Returning to the server after a while away. Heroes Quest? | The Legend of Mir

Returning to the server after a while away. Heroes Quest?

Hi guys. I used to play the server a few years back and have had the need to start playing again. I've realised quickly why I stopped playing, is because I am needing to do the heroes quest and couldn't find anyone to do it with me. I've finished all of the Journey to Rebirth quests long ago (aside from the secret ingredient quest of course).

Is there anyone out there that could run me through the heroes quest at some point?

Cheers guys!
I've already done it on my main chars but if you can't find anyone to go with you I'll dive in on 2 storage characters to "unlock" it so you can do it yourself, and I can talk you through it as you go
If you're struggling to find someone in town who needs to do it and you're not currently in a guild, try joining the Border Patrol guild using the NPC found inside the Bank in Border Town. You can then use Guild Chat (!~) to chat with others and see if they need to do it also.

Welcome back :)
I've already done it on my main chars but if you can't find anyone to go with you I'll dive in on 2 storage characters to "unlock" it so you can do it yourself, and I can talk you through it as you go

That's means a lot. Is it even possible for a lvl 88 warrior to solo it?

If you're struggling to find someone in town who needs to do it and you're not currently in a guild, try joining the Border Patrol guild using the NPC found inside the Bank in Border Town. You can then use Guild Chat (!~) to chat with others and see if they need to do it also.

Welcome back :)

Thank you! I'll give that a try also!