Runes & their prices | The Legend of Mir

Runes & their prices


Leading Contributor
What I am asking for here is for the drop rate of all runes to be reviewed and hopefully increased please.

You've got to view 350gg as £28.99, I bet that's the most popular purchase. Now you cannot tell me not even being able to buy a HealthRune(XL) for that price is normal, or maybe you can buy a +10 SC/MC (if you're lucky DC).. for thirty quid?

I understand players list things and in a sense create the market.. and the value reflects the demand but also the drop rate. Less than 3 months ago we had a nice flow of runes being traded between players and you could buy Health(XL) for 200gg. Today it is x3 the cost, I think the drop rate of these could be more frequent without harming the economy, especially the smaller ones.

The way it is at the moment it is a false economy with them being so rare it only makes people refuse to buy them whilst the drop rates are so low and the price by players is set so high.

If a player did list their rune cheaper right now, you have a high probability that it would get bought by somebody who has GG banked, to be re-listed and they'd make 100gg or so. The only way to fix the cost is with more frequent drops, which would bring more competition in the market resulting in bringing the price back down again.

I'm being hopeful, but if you don't ask you don't get.

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Bit cheeky stabbing friends in the back to join a guild that basically owns the server and then has the audacity to complain that stuff is hard to get... if you want runes you can hunt for them since you have free reign to hunt wherever you want, or you can buy them like everyone else on the server has to do
Bit cheeky stabbing friends in the back to join a guild that basically owns the server and then has the audacity to complain that stuff is hard to get... if you want runes you can hunt for them since you have free reign to hunt wherever you want, or you can buy them like everyone else on the server has to do

No need to cry Darren.

My whole point is based around me trying to buy them, but not at a stupid price... like everyone else on server has to do?
No need to cry Darren.

My whole point is based around me trying to buy them, but not at a stupid price... like everyone else on server has to do?

I've bought loads at very high prices, it's unfortunately the price I have to pay just to survive when I'm outnumbered by backstabbers and griefers. If you don't like it, tough, people like me push the prices up by buying them all because we have no other way to survive.
Hp is now the most sought after rune ingame by all classes its price should reflect that. Not too long ago pa1% sold for nearly 1k.

They are not that hard to gain mind you if you hunt together as one and hunt what drops them for the good of the group, weve made 6 I think in the past 6 weeks so 1 a week.

But seeing as your backstabbing antics have alienated everyone who used to help you and your still not quite in with your new buddies your unlikely to be in such a position :smiley_simmons::playful::applouse:
You can keep accusing me of backstabbing all you like by the way, its quite funny, Zade knew how I felt back then, didn't wanna rock the boat though did you Daz? Tough shit now innit lol.
You had it right in the first half of that comment, lost the ball in the second part.. Just because it is your opinion, does not make it a fact.
Just like with a regular economy price is set by supply and demand. From my own drops I've had as many hp runes as DC runes. Everyone wants them more though as it's applicable to alot of kits. I think the only thing to devalue them is increase the hp/no rune % slightly and add resistance % runes.

Change the meta
Just like with a regular economy price is set by supply and demand. From my own drops I've had as many hp runes as DC runes. Everyone wants them more though as it's applicable to alot of kits. I think the only thing to devalue them is increase the hp/no rune % slightly and add resistance % runes.

Change the meta

Yeah, maybe HP+300 on the runes is overkill, +200 was fine before.
You had it right in the first half of that comment, lost the ball in the second part.. Just because it is your opinion, does not make it a fact.

You mentioned in an earlier post that that zade knew how you felt long ago, which means just before you did what you did you knowingly let me spend a fortune trying to help you with an armour upgrade... then after you did what you did you attacked me at the very first opportunity.

Ask anyone that's scummy backstabbing behaviour
You mentioned in an earlier post that that zade knew how you felt long ago, which means just before you did what you did you knowingly let me spend a fortune trying to help you with an armour upgrade... then after you did what you did you attacked me at the very first opportunity.

Ask anyone that's scummy backstabbing behaviour

Mate you're referring to April, we are now in July, the split happened in June. Air ya dirty laundry out in private.
You can keep accusing me of backstabbing all you like by the way, its quite funny, Zade knew how I felt back then, didn't wanna rock the boat though did you Daz? Tough shit now innit lol.

I didn't see any of it coming. When you killed off noto that was a big surprise to me, you created a new guild and told me it was because there was too much drama and you wanted a fresh start. I tried to ally your new guild and even gave advice when you had questions about getting started, I still thought you were a friend at that point. A matter of days later you joined immortals and it confused me, and I genuinely thought you were still a friend up until you started directly attacking me at castle wars. Hands up you took me for a total mug. You've barely said a word to me since, just blanked me. This has taught me a harsh lesson in loyalty, namely that you have none.

I never want to "rock the boat" as you say. I'm a 99% PvE player who doesn't mind the occasional tangle but really don't enjoy anything more than that.

5Star has recruited an army of pretty much all the players who like to PK, so of course they are going to own the server. Dictating who is allowed to go where and preventing other people from engaging in PvE is nothing short of grief play. I am a patient man and karma will catch up to you.
It literally just happened before you jumped ship.

Everyone who knows me knows I'm good guy and Iv helped everyone in the alliance at some point, I actually dont even think there is anyone in imms or exo who has cause to dislike me, though I could be wrong.

Congrats Sam you have now joined an exclusive group of you and sharkboy that I regret helping.

I think everyone serverwide would agree that's not a very glamorous group to be in.
It literally just happened before you jumped ship.

Everyone who knows me knows I'm good guy and Iv helped everyone in the alliance at some point, I actually dont even think there is anyone in imms or exo who has cause to dislike me, though I could be wrong.

Congrats Sam you have now joined an exclusive group of you and sharkboy that I regret helping.

I think everyone serverwide would agree that's not a very glamorous group to be in.

That Sharkboy is a right piece of work too. I went to ship last night just to tame some pets... on peace mode I might add.

First pet I tamed within seconds Wummy starts trying to kill it, by the time I'd switched to a suitable mode and repulsed him away the pet was almost dead, note that I repulsed him away from the pet, didn't even hit him at that point. After the pet was dead I then hit CoP because I was pretty angry at him killing my pet and thought it was a perfectly reasonable and justified response. After 2 CoPs he RT away and due to my slow reactions I cast a 3rd one anyway even after he had RT, at that exact moment Sharkboy BC towards me on almost no health and no rev, so my CoP finished him off. He then goes crying to 5star that I pkd him for no reason. And someone else (I think Mrs79?) was mentioned too that apparently I pkd, even though there was nobody else anywhere near us. Because of that incident apparently my punishment was that I was not allowed to enter 4th floor and they actively prevented me from accessing it.

That's the fucking definition of grief play right there and my report was already emailed. People who play the game for fun should play the game for fun, but if your definition of fun is going out of your way to stop other people enjoying themselves, then that's not proper behaviour. Any server that allows that kind of play to go unpunished won't be seeing any more donations from me.
woah insane how good you can lie xD,You started to pk me when i start to kill a none tamed Blue ranged mob, Talking about Child join Immortals ? Everyone can do what they want in that game if Child wanted to go to Immortals with his Real mates he can do that ? why should he care if you like it or not ? you better should sort your own guild or they will leave soon doing wars and dont show up xD ? you pro in that game. Talking about PVE and doing wars something is wrong aswell then,maybe you should start to change and not everyone other
You both are referring to castle wars and me attacking you when that is the whole point in those things. People have targeted me since day one too so believe me, it goes both ways. Fighting at a boss is not grief play its always been a part of the game, its not nice, however not grief play.

Aro you and your little imaginary group, that in reality nobody knew existed, doesn't really bother me at all lol... You are talking about being in Ayarin Province and upgrading Bonds armour, which happened when Dungeons & Dragons event was on, because I swapped with Fuji just after that. Also offered to pay you for what you used, at the time you said it didn't matter. I didn't backstab anybody I purely left a bunch of people who I didn't enjoy playing with. I was stabbed in the back multiple times over a CelestialSpirit, now thats a story where backstabbing was involved, 3 people all in all shit on me over that. That was when it went downhill, which was after you tried to upgrade the armour and before somebody made me leader of a guild I wasn't happy being in.
To join immortals was not the plan, ask Kingkongen, he knows. It was one of those things where we'd see how it goes, and it's going pretty well.