Resting Exp and Exp Tables | The Legend of Mir

Resting Exp and Exp Tables


Staff member
Somewhere along the way the resting exp bonus system forgot it's true purpose - to reward people for taking a break from levelling! It became a way for new players to get an experience boost and was pretty much permanently active on characters.

The system has been revised so that it will fulfil it's intended purpose without changing the way you level:
✓ Max bonus is now 100%
✓ Max exp is now your level plus the 2 levels above you (max 4.25 billion)
✓ Max exp is achieved over 10 days offline, less time when active in game
✓ Exp tables have been modified to reflect the new lower % rate
✓ The new exp tables mean that other exp buffs give more exp than before

What does this mean?
1) You will probably log in game with a recalculated exp % - this is due to the lower exp required to level. The exp required to level is lower based on the old rates of Resting exp that went up to 400%.
2) You will probably notice lower exp from monsters - again this is due to the lower Resting bonus of 100%. However, the exp required to level is lower in line with that change. That means you still only have to kill the same number of monsters per level.
3) Other exp bonuses have a better effect overall. Previously your exp % was washed out by + 400% resting bonus. Now this is lowered to 100%. A Training elixir gives you + 100%. Previously that would be +400% increasing to +500% so the elixir only had a 20% benefit to you. Now that is a boost from +100% to +200% giving you a 50% overall boost. (that maths doesn't appear to be right but trust me!)

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A Training elixir gives you + 100%. Previously that would be +400% increasing to +500% so the elixir only had a 25% benefit to you. Now that is a boost from +100% to +200% giving you a 50% overall boost. (that maths doesn't appear to be right but trust me!)
I've tried explaining that so many times I gave up haha. Glad I have a bunch of +100% exp pots in store ready to use, was worried you'd put the price up haha (please don't!)
I've tried explaining that so many times I gave up haha. Glad I have a bunch of +100% exp pots in store ready to use, was worried you'd put the price up haha (please don't!)

Like you need to level anyway haha :p

My phones been off all afternoon just logged in and was like " what the hell... logged out last night at lvl 141 96% logged on just to lvl 141 144% went isles killed a lure of 7 mobs and now lvl 142 41% 5startao explained so came on forums to take alook at what was going on..
Safe to Say I'm Happy :)
scorpian , pls check this on P69 , we cannot confuse mobs in naga , mobs lvl 165-168 connot confuse , we r lvl 172 -171 and before we can . after reboot we cannot anymore , pls need to be fix ty
Most of my rested xp have gone? Is it meant to be like that? Ive had a fair bit saved up and now almost all gone
I had like 2-3 billion on og, now about 30mil, and my wizs disapeard the day before reboot, now has 25mil I think
Yep I don't know where it is going but seems to have happened to a couple of people before the update. I will see if there are any visible bugs.

Out of interest, you checked your exp % in the character window and it was back to normal? ie not just a buff bug
I have also lost all my resting exp i had billions now i have 20mill i used it all and exp droped to a rate so awful i stoped lvling
Something has really gone wrong.
I logged on yesterday after the reboot @13.10pm and wrote down the resting exp bonus amount. Logged off and then last night was on for about 1 hour. Logged on now and the resting bonus has not changed at all.
Something has really gone wrong.
I logged on yesterday after the reboot @13.10pm and wrote down the resting exp bonus amount. Logged off and then last night was on for about 1 hour. Logged on now and the resting bonus has not changed at all.

What is your level and how much resting exp do you currently have?
Just checked mine again and it has still not not changed so decided to kill a few mobs and see what happens. Numbers went down as it should and as I have now stood in town for over 20 minutes not 1 exp point has regened! I have at level 153 I have only 178,168,788 points. Yet my partner level 155 has over 1.7 billion and the number goes up every few minutes!
My stall char has been on now all day and her points are not going up. she has a mere 12,796,000 and she is level 94.

Why is it working for some players and not others. It cannot be my computer as what difference would it mean when I am off line?
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To continue the saga of the resting experience bonus.....
After about 15 minutes of standing in town the 178.168.788 points began going up.... every minute they went up 40K one minute followed by 50k followed by 40K
Whoopee I think, yes it is now working.
Up they went and when they reached the 180.065.408 which they had reset to at the reboot on the 14th June they stopped and have not budged since.
Meanwhile my partners char 2 levels above mine on another pc is now almost 2 billion points and going up......
I took my stall char and turned off the stall and she has now stood in BW for the last 3.45 hours and her 12 million have not budged either.

I ask this is fixed as soon as possible.

- - - Updated - - -

What is your level and how much resting exp do you currently have?

180.065.408 points level 153
My maximum cannot be a mere 180 million at level 153 when a level 156 has almost 2 Billion.
Something has definitely gone wrong here either way.
Quite upset at all this.
Been looking at my other chars comparing the bonus points
level 153 180 million
level 125 400 million
level 115 142.5 million
level 95 14 million
my partners char level 156 1.8 billion
Calculated it out that with the 180 million based on where I level when I have done 5% my bonus will be 0
My char has gone from 3.95Billion @150% to 180 million @ 100%
Please sort this out.
I had originally 3.9 something something billion resting xp after update i had 1.2 something billion, but i where logged in at the time of update can tgat had something to do whit it?
Thank u x