Remember Stone Temple kr? | The Legend of Mir

Remember Stone Temple kr?


Active Member
I miss it lol... would be nice if we get the same hunting spot including the 6 floors, the maze and the kr where ppl have to team up and make walls to survive/... but only for ppl lvl 140-170... i would like that challenge again... gooo idea guys no?
I miss it lol... would be nice if we get the same hunting spot including the 6 floors, the maze and the kr where ppl have to team up and make walls to survive/... but only for ppl lvl 140-170... i would like that challenge again... gooo idea guys no?

It all still exists, you can go there, maze and all and KR, and it's full of mobs. But it's pretty easy for 140+

Maybe in a future update there will be a savage version :) Fingers crossed!
I miss it lol... would be nice if we get the same hunting spot including the 6 floors, the maze and the kr where ppl have to team up and make walls to survive/... but only for ppl lvl 140-170... i would like that challenge again... gooo idea guys no?

Zaaad my feiend.. what can drop in here?
Zaaad my feiend.. what can drop in here?

I went there last night after posting this and cleared the KR including boss, got 2 stones that I sold to trader for a total of about 80k.

Boss is level 115 though so I guess it might drop books/items for around that level