Savage terror temple mobs | The Legend of Mir

Savage terror temple mobs


Active Member
The Savage terror temple mobs dont drop unless you search them, could we please have them drop like normal mobs? we are missing alot of loot/items/books because you have to indivually search each mob... and when your bags are full its losing alot of stuff.

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also to be more specific which mobs

Oooh is that a new thing? I just assumed they weren't dropping anything haha I never thought to salvage them
Oooh is that a new thing? I just assumed they weren't dropping anything haha I never thought to salvage them

yeah ive been getting afew pots/stones from them but just like the redglobsters, its a reall pain. its a nice place to hunt on 3f for some easy exp/gp points
Only the para mobs have to be harvested. I usually lure supers and champs out of mass lures so I can harvest them. On another note you used to be able to rt witch was awesome when you get parad mid lure. That's no longer a thing.
Only the para mobs have to be harvested. I usually lure supers and champs out of mass lures so I can harvest them. On another note you used to be able to rt witch was awesome when you get parad mid lure. That's no longer a thing.

removing ability to RT on some maps is a way of making tele rings more valuable
removing ability to RT on some maps is a way of making tele rings more valuable

I get it, that areas lower mid level now though. When I started you couldn't rt. Then about a year and a half ago you could. Then about 7 months ago it was locked again.
STL is a lowish level boss on par with naga champion should be RT as lower levels ain’t gonna have the money to invest in a tele ring whilst they building their kits . Places like PB and orcs are understandable tho .