Returning Player | The Legend of Mir

Returning Player


Active Member
Hi all.

After having a very minor 2 year break from Mir I've come back although who knows how long I'll stay.

Just wanted to say it's been awesome seeing so many character names that were around when I last played ^.^

I'll do a quick apology here as I will no doubt be creating posts asking question after question so sorry but you've been warned!

Anyway for now just wanted to say glad to be back and really happy that it seems the community I was saddened to leave is still alive and well even 2 years later!
Welcome back, hope you enjoy your stay. A lot has changed in two years but hope you manage to sink your teeth into things and have fun.
Welcome back! As Warda says, loads has changed, there will be a lot of new stuff you aren't familiar with, but as with all games like this a lot of the fun is in the learning.

Go explore and search the forums for anything that might be confusing, a lot of your questions probably already have answers here if you can find them :)

Good luck and give us a shout if you are still confused hehe
Same i have returned after about a lenghtly break and glad to see ppl returning to this server.
Hope to see more ingame and not just in safezones