sabuk war | The Legend of Mir

sabuk war


Active Member
please make this more frequent like 4x per week at same time as other wars and yimogi etc. make people chose sw or somthing else.

pls make sw during wars only accessible by the defending guild and attacking guild
do not allow ally guilds to enter sw.
dont even know if that would work becauce ally guilds will just end up guarding the steps.

bit unfair atm tho horde and imms sharing the salvage npc with all other guilds to entice them into helping at the war. like 30 people vs us 15
This is the first week you've actually tried - don't cry because you lost once.

Just practice and try next week, it's all part of the game.

And guild allies is kind of an important thing in the game, maybe don't be cunts to everyone and work on building relationships aye mate?
please make this more frequent like 4x per week at same time as other wars and yimogi etc. make people chose sw or somthing else.

pls make sw during wars only accessible by the defending guild and attacking guild
do not allow ally guilds to enter sw.
dont even know if that would work becauce ally guilds will just end up guarding the steps.

bit unfair atm tho horde and imms sharing the salvage npc with all other guilds to entice them into helping at the war. like 30 people vs us 15

Have a look at my thread about wars in comments and suggestions, see what you think
I don't think any legends have been in to salvage, not that I know off, a couple of them did attend the war, but that's because they like to stay pve but are being killed by firstblood members. I mean who pks Zoonie?

Ya know something has happend when even logan who's a very passive player comes to sw....

Could of went either way early on but we was missing some strong members.

Guild politics doesn't have to be all anger and hatred. So much abuse and flaming for very little reason...
Castle War's seem to be a numbers game - id think only attacking defending guilds can enter castle to fight for it.

Several high members can un-guild and guild but at the cost of stability so it they have something to loose - e.g. not being able to buy buff etc

If you say its to help allies, I see TheLegends helping out at wars for couple of months now and yet no wall. I think last time I had a chat with Warda about guild numbers (wanting more) they did not want a castle monopoly but there has been for quite a while.

I like castle wars even if the result does not go the way I want. Just my two cents - flame awa
I think last time I had a chat with Warda about guild numbers (wanting more) they did not want a castle monopoly but there has been for quite a while.

Right now there's 4 different guilds sharing 7 castles. What definition of monopoly are you using?

You also say it's a numbers game, so, it's like a popularity contest? The guilds with the most friends win? Maybe pking neutral guilds until they turn to our side isn't the most beneficial long term plan after all, who'd have thought it!
Lool it's defo numbers at start it cud of went ethier way then you want to spam WhatsApp grp looool before you k ow it it's 10v25 also but then tbf what are imms now lol ����just when like 3 guilds come together becomes abit of a jk lol then think you got bragging rights its like 10 ppl beating up 1 person. whats to be talking shit about nothing dnt get me wrong I get building the kit is defo way forward just have to look at nerd for tht as for rest you all crumble honestly meph is shit just getting told what to do by papa nerd

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Oooo sorry forgot you want the leader of dragons tht main enemy was imms
Lool it's defo numbers at start it cud of went ethier way then you want to spam WhatsApp grp looool before you k ow it it's 10v25 also but then tbf what are imms now lol ����just when like 3 guilds come together becomes abit of a jk lol then think you got bragging rights its like 10 ppl beating up 1 person. whats to be talking shit about nothing dnt get me wrong I get building the kit is defo way forward just have to look at nerd for tht as for rest you all crumble honestly meph is shit just getting told what to do by papa nerd

Mephis a better wiz than me! He was actually the one who put me onto resistance builds.

Why am I this puppet master? If there is a war and people are online they should be attending. They too benefit from castles and the revenue that comes with them.

I'll ask anyone and everyone in imms and horde to attend...
Lool it's defo numbers at start it cud of went ethier way then you want to spam WhatsApp grp looool before you k ow it it's 10v25 also but then tbf what are imms now lol ����just when like 3 guilds come together becomes abit of a jk lol then think you got bragging rights its like 10 ppl beating up 1 person. whats to be talking shit about nothing dnt get me wrong I get building the kit is defo way forward just have to look at nerd for tht as for rest you all crumble honestly meph is shit just getting told what to do by papa nerd

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Oooo sorry forgot you want the leader of dragons tht main enemy was imms
Mephs shit coming from this nobody hahahahaha you are all raging tonight eh?
Right now there's 4 different guilds sharing 7 castles. What definition of monopoly are you using?

You also say it's a numbers game, so, it's like a popularity contest? The guilds with the most friends win? Maybe pking neutral guilds until they turn to our side isn't the most beneficial long term plan after all, who'd have thought it!

He's settle for old kent road and whitechapel lol.
I don't think any legends have been in to salvage, not that I know off, a couple of them did attend the war, but that's because they like to stay pve but are being killed by firstblood members. I mean who pks Zoonie?

Ya know something has happend when even logan who's a very passive player comes to sw....

Could of went either way early on but we was missing some strong members.

Guild politics doesn't have to be all anger and hatred. So much abuse and flaming for very little reason...

You are right. The reason I came out of the non-war state was because FB continues to pk Legends. We were in ZT in a group with Alan, Prymerlinium and some non pvp players and 4..or 5 FB came and attacked us. After they boasted through Arcadia. Now they cry that the guilds are beginning to participate in the sabuk against them
I don't think any legends have been in to salvage, not that I know off, a couple of them did attend the war, but that's because they like to stay pve but are being killed by firstblood members. I mean who pks Zoonie?

Ya know something has happend when even logan who's a very passive player comes to sw....

Could of went either way early on but we was missing some strong members.

Guild politics doesn't have to be all anger and hatred. So much abuse and flaming for very little reason...

Zoonie is xarris and leader of legends. He will be held accountable for he’s guild members that support imms and horde.

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Legends started supporting imms way before first blood was even made so STOP UR TRASH TALK. They pk began in yimogi when it was dragons vs imms and legends sided with imms so from that day forward I swore to pk any legends on sight. They fucked up not us. They cannot chose to be neutral when it suits them and pk I’m yimogi challenge when they think they can win.
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Haven't you done the same with Dean? Lol

Maybe English isn't your strong point but he's done what lol?

Brought my kids into it or swallowed?

Either way none is true?

Don't swing that way! sorry, but you will need to get wank material from somewhere else.

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Zoonie is xarris and leader of legends. He will be held accountable for he’s guild members that support imms and horde.

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Legends started supporting imms way before first blood was even made so STOP UR TRASH TALK. They pk began in yimogi when it was dragons vs imms and legends sided with imms so from that day forward I swore to pk any legends on sight. They fucked up not us. They cannot chose to be neutral when it suits them and pk I’m yimogi challenge when they think they can win.

How wrong can you be. Zoonie and Xarris are 2 different people, for one Zoonie is a lady and Xarris is a man. For 2 this is your own down fall. Forcing people to fight because your pking them for 1 or 2 members helping in a no drop zone. Just brings them to castle wars so thank you.
When have I called someone a nonse please? I never use that word so good one u inbred �� besides as meph said no need to bring people's kids into it, sure u wouldn't like it if people brought Ur kids into it over a game come on.
You cunts love to take shit to the extreme now kindly stay on topic or stfu, have a bless day

My bad on going off topic replys :)

Sadly I'll do what I'll likeike I said its fine for them to do it loool sad cunts funny how it's all fun an games when you lot do it the cry when it's said to you ever heard the saying those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones I. E don't say something if your not going to like when it's said back to you nerd and meph have said some unthinkable things you can lie all you want and take moral high ground but nerd/meph know the truth and so do we so. Worse thing is aswell I kinda see whyy you do it because you all probly had struggles with bullies growing up so now you think you can bully others when it's in your favour sad but typical I suppose

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Don't bring people's kids into banter on a online game you waste of life. Your mum should of swallowed you

Like I said dont throw stones if you live in a glass house makes me laugh you and nerd done the same thing now cry when said to you
Noticed there is no secret entrance to SW palace.. in Euro server there used to be secret door behind the cloths shop, where you had to go through 3-4 floors to get inside palace.. floors were medium sized and full of zombies and ST mobs.. there was also another secret entrance from behind the palace
Noticed there is no secret entrance to SW palace.. in Euro server there used to be secret door behind the cloths shop, where you had to go through 3-4 floors to get inside palace.. floors were medium sized and full of zombies and ST mobs.. there was also another secret entrance from behind the palace

Ok youve made your point you prefer the back door...... Moving on.