL) runes, or even (L) rather than (E) runes

It baffles me that casual players expect to be able to kit themselves out to the same standard as players who grind 24/7

You can still build a perfectly formidable kit without having the absolute top available in everything
You posting recently that you have spent 6500gg on runes since end of event, kind of helps my point daz.
Because I'm impatient and want endgame gear quickly. If I wanted to be a casual player, not on 24/7 and not spending money, I'd adjust my goals appropriately
The game is more fun when most people can achieve some level of satisfaction. Large runes just don't drop as frequently as they used to in 2015 and that is due to the upgrade system being implemented, which was widely welcomed at the time because smaller runes were useless and sold to traders.. but now they are just jamming up peoples storage and creating more issues.
Anyone spending several hours daily on this game is not casual, I'm not proud of this but my ingame active time(not afk) in arcadia is measured in years.

Runes just seem out of reach now as previously mentioned down the years I've always had full runed kit and several fulls ready for next upgrade. I am giving the same dedication now as I have before but not seeing the rewards.
I think there has to be an achievable balance in rune drops ,
Events for example why not larger sizes drop there as they not an everyday occurrence
Also why can’t normal day to day mobs drop a xs rune instead of subs etc . I am not saying all the time but like 1-100 drop a xs rune no matter the level of mob say 120 upwards
Thus would give anyone playing a chance to build runes or if lower level sell trade or save them for latter on gear , it be nice for example a new player or an alt character leveling and saving the small runes knowing he she can gear up his her end type gear with the level of effort in his her leveling etc
Also why in events so often drop non class runes take Halloween 80% of runes that I got where not my class …….
I completely agree with this thread, runes are just ridiculously rare I've spent hours farming them and got nothing seems like its all RnG.

The people you see who have their gears fully runed most likely bought the gear already with runes or bought runes from other players for GG.

The amount of players that actually farmed these runes and made as many as they need for a full gear is prob 1% of the whole server.
Anyone wanna trade, wanting DC runes, i got:

1) Magic crystal (XS) = 5x
2) Magic crystal (S) = 3x

1) Soul crystal (XS) = 1x

Pm ingame:

While we're at it, bosses like cocademon etc in that range drop should be looked at, it slapping u hard but drops XS runes, sometimes just bene + fine grind oil. For bosses that lvl i would think (S) above would be fair enough. Just remove (XS) from these type.
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Anyone wanna trade, wanting DC runes, i got:

1) Magic crystal (XS) = 5x
2) Magic crystal (S) = 3x

1) Soul crystal (XS) = 5x
2) Soul crystal (S) = 1x
3) Soul crystal (M) = 1x

Pm ingame:

While we're at it, bosses like cocademon etc in that range drop should be looked at, it slapping u hard but drops XS runes, sometimes just bene + fine grind oil. For bosses that lvl i would think (S) above would be fair enough. Just remove (XS) from these type.
I've got DC(L), will trade for all your SC