Repair and SpecialRepair Prices | The Legend of Mir

Repair and SpecialRepair Prices

hello everyone! hope you guys dont get my post as complaint, i just want to share my ideas to improve the server fun. Was wondering about the prices of special repairs. The repair price of items increase when you put orbs on it, the problem is that it scales on % so my holycrystalring wich is +10 sc +1ac +1amc +1psnresist cost me 1.900.000goldcoins (on the castle) that price is kinda high, and it keep growing if i put more orbs on it. So i was thinking that putting more orbs make the special repair way too expensive. on many hunts i spend more of repair and amulets of what i drop (my full repair cost around 13-14m). Andy can you work on that formula plz? we can't put more than 10 orbs on items or they become way to expensive to repair
Been an issue since the game launched and its been brought up many times but I don't recall Andy commenting on it.

The price for tao amulets is way too high.
yea he commented on the repair prices: think he argued that "picking up drops" should cover the expences.
well gotta admit that repair and special repair prices are way too high... just a full repair of my all my kit costs in the regen of 20mil... thats really a lot... can hardly afford it, recently have been forced to move gold from account to other just so i could have enough to repair. very annoying.. personally i think special repair for all items should be reduced by atleast 50%!!

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yea he commented on the repair prices: think he argued that "picking up drops" should cover the expences.

picking up drops doesnt cut it cause of the lack of space in bag.. you dont make enough money from picking up items.. if the drops could get stacked then yea picking up would make sense.
I think the extortionate prices of repairs promotes the sales of the TougheningOil sold in the shop for 6GG gives 3 hours of no dura loss.
Its quite crafty but if you have gg I’d recommend using them now and again to give you chance to re-build funds until you can afford a full repair again, then do a few relaxation hunts of no Dura Pot for a while
I think the extortionate prices of repairs promotes the sales of the TougheningOil sold in the shop for 6GG gives 3 hours of no dura loss.
Its quite crafty but if you have gg I’d recommend using them now and again to give you chance to re-build funds until you can afford a full repair again, then do a few relaxation hunts of no Dura Pot for a while
yea i see how that potion can be usefull but where gold and gg is scarese.. its another story
........ the fact with this is what about the players that dont want to spend cash and want to grow from gold in game and sell for gg but they cant if there haveing to spent there gold on repairs it is not fair ....... what i can say is fix the gold drop rateing agen back before the guild build points game in .......
I buy game gold and spend it on kit upgrades/levelling potions... hardly ever see me buying goldbars with it coz an hour in mines can earn 5mill ... also once my kit is fully socketed it will build up nicely from levelling anyway.
At this rate i am gonna have to lol.. i do buy those thoughing oil from shop now.. specially when i go to 3-4hrs hunting trips

how much is 6gg? about 6mil.. its worth it but not all the time.

I agree mate but, 10mill (GoldBar) is on average 30gg, 5mill 15gg, 6gg, 2mill?