Hi scorp.
By any chance could you confirm the rules around grief play please, just so its clear for everyone as i think some people feel they are untouchable.
Thanks in advance
can you also advise on what and how much evidence is needed![]()
What is grief play and what are just the game and game play ? Thin line. Mir is mir..
Griefer. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A griefer or bad faithplayer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game (trolling), using aspects of the game in intended or unintended ways.
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When you drive away people because they can not play or when you are being stopped in something you want to do consistently does that not constitute to grief play?
I dont say i dont agree with that. Still is a pvp game and fighting for bosses and stuff are a part of the game.
What have happend exactly ?:ghost:
"When you drive away people because they can not play" what does that mean?
It means when a player is harassed to badly to the point that they cannot play they are driven away from the game. (In other words quit the game)
It would eventually result in a community on par with p69
If you get PKed for a boss ore for gain of some sort, like dropping ur gear ect - i get that ! Part of the game, but goddamnit when u are being followed around in the event, and i dont mean hello gonna check out what u doing, i mean im so far up ur ass i can see ur tonsils whilst we where killing trash as had eminem & mrs79 helping me getting some xp & teaching me about the event as due to RL was FINALLY able to get on yday evning, but nah, killed again & again and again for no reason at all as cant drop gear, no boss nada. Was purely to be annoying,disruptive and ensure that u are aware hes boss and its down to his grace if u can run around in places ore not. Did try to speak to the people in question but got met whit further insults and belittleing. As this been a ongoing event thing from a group of people since i started MIR @ Halloween i can only assume this is okay? This is how players can do to no end and treat u like a piece of shit- Why? Bec they can ( stated from the people themselfs) •▪● Rant over ●▪•
Welcome to Legend of Mir.
Give us a name! Out the fkers
Jag tar dig ut på hunt jag med. Hjälper gärna till. Pm mig när du är online.
Dom jagar mig varje gång vi möts också. Jag förstår jag har större chans att slåss tillbaka. Fick en holycrystal hjälm häromdagen tex när jag vann.
Hur som. Jag hjälper dig gärna.
Well thank u and did u enjoy urself yday dear
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Usually the "big boys" dont grief play like that against weaker opponent. That is why i am curius of name
Tack kära du! Jag uppskattar det mer än du trorfattar inte varför !! Men sjukt glad att du fick en hjälm dock, jag vill lvla så jag kan hjälpa till mer måste adda dig när jag ser dig nästa gång ! Jagar dom dig mycket eller?
Welcome to Legend of Mir.
Hehe våra guilds har vart i krig i veckor så det här vart fights hela tiden överallt varenda gång vi ses
Name one player who has quit because of being PKd by Goodfellas
They have a different style of play to us, but it works for them, and what I do works for me. If we all play the same way then it would be boring![]()
well if u need to know one then
Couple of years ago player Seema (Niel) had a rage quite after he lost his crystal ring to the italians (goodfellas didnt exist then) so while the man was down and feeling annoyed, Speed79 lured him into trying to sell his account (Seema being one of the highest lvl wiz in game) only to Rob him clean without speed keeping his side of the bargain.. later on when seema calmed down i gave him an account to play but he was keep getting pked and harrased by the character he owned and lvled.. and GM wasn't listening cause as far as he was/is concerned you can only retrieve your account if you email him from the original email you created the account with.. and seema the person who did all the hard work since very low lvl wasnt the person who created the account... so he couldnt do much.. and obviously he didnt have much excuse to tell GM about how he lost his account... tell him that he tried to sell his account and he got robbed? puts the GM in a hard position tbh...
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To Seema's (Niel) defence he lagged out lol. i was there to witness this whole thing.
Also at the time he had one of only few best crystal rings ingame, he worked months for it/// i think the italians tried to sell it for 5k gg after lol..