RentAKit | The Legend of Mir



Active Member
as the titile says

we all have spare kit we want to sell sometimes we put it all into storeage due to pkers

my idear was make other tab in AH for renting kit players are not useing so say like someone has HCA for sell for 1500gg say they can rent it out for a day for 1mil per day maybe more but the person who rented it cant drop it from pk

i think this would help alot of players out if they rent kit from the higher lvl players + makeing gold for them higher lvl players
as the titile says

we all have spare kit we want to sell sometimes we put it all into storeage due to pkers

my idear was make other tab in AH for renting kit players are not useing so say like someone has HCA for sell for 1500gg say they can rent it out for a day for 1mil per day maybe more but the person who rented it cant drop it from pk

i think this would help alot of players out if they rent kit from the higher lvl players + makeing gold for them higher lvl players

This is a good idea apart from the fact it can be abused to all hell.

Whole guilds renting their kit to each other if two players with kit about equal to each other rent each others kit they both get 1 mill and never ever have the chance of losing it. No risk of ever losing their kit and because they both get 1 mill they never run out of money to keep renting.

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Sorry can't help myself.

What about when it comes to repairing the gear if it gets to that point? If someone doesn't special repair the item it might lose dura, what is unfair to the person renting the item. If they special repair then it might cost that lower level player a ton of gold.

Also what happens when the person first rents the item? Is it auto equipped? If not what would stop them from dropping the item and letting it despawn or putting it in storage or selling it?
well i know were you are comeing from but there is a good few ways to sort the bugs and so on with it but i know i said 1mil per item ..... it can be any price .... 1mil to 40gg a day the GM can make it lvl 140+ items are 10mil a day and rare items 100gg a day yes it can be abused with all them player with good gold and good gg but they would mess the game about and abuseding the game is in the tos so they would really need to think about it i know all this but maybe there is other way i would like to rent people items there not useing as there just in storeage as there scared they mite lose a item va pk but who can blame them
I do like the idea of a renting system. I hope my post didn't seem like I was just shooting you down.

I think it would have to be very very carefully looked at.

Just to counter my own points I'll make a list below with possible fixes and maybe with enough input from other much more knowledgeable players (aka anyone because I'm a clueless Wizard who only knows how to use CoP) we can come up with an idea that could be one day put into the game

Guild members renting to each other - For this you could have a system where the gear is automatically returned to players during Guild Wars (What I assume is the highest chance for a guild member to lose gear outside of a random PK). Or have it where if you do die while renting gear it is returned to the owner and there is a CD (say between 1-2 hours) before you can rent gear again

Repairing Gear - I'm not 100% sure how to get around this. Maybe have a special NPC that only repairs rented gear - This feels to me like this could also be abused but at the current time I'm unable to think of a better answer

The person renting dropping / trying to sell - Easy solution the gear is auto equipped and I guess unable to be removed and somehow if the person tries to drop the gear it is returned to the owner?

Trying to work out a system that the rented item doesn't drop is hurting my brain, however I believe a rough solution could be to have a sort of PvP immunity that you can buy ONLY if you are renting gear. Again feels like it could be abused. Or maybe what I mentioned above where if you die the gear is returned to the Owner and you have a Rent CD.

If this post makes any sense at this point I'm amazed and to whoever reads this mess of an answer... I'm sorry.
there is no reason to be sorry to post everyone has there points of vue witch is good :D

atm am 6months in to baby brain just popping up with idears for the game i like it when people come in with good points and bad points atm when i read back i think why didnt i add more but i see you have posted this and it more of a input that maybe i could have done without this babybrain atm :)

i just love post that can show people care to try help :)
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This would be unworkable, you'd either have to leave it wide open to obvious abuse, or you'd have to make it so expensive that anyone who would actually want to use it could just buy the items instead
I do like the idea of a renting system. I hope my post didn't seem like I was just shooting you down.

I think it would have to be very very carefully looked at.

Just to counter my own points I'll make a list below with possible fixes and maybe with enough input from other much more knowledgeable players (aka anyone because I'm a clueless Wizard who only knows how to use CoP) we can come up with an idea that could be one day put into the game

Guild members renting to each other - For this you could have a system where the gear is automatically returned to players during Guild Wars (What I assume is the highest chance for a guild member to lose gear outside of a random PK). Or have it where if you do die while renting gear it is returned to the owner and there is a CD (say between 1-2 hours) before you can rent gear again

Repairing Gear - I'm not 100% sure how to get around this. Maybe have a special NPC that only repairs rented gear - This feels to me like this could also be abused but at the current time I'm unable to think of a better answer

The person renting dropping / trying to sell - Easy solution the gear is auto equipped and I guess unable to be removed and somehow if the person tries to drop the gear it is returned to the owner?

Trying to work out a system that the rented item doesn't drop is hurting my brain, however I believe a rough solution could be to have a sort of PvP immunity that you can buy ONLY if you are renting gear. Again feels like it could be abused. Or maybe what I mentioned above where if you die the gear is returned to the Owner and you have a Rent CD.

If this post makes any sense at this point I'm amazed and to whoever reads this mess of an answer... I'm sorry.

Perhaps a way around these issues would be if the rented item stays in the auction house but gets marked as "on loan" so no one else can get it. Rather than getting the actual item the player that rents it gets given a ghost version of the item with a timer rather than dura, like the GG torches. These items could then be given the same "can't be taken off, does not drop on death" attributes that the torches have and when the timer is up they just disappear and the original item opens up again for renting.

The big issue I can see with this is how open it would be to abuse, there would be nothing to stop me transferring my whole kit to a store character and renting it from myself, even if the rental system takes 10 or 20% of the rental cost out of the game i could just keep transferring my gold or GG back to my main and it would cost significantly less than repairing or dropping my kit. If a system like this were ever to work there would need to be some penalty to wearing the rented kit over the actual items, like a 10% reduction in all stats or something, enough of a drop in effectiveness that someone would rather wear the actual item and risk the drop but not so much that no one would ever want to rent it.

Good idea in theory, could help lower level player out by granting access to items they otherwise couldn't afford but it could be a headache to police and get right.
Perhaps a way around these issues would be if the rented item stays in the auction house but gets marked as "on loan" so no one else can get it. Rather than getting the actual item the player that rents it gets given a ghost version of the item with a timer rather than dura, like the GG torches. These items could then be given the same "can't be taken off, does not drop on death" attributes that the torches have and when the timer is up they just disappear and the original item opens up again for renting.

The big issue I can see with this is how open it would be to abuse, there would be nothing to stop me transferring my whole kit to a store character and renting it from myself, even if the rental system takes 10 or 20% of the rental cost out of the game i could just keep transferring my gold or GG back to my main and it would cost significantly less than repairing or dropping my kit. If a system like this were ever to work there would need to be some penalty to wearing the rented kit over the actual items, like a 10% reduction in all stats or something, enough of a drop in effectiveness that someone would rather wear the actual item and risk the drop but not so much that no one would ever want to rent it.

Good idea in theory, could help lower level player out by granting access to items they otherwise couldn't afford but it could be a headache to police and get right.

Aye. The more I think about it sadly the more I become convinced that not matter how many counter measures we think of or the workarounds or the anti-abuse systems we think up there is just no way to cover everything.

It's one of those ideas where. Good and wonderful in theory but impossible to put into action.